Castle and Full of Metal - the Sequel

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"I'm...still here?"

I shook a little, grasping at my hair in an overflow of frustrating confusion.

Ever since I appeared in this solid white walled place, I teleported over five times. I felt it, seen it, my body feeling pulled in a thousand directions. But still, I never left this place. I was stuck.

The constant pull of the teleportations was tugging my tolerance thin since it had begun to hurt after the third one. My body now, around ten teleportation attempts, felt like it was on literal, scathing fire.


I snapped my head up, looking around for who said that. No one to be seen.

"...hello?" I replied hesitantly. The voice came from in front of me somewhere, and close.

"I am here to help, I have a bracelet that'll help control the Yertban effect."

"Yertban? The...the teleporting?"

Why can't I see them?

"Whatever it is you're race calls it. This bracelet will help solve the issue," the voice said cheerfully, "can't have you flying around like that all the time, you'll end up dying some way or another."

A beat passed, then they spoke again, "your eyes wander. Can you not see me?"

"I can't," I confirmed, "though I can tell where you are generally."

The voice gasped in realization, "oh, my cloak is on. Eh, I forgot it broke. Nevermind, just press the blue button on this."

A bracelet the voice mentioned before appeared with a vibration effect on the floor near me. Quickly I leaned down and grabbed it with trembling hands.

"This will stop the pain? The constant movement?" I ask desperately.



Waking up from a ten hour sleep in a provided bed was the best thing that happened in a long while, and not a single teleportation effected it. I yawned and popped my back in satisfaction. Sleepily, I heard the door open from across the room.

"We'll let you go on your way now. You can enter the code of the different universes you want to get back to. We've provided a list on which ones you've encountered already, and the one you originated from."

"You got all of that from two blood samples, a skin sample, and a complete body scan?" I asked the voice, fixing up the covers, feeling so much better thanks to the bracelet. I saw the list appear on the finished bed next to the provided bag full of extra clothes of my time they thoughtfully had given me without cost.

"We're a developed race. Also, the money is for a free meal in whatever world you decide. It transforms into a world's currency in equal amount. Have a good life now."

The door closed.

Staring at the bracelet, I pressed a small button on the side of the bracelet so it went into the bracelet, a lid popping to reveal a code bar. A light then shined up and revealed a keyboard in thin air.

I clicked the other button, and it popped a smaller lid on the palm side of my wrist with a hushed sound.

00/00 00:00:00 000x 000y 000z. Year, day, time in military form, and coordinates for location.

"Wow," I breathed.

I closed the lids on the bracelet and went for the wallet looking item that held the money they gave me. I reeled once I started counting how much there was.

"Jesus! 10,000?! How much of a free meal is it here?"

Quickly I snatched up the paper they gave me and saw a list of strings of numbers and letters for the world, then flipped my wrist again to put in the other information leaving the location blank. Closing both lids, the midair transparent light-keyboard dissapeared, then came the familiar feeling of teleportation.

I flashed to where I wanted to go.

Landing on the sidewalk tile a little clumsily, I teleported in Central next to the high, barred drop to the river lazily moving along. Back in the Fullmetal Alchemist world, about five days after my first time here in the universe.

Deciding to see what the weird race packed for me, I shrugged the backpack off my shoulders and rummaged around inside.

Long sleeve boat-neck shirts of the same style, but different colors. An assortment of pants in the colors grey, black, and white. Pairs of plain white socks. Plain underwear and bras of skin color. A bag of black hairties, along with some deodorant. Black boots and a matching black pea coat with gold buttons.

The strange thing was, I carried everything like it was extremely lightweight, but when I pulled it all out it was heavier than I expected.

Shivering a little because of a cold breeze, I put on the black pea coat and felt protected by the cold weather instantly.

I then felt my stomach twist, growling loudly.

"Right. Food."

After getting a chicken sandwich and a coffee from a gas stop across the street after climbing a flight of stairs, I made my way into downtown to just stroll around without feeling the stress of the looming fear of instant teleportation.

It was...quite a change. I enjoyed the crowds bustling movement, the skies detail, and deeply appreciated the smells coming from nearby shops. All of my muscles weren't frozen with fear, and felt so relaxed that I could hardly believe anything was rushed anymore.

After around thirty minutes of walking around, I sat down on a public bench alongside the sidewalk next to the street, a small book aquired from a quaint bookstore. I opened the book and submerged myself into the story of a young female alchemist fighting oppression and becoming a military woman who's respected among the ranks as much as a man. It reminded me of Hawkeye a little.

About an hour passed of peaceful reading until I was interrupted.

"Teleporter?" I heard a grown man's voice in front of me ask tentatively.

Without moving my down-turned head, I lift my eyes up from my book to the faces of two soldiers. Both dressed identically, one had slicked back blonde hair and the other had choppy red hair.

"That's me," I relented, sliding a bookmark and marking my page. I give them my full attention.

"We'd like to speak with you for a few moments," the slicked back haired man said.

I blinked slowly, then gestured with my hand as if to say 'go on".

"Okay then. What do you want to say?" I asked.

One choppy haired one introduced themselves, himself named Reginald and the other Vine. Reginald explained that the military was very interested in my abilities, and that Colonel Mustang would meet me for an interview. I listened, interested. My blood flooded with excitement, then worry. What will they say?

"Your whispered among our ranks. Harris would not stop talking about his encounters with you, and we're all wondering your name. What is your name?"

I laugh lightly, "it isn't anything special. My name is Mika. Mika Grand."

"It's so nice to meet you!" Vine blurted excitedly, "We're the first ones to know your name!"

I laugh nervously this time, "really, it isnt...anything special."

"I disagree," Reginald butt in, "You're the first known teleporter. No one knew that kind of alchemy existed until you showed up. You're a well known person now!"

"Let us escort you to Mustang," Vine offered, "we can take a cab."

I waved my arm, turning it down, "It's not that far, walking is fine."

And so, I put my book in my bag and we began to walk. The two walked a step ahead of me to lead, but wouldn't stop talking. They went on to topics other than my sudden fame, which was a big relief.

It took about ten minutes of walking, but it felt like three seconds as we walked up the steps leading to the military base.

"Right on in, Miss Grand," Vine urged reassuringly, opening the door for me. I smiled at him awkwardly and stepped in silently.

I caught a couple of people looking at me, military for sure with their uniforms. Though among the crowd, there was a face I recognized.

"Kid?!" The man I saw the last time I was in the universe shouted, running from his post to me. I was so relieved to see him alive after the last situation I left him in. My mind connected this with the name Vine and Reginald told me: Harris.

"Thank goodness, you're alive!" I beamed at him.

"How are you here? I thought you said you couldn't control it?" Harris questioned quizzically.

"I uh...improvised," I answered, holding up my arm and sliding my sleeve back to let him see the contraption on my wrist. He awed at it for a moment, but I slid my sleeve down after a few seconds.

"Excuse me, but a Colonel Mustang wanted to see me soon so..."

Harris quickly responded, "oh! Yeah, yeah, sorry about holding you up. I'm glad you got that stuff sorted. See you later!"

The now relieved and happy man waved us off down the hall from the main room. Stairs, turns, and chatter later, we arrived in front of Mustang's office.

"Thanks, you guys," I smiled kindly, "I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"Not a problem, Miss Grand," Reginald replied, rapping his knuckles on the wooden door. We heard a faint 'enter' from the other side. I took a deep breath, readying myself. The two soldiers opened the doors for me and I took my strides, walking in to see Mustang, and none other than the Fullmetal Alchemist with his brother. The three stared at me and I tried my hardest not to avert my eyes.

"I believe you asked for me?"

Mustang rose from his seat and walked around his desk to greet me.

"Yes, I did. You are the Teleporter, am I correct?" Mustang replied. I heard Ed quietly repeat 'Teleporter', confused until he made the connection.

"I believe 'Time Traveler' is a more effective title," I corrected, shaking hands with him.

"Is that so?" Colonel questioned.

"Wait, you're the one that can dissapear and reappear at a different time, like the rumors say?" Alphonse asked politely.

I nodded in response, "That's right. I couldn't control it, and I wouldn't have actually come back here if it wasn't for this contraption," I brandished my metal band for the three to see.

Mustang, Ed, and Al observed the piece with quizzical features...except for Al, but you could feel his curiosities.

I chose my words carefully, "I reroutes my alchemy and prevents it's instant abilities, allowing me to control it."

"I've never heard of alchemy going wild," Mustang remarks with a hum, "but you are the first of your alchemy line in history. It could be considered an effect."

"Can you show us how it works?" Ed blurts, excited and very curious. I nodded and demonstrated the buttons, showed the translucent images, and showing the input bars of numbers to the three who all looked very interested.

"Show us how you teleport with this...contraption," Mustang orders, stepping back along with the brothers who followed.

Blinking, I wondered how I would. I lifted my wist and stared at the numbers, thinking quickly which number to change.

10435x to 10448x, I decided, changing the numbers with nimble fingertips. I clicked the lid of the bracelet down, and I felt the teleportation coming on once again. I lifted my hands for the three to see the effect, and I took a deep breath before I flickered from one side of the room to ouside the room. I tried to set it for the other side of the room, but it didn't work out; I'll have to practice accuracy.

"It was just like lieutenant Harris explained," Mustang recalled as I walked back in.


A/N: I had gotten other ideas, so I extended CaFoM. It was interesting to continue it.

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