The Household - Mafia and Murder

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I wanted to capture clips of the AU's I've created over the time I've been on Wattpad.  Some are based on my first art book, though it has been taken down due to an art theft situation. Here are two of the many.

Mafia AU
A short girl made her way through the crowd with Nixxon next to her, keeping an eye on their surroundings. He spotted a woman sitting on a bench near their destination, reading a book clad in a black coat and a neat bun hairstyle. She gave a side glance and nodded subtly, continuing to read.

Layla bounced in a lightweight black double-breasted jacket, grey pants, fashionable but comfortable shoes, complete with a white button up, tie, and modern formal hat. Nixxon strode next to her in a dark blue vest, a black button up, black tie and pants, and formal boots. He inhaled the last of his cigarette and flicked the cherry out, stomping it out as they walked without missing a beat.

"That's the place," Nixxon sighed up at the sign as they approached it.

"Mhm," Layla hummed, "Let's get what we came for and haul ass. We can't stay long."

"Wasn't planning to," Nixxon replied, pulling open the door and letting Layla walk in first. A chime went off as they walked into the shop.

The owner of the shop, a regular-looking man named Cairo with orange streaked hair and a stubble, looked up from what he was stocking with a smile.

"Welco-" He started, but stopped when he realized who he was talking to, "-oh."

Nixxon raised a brow, a step behind Layla as she gestured with her hand and said, "you missed the deadline, Cairo. We showed up to make sure everything is okie-dokie on your end of the bargain. Got any explanation as to why you're late, again, Cairo?"

"I-I'll get you the money, I promise," Cairo stuttered backing from the counter top and feeling quite intimidated, "I-I just need m-more time-"

"You promised the same thing three weeks ago," Nixxon pointed out calmly, no angry tone present in his voice.

Cairo began to sweat under their hardened gazes, "I'm sorry. I d-don't have enough."

"That's funny," Layla, smiled slyly as she swaggered over to the counter and leaned an elbow on it, "The Sonan family has gracefully gave you protection for the past year and a half, keeping our end the bargain, as long as you payed. Small businesses have a hard time these days, and it would be such a shame..."

Layla's gaze went dark, "...if we had to shut you down because of your...personal investments."

Cairo did a double take, "you've been watching me?!"

"Naturally," Layla dismisses, "how are we supposed to protect you if we don't know where you are?"

It was silent in the shop for a few moments, a tense air thick within the room. It was broken as Cairo stiffly went into the back, coming out a couple of minutes later with a paper bag. He passed it to Layla and she glowed as she looked inside and counted what was inside.

"Thank you so much! Glad to have business with you!"

Nixxon and Layla left, letting Cairo finally catch his breath.

Murderer AU
Arty wiped the axe down with a damp cloth, having already burned her bloody clothes and changed into new ones. She quickly strode to her room and grabbed a sack, throwing clothes and other necessities into it. Making her way to the attached garage, she found her favorite hammer and threw it in her bag as well.
Grabbing her phone and wallet, she went out the back door and climbed the fence, making sure no one was watching.


Nixxon approached the house, returning from bartending when he noticed the front door wide open. He froze, mind whirring the speed of light and alarmed. Nixxon sped up the porch steps as quietly as he could.

He spotted Layla, splayed on the floor a few feet away from the front door and his heart dropped. Her head was smashed in with a huge blade, cuts on her body. She had stopped bleeding and rigor mortis was setting in. Her dress was soaked with crimson, a hard sight to look at.

Nixxon thought quickly, pushing aside his grief-stricken thoughts and focused on making sure whoever did this wasn't still in the house. Pulling his switchblade he carried in his back pocket, Nixxon thoroughly searched the house. He took a breath after searching the last room and finally noticed his hands were shaking.

Grabbing his phone from his other back pocket, he called 911 as he strode quickly to where Layla was.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Layla came into view as the woman on the line spoke, Nixxon's heart twisting and his breath hitched.

"I-I just got home and I found- I found Layla dead. The door was bashed in and I-I found her laying just inside."

"Is she breathing, sir?"

Nixxon's eyes watered as his breath shook, "hard to breath when your head is split open, lady. Sh-shes long gone, got cuts all over her. My god, Layla's gone, she's gone."

Describing what he saw to the responder made his stomach twist. He looked away from Layla's body, clenching his open fist and squeezing his eyes shut.

"Where are you?" The woman spoke calmly.

"326 North Madlein r-road."

"Alright sir. I'll send for help, you just hang tight. Are you sure you're safe? Is there anyone else with you?"

"Y-yeah, uh, no," Nixxon rubbed at his forehead as he talked into the phone, "I checked the- the house already. No one else is here...L-Layla was just a kid."

Where the hell is Arty?

"Please just try to keep calm, sir. Help is on the way and should be there in a couple of minutes."

"Okay, thank you..." Nixxon hiccuped, hanging up. His hands were shaking so hard he dropped the phone, beginning to break down. He collapsed against the hallway wall and wept.

Nixxon, after he heard the cops pulled into the driveway and parked alongside the road with blue and red lights blaring, pulled himself together. Standing shakily, he took one last momentary glance at Layla, then exited the house to meet the officers outside.

The mafia AU is based off of a sketch I had done, posted in my second art book somewhere. The murder AU was based off of a comic I posted around Halloween in the same book. Hope you liked these!

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