Household Ramblings - The Mornings

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(Video is the basic Household theme)

I've had a few head-cannons about the Household and Co., along with a couple of things I've thought about but didn't want to make an entire chapter about those specific things. When referring to "you", you are a guest in the household, a good friend, and someone welcome.

 In the head-cannons, these individuals will be included:

- Arty

- Nixxon

- Layla

What is it like on early mornings in the Household?

--> Arty

"Good morning. I hope you slept well last night."

Arty wakes up around 5:30 am (with an alarm's help) for Layla's school days to make breakfast before anyone else gets up. In her pajamas, she'll make something for Layla in the morning and pack her lunch. She always does this quietly.

 On her off days, she wakes up around 10:30 to 11 am.  She loves to sleep in a little, but leaves enough time in the day to get stuff done if she has to.

She makes coffee sometimes, but never lets Layla have any. She knows Layla has enough energy as it is.

Arty quietly plays songs from artists like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Ella Fitzgerald in the kitchen. Helps her wake up, but keeps it quiet enough to not disturb the other side of the house. Jigs in the kitchen a little, humming along to the music with her hair thrown up in a low bun to keep it out of the way.

Hot showers are her favorite in the morning. She smells faintly like mint when she exits the bathroom.

When the house starts to slowly wake, she'll come to get you up from the guest bedroom and tell you breakfast is ready.

Warm chocolate chip pancakes and sticky sweet syrup greet those who join the table in the dining room. Warm sunshine comes through the windows, the curtains pulled away to let the light in and make the room more comfortable. She likes the comforting atmosphere.

Will talk with a morning rasp/rumble to her tone. Calm conversation, or just a comforting silence. 

She has a very soothing aura. Calming to be around.

--> Layla

"Good morning!"

Layla wakes up early on school days. 6am, on the dot. Very particular about time in the morning.

She doesn't walk around in her pajama's, unlike Arty. She'll quickly get dressed and go to the bathroom to freshen up.

Layla will bounce around the house doing her business. Pack up her stuff for school if it's a school day, go to the dining room to scarf down breakfast and chat happily with a tired-but-content Arty. Will go get Nixxon out of bed for work if he slept through his alarm.

If you stayed over, she'll be even bouncier. She'll chat a lot at the table, so much that she would have to be reminded to continue eating or she'd be late.

Layla will sometimes turn up the music Arty plays and get the older female to dance with her to the more catchy tunes. Silly dances, and very spontaneous.

Her happiness and excitement is very potent in the mornings, giving most a great mood to start the day.

--> Nixxon


Nixxon doesn't really sleep a lot. He's the night owl of the house, mostly. On work nights, he'll give himself a couple of hours, but he doesn't need much to run a regular day. 

He smells like smoke, grease, and alcohol in the morning because of his job. Though his usual showers after Arty and fresh cologne helps clear it up (the cologne scent is also a bit weaker than most since Arty can't handle really strong cologne).

Nixxon makes coffee and sits outside on a chair for a smoke. As a way to satiate his cravings, and in vigil because Jenna used to sit outside with him with coffee every morning. He keeps the small tradition up, no matter how tired he is or where he is.

Also gives a relaxed aura, alike to Arty, but only when he is comfortable around you.

Doesn't really like having conversations in the mornings, but will keep one up if it interests him or if it's really important to the other speaker.

Tolerates Arty's music, but would rather listen to some good hip hop instrumentals.

What does the Household do for fun?

--> Arty

She'll surf Youtube, play cards, and generally hang around the house unless she had actual plans for the day.

Sing along horribly to her favorite songs. On purpose. Layla would join in. Nixxon would be irritated.

Visit friends. Though if she doesn't want to socialize all that much she'll play video games or watch movies with a crap-ton of snacks. Anime is a good choice too. She prefers some with good action and amazing characters.

Take long walks on quiet trails if the weather's nice. Biking is great fun to her too.

--> Layla

She'll climb trees and play with chalk on the sidewalks if the weather is nice.

If it's rainy, she'll put on some old clothes and go play in the rain and mud (if she get's permission from Arty so she can prepare herself to help Layla wash up later).

Video games. Kirby's Adventure and the Child of Light are her favorites, along with the Last Guardian. Drifting Afternoon is becoming a favorite too. She knows every nook and cranny of Stardew Valley as well.

She likes drawing a lot! She adores using bright colors and making the cutest illustrations of her life moments.

--> Nixxon

He'll play pool and such if he's at an outing with buddies. He's also very proficient at Darts.

Nixxon goes out on his motorcycle and rides with Darius. They see who can pop the longest wheelie on the country roads.

Contrary to popular belief, he is actually a really good dancer. Goes to biweekly classes, due to Jenna's influence.

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