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This is a terrible and boring chapter. I know you're thinking 'Joy you could never write that' but oh! Yes I did dear reader and I'm sorry.

Read, don't read it's entirely up to you.

Donovan followed Link into their math classroom and nearly collided with him when Link stopped abruptly.

"Woah," Link breathed out.

Donovan started to ask what Link was talking about but held in his question as he looked to the front of the room. Standing next to their teacher was one of the most beautiful girls Donovan had seen before. He knew she didn't go to their school, he'd have noticed her before. Besides, she looked to be about twenty. A college student then. But why come here?

Someone nudged Donovan and he in turned prodded Link to keep moving, though he wasn't alone in his stunned state. Everyone boy that entered the classroom froze for a second or two upon noticing the girl.

Donovan took his seat in the back row, directly behind Link.

"Who do you think she is?" Link asked, keeping his gaze on the girl though angling towards Donovan.

"College student here to shadow Mr. Henley," Donovan guessed.

The bell rang and Mr. Henley hushed the murmuring students.

"Class, I want to introduce Rosie. She will be my student teacher for the next month. She's in her second year of college and plans to be a teacher someday. I hope you will all be welcoming to her."

From the way every boy perked up at this news, Donovan had no doubt she would be welcomed. But they were all idiots to think that they had a chance. They were all juniors in high school and she was in college. Only Donovan was technically the same age as her. But it wasn't like that mattered either.

Rosie said hello to everyone then headed to the back of the room as Mr. Henley began the lesson. He had to clear his throat three times before every head turned back towards him. Rosie took a chair at a narrow desk at Donovan's left. Link craned his neck back but Donovan kicked his chair to stop him. Rosie chuckled softly.

As Mr. Henley dove into the lesson, Donovan tugged out a book from his backpack and flipped it open, slouching in his chair to get comfortable. It was an hour-long lesson that day. He barely read two paragraphs when a low, silky voice spoke.

"You should really pay attention," Rosie said.

Donovan looked at her and was struck by the unique color of her eyes.

"Why?" he whispered back.

Rosie smiled a teasing smile which gave her an attractive devious look.

"I see," she said. "You sit in the back, don't pay attention. You're going for the hot and broody type, right?"

Donovan didn't think anything about him would say 'hot and broody' type. He didn't talk but that was about it.

"Not at all," Donovan said causally.

His simple response seemed to pique Rosie's curiosity. She rested her head on her fist, eyeing him.

"So then you're the type that doesn't care about grades, thinks school is overrated. You get by but only so you don't have to repeat a grade."

Donovan had to admit it was amusing that she was trying to figure him out. The edge of his lips lifted slightly.

"I feel the need to tell you that I have one of the highest GPAs in the school," he said.

Rosie straightened. "Really?"


"But how can you when you're reading during class."

Donovan motioned to Mr. Henley with his still open book.

"Because I finished the homework for this lesson last night."


"It's this thing called a textbook and it contains all the knowledge in the universe."

Rosie shook her head though she was smiling.

"Okay, Mr. Universe, then you wouldn't mind me grading your homework now and seeing what you got."

In answer, Donovan dug out his math assignment and handed it over. As Rosie sat back and went through the homework, Donovan went back to reading. He reached the next chapter by the time Rosie gave a quiet cough.

"Let me guess," he said. "Perfect score?"

Rosie held up the paper, revealing a 100 marked on it.

"It seems you do have the right to read your book," Rosie said. "I stand corrected."

"Thank you."

Donovan held out his hand for his homework and Rosie placed it in his palm. For a second, Donovan met her eyes and thought about how different this interaction would have played out if they were in a class together, if she knew they were the same age, if they were both in college. Would he ask her out? Where would they go on a date? What normal college conversations would they share?

He placed his paper on the desk and returned to his book. It didn't matter, from her perspective he was a junior, a baby compared to the guys she talked with in college. He didn't look at her the rest of the class and when the bell rang he left without a backward glance.


The coffee shop hummed around Donovan and Link as they sat at their corner table. Link worked his way through their math homework, Donovan giving him help every so often.

"Do you think she'd date a younger man?" Link asked unexpectedly.

Donovan tried not to laugh. Younger man? Link still looked like he was a fourteen-year-old somedays.

"Not really," Donovan said. "Not when she looks like she does. She could get anyone. Why get a high schooler?"

Link made a disappointed face. "True."

"I would probably be too much for her anyway," Link said. "I mean I am too attractive for people to handle."

Donovan laughed. "True."

The coffee shop door opened and a group of college students entered, all talking over each other. Donovan eyed them and spotted Rosie in their midst. When she caught his eye, she smiled and cut away from her friends. Link stared up at her, his mouth open.

"It's Mr. Universe," she said.

Donovan kicked Link under the table, knowing he'd face endless hours agonizing over how stupid he looked later on. Link started and snapped his mouth closed. A guy almost as good-looking as Rosie strode over to their table and claimed the spot beside her.

"Hey, Rosie," he said. "These friends of yours?"

From the way he eyed their homework and their school uniforms, Donovan knew he was being condescending, even if his tone managed to keep it hidden.

"Drake, this is the boy genius I was telling you about," Rosie said.

Boy genius. Yeah, his brothers could never hear about that name or he'd never be called anything else. At least their use of it would feel less humiliating than Rosie's use of it.

"Right," Drake said. "She told me about you. A bright student. I'm sure you'll go far in high school with that brain of yours."

Donovan stared at Drake and said nothing. There was no defense against a guy like this. Any response would be ammunition.

"No response," Drake said. "And Rosie spoke so highly of you."

"Drake," Rosie said.

"I'm just messing with you," Drake said, smiling.

Donovan continued to stare at him which started to unnerve Drake.

"Have fun with your homework," Drake said. "I'm going to go order."

"Don't mind him," Rosie said. "He's always like that."

Always a condescending jerk, Donovan never would have guessed that one.

"Well I'll see you in math," Rosie said. "This month should be fun."

Yeah, she was alone in that feeling.

"Guys are mean in college like they are in high school," Link said. "That's unsurprising and disappointing." He sighed. "You ever wish you hit guys like that."

Donovan watched Drake as he made a joke and everyone around him laughed. He thought about all the guys who had managed to piss Donovan off over the years or who picked on Link. He thought of the years ahead of him where he'd have to continue to deal with them and not react. He crossed his arms and let out a breath.

"Yeah, every day."


Oh look my fuzzy little elephant!

(I don't care if it doesn't make sense! Do I EVER make sense?! Ha! Gotcha!)

Sorry it was rather boring, sometimes I do that. Thoughts please! 🗯💬💭

Okay, what I really want to know was when Donovan saw 'the most beautiful girl' what celebrity or what person with what features popped into your head?

I'm curious because we all have a different idea of what the most beautiful girl would look like and I want to see how different they all are.

Vote, comment, follow!

Link and Donovan

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