The Truth Comes Out

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You have asked for this chapter for a very long time and I decided to finally give it.

Warning: this beginning is kinda intense but just know Kennedy is not hurt only kidnapped.
Though I'm not sure that sounds better but it is. Onward we go!

Kennedy woke to a pounding in her head and her throat desert dry. When she tried to raise her hand to her head, she found she could barely move, her entire body felt weighed down. Slowly, she pried her eyes open, trying to understand what was going on.

A jolt of fear shot through her when she didn't recognize the room she was in. She sat bolt upright and instantly regretted it. Her stomach heaved. She scrambled off the bed and stumbled into an open doorway leading to a bathroom. She barely reached the toilet before she threw up. Bile seared her throat and she collapsed to the ground shaking.

The tile felt cold through her silk dress. Shivering, Kennedy wrapped her arms around her legs, trying to make sense of what was going on. Through the throbbing in her head, she went back to the night before. The one shoulder red dress she wore provided a bit of help. She remember walking into the living and twirling in front of Harrison.

She remembered his look of distaste. They'd fought. He'd been angry she'd go out with someone like Blake Fletcher. When she'd say it was only so she could see what a party at a multi-millionaire's house was like, he'd shouted that that was even worse. Kennedy couldn't remember what she'd said back but she knew it had been scathing.

Then there was the party. Dancing. Blake. Talking to him...the night blurred from that point on and she couldn't seem to make sense of how she'd gotten into this unknown bedroom.

Tears pooled in her eyes as pain and uncertainty overwhelmed her. She pressed her forehead into her knees wanting to be strong but completely terrified. She didn't know where she was. Didn't know why she was there. Didn't know how she'd gotten there. Didn't know who had brought her there. Didn't know what to do next.

She cried, wanting to be home. Wanting to see Harrison's stupid face even if it meant he told her she was an idiot for going with Blake. More than that she wanted her parents to appear and wrap her in a hug. But she didn't even know when they'd know she was gone. They had been busy with a one final case for the FBI and had been gone for the last couple of weeks.

Kennedy felt a second wave of nausea at the thought that no one might be looking for her. She leaned over the toilet and threw up again, the pounding in her head worsening. Trembling, she hoisted herself up and rinsed out her mouth in the sink. Only then did she release how thirsty she was. After scooping hand fulls of water into her mouth, she found her headache receding.

Using the wall as support, she made her way back to the bedroom. The bed was only mildly disturbed from where she'd been laying. She stood in the doorway, not knowing if that was a good sign or bad sign. Had someone carried her there and left her? She hoped so, the alternative made her want to throw up again.

Maybe she'd drunken too much. But she didn't remember drinking anything but sparkling cider. Too many lectures of how alcohol impaired response time and visional awareness had guarantee she avoided the stuff. So what then? Did someone drug her?

The room before her looked like a guest bedroom with no personalization. The blinds were closed and there was no clock she could see so she didn't know what time it was. She couldn't see any of her stuff, her clutch, her phone, even her shoes were gone.

Slowly taking everything in, Kennedy felt that maybe this was a strange accident of some sort.

Until she spotted the camera in a far corner.

Her stomach gave a sickening lurch but luckily there was nothing else to throw up. When the lock to the bedroom door clicked, Kennedy stumbled away, putting her back to the wall, shaking with fear. A well-dressed man in his late forties strode in. Kennedy felt her heart stutter. This was Blake's father. He smiled.

"I saw that you were awake," he said, in a smooth politician voice.

Kennedy made no movement. Every instinct her parents had encouraged in her screamed that this man was bad news.

"I'm sure your head hurts," Fletcher said. "I'm sorry that things had to happen this way."

Kennedy barely breathed. If she'd been more stable, she might have tried to fight her way out, but she still felt shaky and knew if she took a step, she'd stumble.

"Blake told me a lot about you," Fletcher continued. "I thought you a very interesting sounding girl, someone who would be a nice addtion to the party last night. It was when he mentioned what your parents do that was the real icing on the cake."

Still, Kennedy said nothing. Did nothing. This man was the reason she was here. But exactly why was fuzzy, but it seemed he planned to tell her.

"You see, I've known that the FBI were zeroing on my...let's say my more private affairs. I already had plans to disappear, but when I learned who you were and who your parents are well, I saw the ticket for making my disappearance fool proof."

Kennedy shivered at the glee in his tone, the self satisfaction knowing he'd gotten his way. She was his ticket to disappear. She knew exactly what that meant, she was leverage over her parents.

"Sit tight," he said. "I don't plan for you to be here long." When he took out his phone, Kennedy cringed. "Terrified and cowering, a perfect picture to entice your parent to let me leave. You looked hungry, I'll have someone bring you food."

With that, Fletcher left. Kennedy sank to the floor, shaking again. The camera stared at her from across the room, reminding her someone was watching her. That thought made her tremble even more. She needed to get out of here, but didn't know how.

She knew her parents would do anything to get her back. But in doing so would sacrifice their careers and lives. Letting a criminal escape would mean they would face charges. Kennedy would spend the rest of her life only being able to talk to then from across a table. She needed to do something. Anything.

Despite wanting to curl into a ball and cry with fear and desperation, she forced herself to think, to look at the situation through her parents' perspective. She was locked in a room. A camera was angled to her. But the bed lay between herself and the camera. If she sat with her back to the bed, at least some part of her would be hidden. She needed to get there.

So giving into the desire to curl into a ball, she did do, slumping to the floor towards the bed. Covering her face with her hands, she pretended to cry. Part of her didn't have to pretend, all she wanted was to be home, wanted to feel her parents strong protective arms around her again. But to get there, she needed to be strong now. In her mind, she heard her mother's encouragement, "You can do this Kennedy."

After a minute, Kennedy pushed herself up and crawled to the bed as if she planned to climb back on it. But instead, she sat with her back against it. Still curled into a ball, she took the edge of her dress and bit at the seam, loosening the threads. When enough had come undone, she tore away at the material, ripping off a long strip. All the while she stayed hunched to appear like she was still crying. Knowing that someone was coming to bring her food, she worked fast. After repeating the process, she lengthen the tear upward to give her more mobility.

With the two lengths of material, she wrapped her hands the way she did before putting her boxing gloves on. Though she didn't have gloves, the material would at least help her not do too much damage to her wrist and knuckles. The work helped her calm down. Even though her actions might have serious repercussions, she was at least doing something instead of laying on the floor crying.

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Kennedy tensed. She felt her heart quicken, this time in anticipation instead of fear. She curled her hands, readying. The lock on the door clicked and the second the door swung open, Kennedy leapt to her feet, adrenaline fueling her. She crashed into the door, slamming whoever was on the other side into the door frame. A tray clattered to the floor and Kennedy yanked the door open. A man focused on her just as she slammed her fist into his face, breaking his nose. Blood gushed out and the man grunted in pain. Kennedy snatched up the tray and smashed it against the man's head.

As he crumpled to the ground, unconscious, Kennedy raced down the hallway, sprinting around a corner. She didn't know where she was going but didn't care, she was drowned in adrenaline and couldn't stop.

Finding a staircase, she charged down it and barreled towards a long corridor with a set up double doors at the other end. Just as she reached for the door handle, a man crashed into her. Kennedy cried out as she collided with the wall. Slightly dazed, she kneed the man in the crotch and elbowed him in the neck. He staggered away, clenched his throat and Kennedy darted around him.

When she reached the handle, another pair of strong arms wrapped around her stomach. She screamed and lunged out, stomping on the man's foot and cracking her elbow into his face. His hold loosened and Kennedy bent forward, flipping the man over her back.

As Kennedy straightened, she felt a sharp blow to the back of her head and the world went black.


When Kennedy regained consciousness this time, she found her head hurt worse then before. The pain made thinking nearly impossible. Gradually, she became more aware of her surroundings and it grew worse as it did.

Instead of the neat bedroom, she appeared to be in a basement. Instead of the freedom of movement, she was strapped to a chair. And instead of a camera, two men stood on either side of the room, watching her. Whatever hope she'd had of escaping was long gone.

Despite the feeling of resignation that washed over her, she feel didn't beaten down. At least she'd given it her all. Her all hadn't been enough, but still at least she knew she'd earned being strapped down to a chair. She knew no one would have doubted her mother or father needed to be held that way. Now they knew it of Kennedy, she was her parents' daughter.

The door to the basement opened and Fletcher walked in, but no longer was he the smiling, smooth talking man of before. A look of anger had replaced his placid expression. He stopped before Kennedy, eyeing her with annoyance. For her part, Kennedy stared right back at him. She didn't feel afraid anymore, just frustrated she was tied down and couldn't break this man's perfect nose.

"I was hoping you wouldn't cause me trouble," Fletcher said.

Kennedy didn't say anything. This time because she didn't think this man deserved a response.

"No matter, I still have you and your parents as we speak are taking my demands seriously. I won't have to deal with you much longer."

Fletcher turned around and as he reached for the door, Kennedy spoke.

"It's cute how you believe you can control my parents so easily."

Instead of snapping at her, Fletcher merely smiled condescendingly. "Love is a powerful weapon, Ms. Keller."

He opened the door.

"Yes," Kennedy said. "It is. And I know you're about to learn just how powerful."

With a second's pause, Fletcher slipped out the door, leaving Kennedy alone with the two men. She glared at them, but they remained impassive.

In the basement it was impossible to guess what time it was or how much time passed but to Kennedy it felt like it crawled by. The guards were exchanged with new ones. Kennedy tried to talk to them, but they remained unresponsive.

When she started yelling profanities at them, they gagged her. But not before she bit one of them, receiving a backhanded slap for her efforts. Worth it, since the man had to leave to clean his wound. But as the time ebbed, Kennedy felt her energy weaning. The adrenaline was gone and her throbbing head continually drained her. Eventually, her head lolled to the side and she drifted off.


The basement door crashed open, shocking Kennedy awake. Her heart leapt into her throat as her parents rushed inside, guns raised. Two shots fired and the two guards collapsed to the ground.

"Cadet," Carter said. "Are there more?"

It happened so fast Kennedy could barely comprehend what was happening. Only when her mother asked her again, did Kennedy believe that what she saw was real. Her parents were here. They had come for her. She knew they would but seeing their fierce expressions overwhelmed her. As she shook her head at her mother's question, tears streamed down her face. The gag still kept her from speaking.

As Donovan kept watch on the doorway, Carter knelt before Kennedy, cutting away her binding and removing the gag. Blood surged back into Kennedy's wrists making them hurt with the renewed feeling. Kennedy choked out a relieved sob as Carter wrap her arms around Kennedy. Her mother felt strong, safe, and warm. All the previous terror of before raced back and Kennedy shook, knowing now she was safe.

"We got you," Carter murmured in her ear. "You're safe. We got you." She pulled back and cupped Kennedy's face. "Can you walk?"

Kennedy nodded, her throat too tight to try to talk.

"That's our girl," Carter said.

She helped Kennedy stand. Removing her jacket, Carter slipped Kennedy's arms into the sleeves and nudged her toward Donovan, who planted a quick kiss on Kennedy's head before leading the way out. With Kennedy pinned in between them, Carter and Donovan moved up the basement steps and into the main floor of the house. Relief and a spurt of adrenaline kept Kennedy moving forward. When she stumbled once, her father spoke.

"Hold on to my jacket, Cadet," he said without looking back.

Kennedy gripped the FBI windbreaker, feeling more stable because of her father's strength. Instead of heading out the front doors, Donovan lead them to an office off the foyer. Inside, Fletcher sat strapped to a chair behind a large desk.

"This is who took you, correct?" Donovan asked.

Kennedy stared at Fletcher, shaking with fatigue and anger. "Yes."

With a nod, Donovan rounded the desk and grabbed the man by the tie, yanking upward. Still strapped to the chair, this meant that Fletcher was being half strangled.

"You dared hurt my daughter," Donovan snarled. He smashed his gun into the man's face breaking his nose. Fletcher's head rolled but Donovan didn't let go of him. Kennedy saw rage pouring out of her father on her behalf. In that moment, she knew all her father wanted to do was end the man's life.

"Donovan," Carter said.

His name. That was all she said but it had the effect of stopping Donovan from inflicting more damage on Fletcher. Glowering, Donovan cut the man's bindings and hauled him to his feet.

"Let's go," he said. "I'm going to make sure you're put in prison along side all those men you've double crossed and sold out."

Fletcher paled but Donovan still looked like it would never be enough. Kennedy followed her father out, her mother wrapping one protective arm around her shoulders. When they stepped out of the house, Kennedy found it was late evening. Crashing onto the Fletcher's estate were SUVs, SWAT vans and ambulances. From one SUV, Mason leapt out, crossing the gravel drive.

"I said wait for backup!" he shouted.

Carter and Donovan looked at each other then Mason.

"She was my backup,"Donovan said.

"And he was mine," Carter said. "So technically, we didn't have to wait."

Mason glared at both of them then turned his gaze on Fletcher. "What happened to his face?"

"Walked into a door," Donovan said, calmly.

Mason let out an annoyed breath. "Of course he did, no doubt you walked him into it. Kenny, it's good to see you're okay. I have to go deal with your parents' mess. How many people are dead inside."

"None," Carter said. "Death would be too easy an escape. The team can clean everything up."

Mason didn't look mollified by this, simply turned around and went to shouting orders. Donovan walked Fletcher off to be secured and Carter directed Kennedy to the back of an ambulance. Around them the world stormed with FBI agents and SWAT members in black moving to the house to deal with the unconscious men.

Sitting on the back of the ambulance, Kennedy bore the inspection of the EMT. She was grateful for the pain meds, water and food, feeling her energy returning. Through it all, Carter stood next to her, saying nothing but everything at the same time in the way she watched her daughter being cared for. Kennedy had no doubt that if the EMT had made Kennedy even wince as they worked, her mother would hit them. But thankfully the examination ended without that happening.

Halfway through her father joined them. Like Carter, he said nothing. It was like they couldn't express all the pain and fear they experienced knowing Kennedy had been in danger.

But she didn't need them to say anything, she'd seen the look of fury on their faces when they stormed into the basement. Saw the utter relief at seeing Kennedy still alive. She knew in each kiss of her head and touch of her cheek that they loved her beyond words.

Through the mayhem of the SUVs, dark suited men, the Evans family appeared. Harrison broke away from his parents, sprinting to Kennedy. With a look, Carter and Donovan eased back as Harrison skidded to a halt before Kennedy, already babbling.

"Kenny, I'm sorry. I never should have fought with you. I was an idiot and I didn't mean anything I said. I should have told you, you looked beautiful and said a million other things about how you're my best friend and I support you and it doesn't matter if you wanted to go to the party, I was an idiot and I'm sorry. I was terrified when I heard about you-"

Kennedy grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him.

Harrison wrapped his arms around her waist. As the kiss deepened, Kennedy knew this was what he'd wanted to do, just as she wanted to do it. Every inch of her hummed with the feel of him and she knew she never wanted to break away.

A threatening growl and a pointed cough severed the moment.

"Harrison," Donovan said. "Need we remind you that we are carrying guns?"

"And that's our daughter you are kissing," Carter said.

Harrison flushed and put some distance between himself and Kennedy. Link burst out laughing.

"You're joking, right?" he said. "I distinctively remember a situation just like this with you two."

Kennedy's parents turned on their friend. "That is not the same."

"Sure it's not," Link said.

As they argued, Harrison edged closer to Kennedy. She reached for his hands, locking her fingers with his. He tipped his head forward, pressing his forehead to hers.

"I was so scared," he said.

"Me too," she whispered.

Kennedy closed her eyes, resting in the smell of Harrison, the warmth of his skin, the reassurance in his presence.

"I love you, Kenny," he said.

Kennedy lifted her head. "Took you long enough to say it, you idiot."

"I'm the idiot? What about you? Dating all those stupid guys instead of me."

"I was dating them because you dated those stupid girls!"

"You started it!"

"How did I start it?"

"You went to Winter Formal freshman year with Aaron."

"Because you asked Julia!"

"Well I wanted to ask you."

"Then why didn't you?"

Harrison faltered and dropped his gaze. "I was afraid you didn't like me that way."

Kennedy slid her arms around his neck, kissing him fiercely.

"You are such an idiot. I have always loved you, Harrison."

Harrison rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know that now."

Smiling, Kennedy brought his mouth back to hers, ignoring the renewed growl of her parents.



There you have it! Kennedy and Harrison getting together! Tell me or shout at me all your happy, excited, bubbly, wubbly thoughts! 💬🗯💭

So I'm not going to lie to you and you can hate me for the truth I'm about to tell you, but...

This was the conclusion to Kennedy's story that I saw...

The story I'm no longer writing. 😬

Yes, yes I know you hate me and I'm the worse and how could I break your heart like that and I should just stomp on my ice cream because that's what I've done to you.

I get it, I know you wanted their story. But honestly, they weren't strong enough characters to have an independent story.

Strong enough to have some fun one shots? Of course! I can write more one shots about them if you want!

But when it came down to it Kennedy was a lesser version of Carter and no one wants a weak repeat. Does that make sense?

You can go ahead and still be mad at me, I won't blame you but I wanted to be honest with you. I'm sorry, I know you were looking forward to her story.

But again you can still tell me ideas for one shots you want with her and I'll see what I can do!

Don't hate me forever, okay Noodle?

I still love you! ❤️

Vote, comment, follow but only if you want to!

All three represent Kennedy and Harrison!

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