Chapter 1 - Gender Reversal

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My sister brought up an interesting question the other night, she asked what my story would be like it I switched the genders of the main characters but kept the same personalities. After thinking it over I was so intrigued by the idea that I decided to write it out and see how things would be different.

So this is the first chapter with the genders swapped, I apologize it your brain hurts.

Carter is now Carson
Donovan is now Dominique
Link is now Lilly


The mahogany grandfather clock in the corner of the Principal's office ticked impatiently. The dark wood echoed that of the imposing desk that took up half the room. Carson sat slouched in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. His expression one of boredom.

"Mr. Owens, I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to be here today," Principal Withers said.

Carson glanced at his father, his posture was one of military rigidity, his black suit immaculate, his face unreadable. Hints of gray peeked out through his hair, despite his age.

"I don't wish to keep the President waiting so I will come to the point. Mr. Owens, your son," Principal Withers shot a furious look at Carson who stared back, unflinching, "dislocated the shoulder of a fellow student."

Carson leaned further back in his chair.

"Technically, he dislocated his own shoulder," he interrupted.

From the corner of his eye, he read annoyance in his father's face. The slight narrowing of his eyes, tightness in his lips, and the twitch in his eyebrows. Principal Wither's leaned in.

"Don't play with me boy," he said. "I'm shocked Zac Warren didn't press assault charges." Turning from Carson, the principal focused on Carson's father. "Mr. Owens, since you were away at the time of the incident I wanted to be sure to bring this to your attention. We have a 'no violence' policy here. Since this was Carson's first offense, he was merely suspended. But should something like this happen again, Carson will be expelled."

Carson felt the anger radiating off of his father.

"Thank you Principal Wither's for bringing this to my attention." Carson's father never looked at him. Carson felt a sickening drop in his stomach. If he wasn't sent to military school for this it would be a miracle. "I assure you this with not happen again. Was there anything else?"

The grandfather clock ticked louder and the Principal rose.

"No, that was all. If you will excuse me, we are receiving a large group of students this morning and I must get back to work."

Carson's father stood, shaking Principal Wither's hand.

"Good day," his father said.

Sling his messenger bag over his shoulder, Carson followed his father out the door. Students trickled into the halls, their voices bouncing off the polished floors. Carson tucked his hands into his pockets, giving his father a sideways glance. His features revealed nothing, though his tense shoulders and quick pace spoke volumes.

"So..." he said.

The glance his father sent him cut off anything else Carson might have said. Yup, military school. At the school's front doors, Carson paused, wondering if he could avoid the conflict if he feigned having to go make up a test. As if sensing this, his father spoke.

"Car. Now."

The words came out in a low growl and Carson took in a breath and followed after his father. A  chilling breeze cut across Carson's face as they stepped outside. Shoulders knocked against him and he held himself back from growling at the offenders. At the black SUV, his father spun on him.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he said.

Carson backed up a step, feeling the fury in his father's gaze. He swallowed.

"You know, I thought we could use some bonding time-"

"Don't! You dislocated the shoulder of a fellow student. Don't try to make light of this. I've taught you self-defense to strengthen you and give you focus. But you turned around and lost control."

Anger flared in Carson's chest. "You honestly think I lost control?"

His father stared him down. "You're telling me you dislocated his shoulder by accident then?"

"No! The guy was mistreating some girl, I wasn't going to stand by and let it happen. You taught me to stick up for the weak. I stepped in and put him in a lock, clearly explaining what would happen if he tried to get out of it. He's an idiot and didn't listen."

For a long moment, father and son stared at each other, tension pulsing between them.

"What have I told you about handling bullying situations?" his father said.

Carson dropped his gaze, flexing his jaw. "That if I can't help resolve something peacefully I need to inform a teacher, not resort to violence."

"But what did you do?"

Regret and frustration warred inside Carson. "I dislocated the guy's shoulder." Carson's frustration won out. "But, he was beating up on some helpless girl!" He waved his hand vehemently towards the school. "A guy like that is going to do it again until someone smacks him around at least once. Don't tell me I'm wrong."

His father took a long breath, his anger still rolling off him. "You're not wrong. But! You put your education in jeopardy and on top of that you humiliated me with your actions."

Carson couldn't meet his father's gaze, knowing that news like this would make the rounds in the tight-knit community of the Secret Service. For the first time since dealing with Zac Warren, he truly regretted his behavior.

"I'm sorry," he said. He dragged his hand through his hair. "I really don't want to go to military school." He lifted his head. "Can you forgive me?"

His father breathed out slowly, the tension easing away. "Of course I can." He shook his head. "You hot-headed punk."

Carson grinned as his father pulled out his keys.

"Look," he said. "I got the email this morning, I'm leaving tomorrow. Four-day trip."

Carson felt a twist of disappointment but shrugged. "Seems pretty quick. You just came back from a trip two days ago."

"I know. But my schedule is not my own." He laid a hand on Carson's shoulder. "Look, I need you to stay out of trouble while I'm gone. Can you promise me that?"

"Don't worry, the only people I'll beat up are gang members and crooked politicians."

His father smiled, jostling Carson's shoulder affectionately. "As long as you stay out of the principal's office. When I get back we can set up another training course with the guys."

"Good, I need to pay Anderson back for the shot he got me last time, I still have a bruise." 

Chuckling, his father climbed into the car and Carson stepped up to the window.

"Stay safe," he said.

"As long as you stay out of trouble."

Stepping back, Carson gave his father a two-finger salute as the car backed away. Not wanting to watch it disappear, he shoved his hands into his pockets and jogged back up the stairs to school.

Inside the hallways were packed with students, new mixed with old. The new set apart by their maroon Jefferson Private High School blazers that clashed with the navy of Hamilton Prep. Shouldering his way to his first period, Carson noted the unspoken states of his peers: hungover, depressed, dumped, nervous, struggling. Typical high school.

Dumping his bag onto the floor, Carson settled onto his stool in the chemistry classroom and peered around. When he spotted his teacher's little smirk, he shook his head.

"A pop quiz," he said. "You can't be serious."

"What did you say?" a girl beside him asked.

In the span of a heartbeat, Carson took in the girl's messy, light brown hair, delicate face, hazel eyes, fake black glasses, thin lips, and a birthmark by her right eyebrow.

"I was just saying how it's annoying that we're having a pop quiz today," he said.

The girl took the seat beside Carson, brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"Did the teacher announce that?"

The girl had a petite frame, that looked even smaller with her oversized uniform. Looking at her, Carson felt a sense a familiarity about her features. Blushing under his scrutiny, the girl ducked her head.

Realizing he made the girl uncomfortable, Carson looked away, motioning to the teacher.

"Notice how his features are relaxed?" The girl focused on the teacher and gave a slow nod. "Also there's a slight smirk in the corner of his mouth. Watch how his hand keeps moving to the folder before him."

"Could he just be happy?" the girl asked.

Carson chuckled. "Yeah, it's Monday. He's teaching advanced chemistry, at a private high school, filled with spoiled, rich kids. I don't think he has a cause to be happy. It's a pop quiz."

The girl smiled at him. "Yeah, that makes sense. By the way, I'm Lilly."

She was cute. Like a lost baby kitten.

Carson nodded. "I'm Carson."

"Alright class, let's get settled," Mr. Miller said.

Slowly, the room quieted as students turned towards the front.

"I have a surprise for you. Pop quiz!"

A round of groans echoed through the classroom. Carson glanced at Lilly and she beamed, happy to be in on the secret. Before Mr. Miller could continue, the door opened and a blonde-haired boy walked in, trailed by a large man in a black suit.

"Mr. Douglas, so pleased you could join us," Mr. Miller said.

The boy gave the teacher a smug grin and slid into a seat. Carson noticed as Lilly followed the boy's movement, rigid with shock.

"I wouldn't get close," he said. "The First Son's shiny All-American Boy veneer fades with contact."

Lilly spun towards him, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Wait, you don't like Mason Douglas?"


Lilly relaxed, and bobbed her head, fighting back a smile. "Good to know."


The bell rang, sending shoes scuffling, papers rusting and voices chattering. Carson stowed away his notebook and slung his bag over his shoulder, but paused as Lilly was still tucking her stuff away.

"Do you know what your next class is?" he asked.

"Yes, history with Philips."

"Do you know where that is?" he asked as they left the classroom and entered the noisy hall.

Lilly scrunched up her face. "No."

"Well, it's my next class, I'll walk you there."

"Thanks." She stopped Carson with a hand on his arm. "Do you mind if we want for my friend, she was in the back."

"That's fine."

Carson leaned back on a set of lockers, scanning the crowd, taking in details and storing them away. When the final student stepped from the classroom, he glanced over and stilled.

The girl walked with a sense of command that couldn't be seen as anything other than intimidating. To top it off she was beautiful with dark skin, blue eyes highlighted by a touch of eye-liner, and a slender body enhanced by a tailored uniform. Carson had the strongest urge to stand up straighter and comb his fingers through his unruly hair.

"You ready to go? AP history is in the North Wing," she said.

Lilly smiled but waved her hand to Carson. "Yes, but first I want you to meet my table partner, Carson."

The girl gave Carson a quick once-over, but still, he got the distinct feeling she'd memorized his every detail. Despite knowing he was decent looking and had a solid build, he somehow knew the girl wasn't impressed with what she saw. He wished he had worn a less wrinkled uniform and brushed his hair.

"Carson," Lilly said. "This is my friend Dominique."

For a moment, Carson realized he'd completely forgotten Lilly stood there, overshadowed by her companion. When he glanced between the two, he noticed how they could not have been a more opposite pair. Lilly with her untidy clothes and lopsided hair screamed 'bookworm' while Dominique's neat, polished appearance said 'future president'. It didn't make sense.

"You two are friends?" he asked.

Dominique held his gaze with a steadiness Carson found unnerving.

"Yes, we are," she said.

No explanation followed and Carson knew if he pressed forward he would find a brick wall blocking his way.

"Okay, well let's get to class then," he said.

Lilly took one side of Carson while Dominique placed herself beside her friend. Carson watched Dominique out of the corner of his eye. Something about her drew attention. Maybe it was her air of confidence? Or her beauty? But Carson felt it was something different altogether, knowing that other girls had these same qualities but didn't wear them the same way. As if proving what Carson felt, a senior boy appeared next to Dominique and started walking backward next to her.

"Hey, beautiful," he said. "You new here?"

Dominique met the boy's eyes with the same soul-searing gaze.

"Yes," she said.

The boy grinned, but Carson could tell Dominique's unimpressed manner threw him.

"Need a tour guide?" he asked. "I know how to show a girl around."


When Dominique looked away, the boy stopped walking, not daring to be shot down for another round. Carson didn't blame him.

"What brings you to Hamilton Prep?" Carson asked, hoping he wasn't going to receive a one-syllable response.

"Oh! There was a mold problem in the basement," Lilly said. "And so they had to shut down for repairs. Which is annoying because I liked it there. I knew where I was going. Now we have to deal with a lot of unknowns and a whole different group of people, which I guess I can figure out."

Lilly kept talking as Carson directed them through the chaos of the school. Up clogged staircase and down mobbed hallways. Even in this way she contrasted Dominique who said nothing, letting Lilly speak.

As they headed towards the history classroom, a girl stopped in the middle of the hallway and started screaming at the boy beside her.

"You're cheating on me! How could you!"

When they had passed the shouting couple, Lilly looked back.

"What happened with them?" she asked.

"Nothing," Carson said, "They do that every Monday because they're bored with their relationship."

As they stepped into the classroom, a young teacher in his mid-thirties barely glanced up at them. He was in the process of lowering his gaze when it snapped back up at the sight of Lilly and Dominique. Carson caught the look, noting the hint of surprise and confusion that flickered in his expression. He nodded to his teacher, who quickly schooled his features.

"Carson," he said in greeting. "Ladies go ahead and find a seat anywhere."

The bell rang as Carson slide into an open desk. When he looked back at Mr. Philips, he found a tiny frown edged between the teacher's eyebrows, his eyes on Lilly.


*hands you ice cream with a wide grin*

(That's right, question why I'm giving you my ice cream and be afraid!)

Go ahead and tell me what you thought of it! What surprised you the most! 💬🗯💭🧐

I found this whole exercise really fascinating because it just proved you really can't change genders and expect to get the same result. Which of course is a 'duh' thought because boys and girls aren't the same. We weren't created to be the same.

Not going to lie, I totally love Dominque, she's confident in a way that's so different than even Carter and I love her for it!

The whole thing kind of hurts my brain thinking about it, but it was fun to do.

Funny enough, I kind of found the whole chapter a little boring. Not in a bad way but in a way that just means the original is where the action is at.

I did find the dynamic between Carson and Steve really interesting because a father/son relationship is vastly different than a father/daughter relationship.

Also the fact that Carson thought Lilly was cute and was quickly attracted to Dominque was hilarious but true. Boys are 90% physical and girls are 90% emotional. It's why we see the world differently.

My sister and I talked it over, but Carson really couldn't have the smart aleck attitude that Carter has because on Carson it would come off as a typical egotistical teenage boy, not funny or enduring.

Also thinking about it, it would take a lot of work for Dominique to be attracted to Carson because not only is she 4 years older than him, but because girls mature faster than boys she wouldn't be drawn to a reckless, violent teenager.

So pretty much the whole story falls apart with the genders reversed.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!

Vote, comment, follow cause you know you love me

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