Hooky Day Reflection

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This is related to the chapter Playing Hooky. Just the flip side.


Donovan rested against the bathroom wall feeling a sense of dread, though he let none of his emotion show on his face. Link leaned towards the bathroom mirror, fastidiously fixing his hair.

In the last couple of months, he'd hit a growth spurt and the oversized uniform now fit his fifteen-year-old body better. The height change had given Link a boost of confidence, one Donovan didn't feel.

Link pulled back and inspected himself then frowned.

"I don't know," he said.

Donovan moved forward, though he knew it wouldn't make a difference he wanted to help. In the reflection the contrast between them both was clear. Donovan knew it wouldn't matter what Link did, height wouldn't change the fact that Donovan's entire image was meant to draw attention away from Link. But still...

"Turn around," Donovan said.

Link did, looking uncertain.

"Take off your blazer," Donovan said.

Link did as instructed and Donovan stuffed it into Link's backpack, making sure it hung out. It gave the blazer an air of careless rebelling, not that Link was a rebel but maybe it would help. Donovan then loosened Link's school tie, unbuttoned the top button, and roughly rolled up his shirt sleeves.

"Tuck in your shirt more to take away the excess material," Donovan said.

Again, Link did as he was told. The end result was a naturally careless appearance. With Link's messy hair the image wasn't entirely a lost cause.

"Not bad," Donovan said.

Quickly, Link spun around to get a view of himself. He nodded, pleased with the rebel-type vibe his messed up uniform gave off, even if his boyish features contradicted the truth of his appearance.

"Okay," Link said. "Let's go."

Link picked up his backpack and hoisted it onto his shoulders. Donovan instantly tugged at one of the straps and Link unhooked one arm, leaving the bag dangling from one shoulder. Donovan nodded and Link perked up, encouraged. Donovan still couldn't match Link's hope. He'd interacted with Lexi Cummings before and he had little hope that Link's improved look would make a difference.

They left the bathroom and cut through the hallways to the library where their study group already sat ready. Link slowed as he took in the table's occupants.

Lexi sat at the head, casually scrolling through her phone. Honey blonde curls effortlessly cascaded over her shoulders, her beautiful face highlighted by natural-looking makeup, and her uniform perfectly fitting her slim frame. Link swallowed and stopped walking altogether, his confidence from his bathroom transformation seemingly disappearing at the sight of Lexi.

"Breathe," Donovan said under his breath, nudging Link forward.

Link shuffled forward counteracting all the work on his new look. Donovan directed Link to a seat adjacent to Lexi and took the spot beside him, nodding to their other two team members. Lexi raised her gaze from her phone, glanced at Link, and quickly skimmed over him setting her eyes on Donovan.

Donovan felt his heart sink in his chest at the disregard for Link. He could sense Link's disappointment emanating from him.

"Good you're here," Lexi said, offering a warm, inviting smile. "Let's get started. I don't want to fail this test."

Donovan didn't hold her gaze, instead drew out his notebook and pencil. He avoided Lexi's bright blue eyes, acting as if all he could see was his open notes.

"I've divided up the work study topics and figured we can work in pairs to do the research and then share it with each other. I thought I could work with-"

"I'll work with Link," Donovan said, still not looking up. "Unless you wanted to?"

Finally, he lifted his gaze to her in question. Lexi looked to Link, who sat slouched in his chair, not in a rebellious manner but in one of dejection. Donovan knew the state of his thoughts when he didn't even give Lexi a hopeful look.

"Actually since you and I both wrote our essays on one of the topics, I thought it would be more efficient for us to be paired since we already have an understanding of the subject. Link can work with Anthony since they both shared the same topic as well. That leaves Madison to work with Emilio. Does that work for everyone?"

As everyone nodded in agreement, Donovan looked to Link. He toyed with his pencil and Donovan made a decision right there. It might be a stupid decision but he hated seeing his friend so low.

The hour of study went by slowly in Donovan's mind as he focused on the work material and interacted as little as possible with Lexi. To her credit, she followed his lead doing the work, though she did take opportunities to lean in close to him under the guise of reading over something he'd found. When she did, Donovan caught Link glancing at them.

By the time the hour was up, Donovan had inhaled enough of Lexi's perfume to have a headache and had reaffirmed his plan. As everyone packed up, Lexi sidled closer to Donovan.

"Hey," she said. "If you're free this weekend I would love to work some more, you're very efficient and I appreciate that."

Donovan kept his focus on loading up his stuff. "Sorry, I can't. We can stick to working during free period."

"Oh, okay. Well, if you change your mind here's my number. See you."

Lexi left a piece of paper right beside Donovan's backpack and left.

"What's that?" Link asked.

Donovan grabbed the paper and stuffed it into his pocket. "Trash."

Link looked at him and Donovan knew he was aware of the lie.

"Come on," Donovan said. "We're leaving."

Link followed along, only realizing what Donovan meant by leaving when Donovan guided him out of the school and towards the front gates.

"Wait!" Link said, looking back at the school. "We still have two classes we need to go to."

"Not today," Donovan said. "There are no tests in our last two periods and I can teach you the material that's covered. We're playing hooky for the day."

Despite the nervous glance Link threw over his shoulder again, there was a bounce to his step. Donovan fought a smile. Link needed to get away, and Donovan needed to as well.

The Metro took them close to the Mall and Donovan felt pleased when he saw the mass of people wandering around the Reflecting Pool and the memorials. At the height of cherry blossom season, the tourists were out in droves and school field trips were in full swing. Everywhere he looked he saw teenage girls laughing and taking pictures of each other. It was the perfect spot for what Donovan came to do.

Link gazed around, surprised by the number of people and completely oblivious to Donovan's plan. Donovan strolled around, letting Link take his time adjusting to the sheer amount of girls around him. They walked up the Lincoln Memorial steps and stopped to take it in.

"Can we really do this?" Link asked.

"It's fine," Donovan said. "You needed a break. It will be fine."

Link relaxed with the words. Donovan found a spot from where to start their task and headed towards it.

As he descended the steps, he looked around, his eyes landing on a pair that made him hesitate a fraction.

He instantly knew who the blonde-haired boy was: Mason Douglas. Donovan looked for the Secret Service agent that should be nearby but couldn't spot one.

He looked at the girl next to Mason but couldn't imagine her playing the role of bodyguard. She looked about fifteen with messy brown hair pulled into a ponytail and a uniform wrinkled, possibly on purpose.

The girl met his gaze with a pair of blue eyes that stood out against her light brown skin tone. She seemed an odd contrast with the First Son who looked polished and put together.

Donovan looked away first, searching the area again for the agent that should be there while also putting himself between Link and Mason. Seeing his half-brother was not the thing Link needed right then.

As they headed away from the memorial steps, Donovan spotted two men in black suits striding towards the steps and he relaxed. Mason had his agents, Donovan's concern wasn't needed anymore.

He put Mason and his female companion out of his mind.

"Okay," Donovan said. "Today you are going to flirt with girls."

Link whipped his head towards Donovan.


"It's a perfect place for it," Donovan said. "These girls don't know me or you, you can be anyone and if it fails, walk away."

"I can't...I'm not...I can't do this."

"Yes, you can. The more you try the easier it will become."

Link breathed rapidly and Donovan could see him edging towards panic. He put his hands on Link's shoulders.

"It's fine," Donovan said. "All you need to do is go up to a group and be yourself. Tell them you are trying to find your group and point out your maroon blazer. Use that as an opening to say hi and introduce yourself. You can ask where they are from? There are a lot of school groups here, most likely they've come from some other state. You need to simply work on talking. You can do this."

"I really don't think I can," Link said.

"You can. You have the rebel vibe going for you. It will be okay."

"Can't you come with me?"

"No. We know how that goes."

Link scowled but nodded in resignation.

"I'll be on that bench over there," Donovan said, pointing to a spot under a tree. "I'll watch you. If it doesn't go well with one group keep moving. Find girls that are in twos or threes, a bigger group will be harder. Smile. It will be okay. You can do this."

Link didn't look like he believed that and Donovan wasn't feeling all that confident either but knew the more Link got out there the more he'd learn.

"Go on," Donovan said, shoving Link a bit.

When Link didn't move, Donovan walked away, hoping the embarrassment of standing there like an idiot would get him moving. Donovan sank onto the bench and watched as Link remained frozen.

"Come on," Donovan said.

Finally, Link moved, wandering for five minutes before he balled his fists and determinedly headed towards a pair of girls taking selfies by the Reflecting Pool.

For the next twenty minutes, Donovan watched as Link approached girls and talked for barely a minute before practically fleeing. Each time he looked at Donovan as if wanting to give up but Donovan shook his head and pointed to another group.

"Excuse me," a feminine voice said.

Donovan looked up and found a pair of girls smiling down at him. From their features, Donovan guessed they were sisters. One was closer to his age, probably seventeen while the other looked younger, possibly fifteen.

"I was wondering if you could point us in the direction of the American History museum?" the older girl asked.

They were both pretty with soft faces and bright eyes.

"It's two blocks that way on the right," Donovan said pointing. "You won't be able to miss it."

"Thanks," the older girl said. "We got turned around. Are you here with your school?" She gestured to Donovan's uniform.

"No. I skipped class," Donovan said.

The girl smiled, the action enhancing her attractiveness. "Playing hooky, huh?" She glanced at her sister. "Feel like walking two strangers to the museum? We've already lost our way twice, would hate to make it a third time."

Donovan felt his face warm with surprise and opened his mouth to say no but a thought struck him.

"Would you be willing to do me a favor?" he asked. "In exchange, I'll walk you to the museum."

The girl eyed him curiously. "What's the favor?"

Donovan found Link and pointed him out to the girl.

"Can you go ask my friend there for directions and then ask him to escort you both to the museum? I'm trying to help him build up his confidence when talking to girls. You're both pretty and it would really boost his confidence if you approached him."

At the compliment, the girls perked up.

"Give us a second," the older girl said. She tugged her sister a few steps away and they had a whispered conversation. They returned and Donovan could see the resolve. "Okay, we will but that means you both have to walk around the museum with us. Deal?"

Donovan didn't have to think about it, this would give Link time to find footing with keeping up a casual conversation and a place where topics were numerous.

"Deal," he said.

"Okay then. I'm Ariel and this is my sister, Claire."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Donovan and my friend over there is Link."

"Link," Claire said. "I like that name."

The two girls headed off and Donovan pulled out his phone.

Donovan: Call me in half an hour yelling at me about skipping class.

Brock: You skipped class? Are you serious?

Donovan: Save it for the phone call. Be loud enough to be overheard.

Brock: Okay.

Donovan pocketed his phone and looked up in time to see Link headed towards him with Ariel and Claire alongside him. Donovan fought a smile at how elated Link looked at having succeeded in his mission.

"This is my friend Donovan," Link said, motioning to Donovan.

Donovan stood and waved. "Hi."

"I'm Ariel and this is my sister, Claire," Ariel said with a hint of an amused smile. "Your friend Link said you both would be up for being our guides to the American History museum."

Link held Donovan's gaze as if afraid he'd somehow decline the offer. But Donovan nodded but didn't smile, he didn't need this turning into something that would only be complicated later on.

"Sounds good," Donovan said.

He took the spot next to Link and away from the girls. As they began to walk, he elbowed Link in the ribs.

"So!" Link said, startled. "Where...where are you both from?"

"Georgia," Ariel said. "We're here with our parents. They wanted to take a nap and trusted us to go out on our own. Hard to be nervous in a place with so many people always around. Then we got lost and found you."

Link grinned. "Lucky me."

At that, Donovan turned his face away, his smile too strong to contain. As they walked, Donovan gently guided Link into talking more until Donovan saw Link's shoulders relax and his steps become less hesitant.

By the time they reached the museum, Claire seemed genuinely taken by Link's boyishness while Ariel kept throwing Donovan appreciative glances. Glances Donovan tried not to react to but found a little difficult with how pretty she was.

When his phone rang, he inwardly sighed. He pulled out his phone and sent Link a nervous glance.

"What's up?" Link asked.

"I have to take this," Donovan said.

He took a single step away from the group and answered the phone.

"You skipped class!" Brock roared on the other end. Donovan winced and drew the phone away from his ear, aware of Ariel and Claire exchanging a look. "Do you know how this will affect your permeant record?! I don't know where you are, but you need to come home right now! This is inexcusable."

Donovan winced again and dropped his gaze, feigning embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," he said, quietly.

"You will be sorry. If you aren't home in twenty minutes you know what the consequences will be."

"Yes, sir," Donovan said meekly.

Brock hung up and Donovan lowered his phone, looking at the screen. Slowly, he lifted his head and met Ariel's eyes before looking away.

"Huh, we have to go," he said.

"Will you be okay?" Ariel asked, knotting her fingers. Clearly, Brock had done too good of a job.

"Yeah, but I'll be grounded for a long time and my phone will most likely be taken away."

This would conveniently mean Donovan would have an excuse not to answer any attempts Ariel might have of trying to contact him.

"Okay. Well, thanks for being our guides. Good luck with your dad," Ariel said.

Donovan nodded and took a step away, a silent command for Link to follow.

"It was nice meeting you," Link said to Claire.

She beamed and nodded. "Same."

Link waved as he joined Donovan and the two left the girls behind. As they headed towards the entrance, Donovan sent off a message.

Donovan: Thanks. You should have been an actor.

Brock: You owe me an explanation.

Donovan: I'll call you later.

Brock: Good. But you should know you are grounded. I'm very disappointed in you.

Donovan rolled his eyes and slipped his phone into his pocket. Only when they were back out in the sunlight did Link dare to speak.

"You seriously had Brock call and yell at you?" he asked, grinning.

"I didn't want them to get attached," Donovan said.

Link burst out laughing. "He scared me for a second before I realized who it was." He stopped and stared at Donovan, his smile frozen. "When did you have time to tell Brock to call, you were never on your phone."

Donovan hesitated, scrambling for an answer. But Link came to the conclusion before Donovan could form one.

"The girls approached you first, didn't they? Then you sent them to me," he said.

Donovan rubbed the back of his neck feeling bad.

"Thanks," Link said.

"You're not mad?" Donovan asked.

Link shook his head and started walking again. "No. It helped. I feel like I didn't do too bad with them."

"Not at all. I was impressed."

Link bounced along, smiling. Donovan knew that it might not last when they returned to school and the usual way of things but for that moment his friend was happy. That's all that mattered.


Fluffy fudder-nothings!

(Don't ask me what it means, I just came up with it. And if that doesn't make sense that I don't know what it means even though it came out of my brain then WELCOME TO MY LIFE! #author)

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts. Share them, scare them, flare them. (Again, don't ask me what I'm talking about just hand over your thoughts and no one will get hurt!) 🗯💭💬

Let's face it, you think that because Carter and Donovan met eyes for five seconds that two years later they'd remember each other.

Don't deny it, I could literally screen shot your comments saying that exact thing and post them here! DO NOT DENY THE TRUTH!!

Sorry, got carried away for a second. But I'm going to be honest because I'm not denying the truth, they wouldn't remember each other. It's two years after all and it was a five second glance.

I mean I can't even remember who I talked to last week.

Okay, that's a lie, I never leave my house and live with my five family members and pets.

So obviously I talked to my sister's cat. I mean she ignores me or gives me a death stare that makes me understand that if the food vanished she'd come for me in the night first but hey at least I'll know my own fate.

I mean like, killed by cat isn't my first option for death but you know, you got to go with what comes you're way and I've accepted my end.

Remember me as I was: odd.

I should leave before I... I don't know get more weird...HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Oh like that's possible. I think people would sense a shift in the universe and have me silenced before I could get out of hand.

Obviously, I'd be silenced by my sister's cat since she's already invested.

Right! I'm leaving and no one can stop me!

Okay, honestly I'm just going to close out of Wattpad and go back to watching BTS be chaotic for fifteen minutes. But you get what I mean! *dramatically sweeps cape* I leave you!

*pops back in* Oh but could you vote, comment, follow before you go? Thanks

the_crimson_wolf you asked for this so I hope you're prepared for the oddness, Nigel.

Donovan and Link and you know it.

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