Possova - The Ex

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I mean it. There's a lot of degrading and foul language. If you're younger or about 13, I suggest you not read this.

A/N: I wanted to do some more background on Zander, because he's an interesting character to work with.

"-and I told the guy to go get his shit together, Z, because that wasn't an issue before," Falcon complained, walking along with Crow, also known as Z for Zander. They were sent out by Zander's guardian, Ghent, to go shopping for food in the nearby mall. As an incentive, he gave Zander some extra money so they could get something for themselves. Flacon, known as Jack in reality, was super excited about it since he could use the money to get a new knife for his collection.

Zander nodded along to the story, listening to Jack about his side of the arcade and dine-out trip they went to the night before. It was technically a date, but neither of them saw it as an actual date. It was more like 'two dudes who needed good food and a break' from the investigating they had done.

"Shit, Z..." Jack sighed, stretching as he yawned, "Once this is over, I call naptime."

"Meaning sleep together."

Jack suddenly stopped, turning beet red as he turned to Zander, "dude! We're in public, stop it!"

A couple of heads turned at Jack's partially offended and raised voice, wondering briefly what caused the small outburst. They lost interest quite quickly, though, since Zander didn't reply anything. He didn't change his expression as he kept walking, leaving Jack to be flustered before he caught up to him again.

"Man...." Jack complained, crossing his arms as he strode next to Zander, "You're so fuckin'....ugh, no wonder you attract girls left and right..."

He was referring to the girls at the school they both went to. It wasn't common knowledge the two were gay.

Zander turned his head a little and gave a small side smile, "My eyes are only on you."

Jack averted his gaze, huffing with a dust of pink on his face. Zander led into a small shop full of produce, giving his little shit-eating smile Jack simultaneously loved and hated.

"There you go again...let's just finish up here, okay? I want to check out the new blades they got over at Harrison."

Zander nodded, acknowledging Jack's statement as he grabbed a basket.


"Was it whole or 2%?" Jack asked Zander, strolling the cold aisle looking for milk that Ghent wanted at the back of the store.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Zander replied, quickly skimming through the selection as they passed.

"I have no damn clue...I'm gonna look over here for the frozen pizza, kay?"

Zander waved Jack off as his form moved around the corner into the next cold aisle.

Left alone with the basket, Zander pulled out his phone to ask Ghent what type of milk he wanted over text. Zander typed out the message and sent it, putting his phone back in his pocket.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another individual who did a double take.

"Zander?" A sweet voice asked, confused.

Not recognizing the voice as Jack's, Zander turned to find a semi-familiar face. The girl smiled widely, coming towards him.

"It is you!" She laughed, "I haven't seen you in ages!"

Zander finally recognized her as his ex from three years ago. Her name was Tara. From what he could tell, she had really changed her appearance. Her hair that used to be a light cedar was dyed a vibrant blue and cut in a way that framed her long facial structure in an elegant way. Her style was still the same from when Zander dated her, but it seems she changed her usual cat eye to smoky. He almost didn't recognize her if not for the voice.

Zander averted his gaze, slightly uncomfortable to be in her presence.

"So..." Tara tucked her hair behind her ear, "...how are you?"

Zander simply replied, "fine."

"I see. Heh, a man of few words as always," Tara smiled, "I always liked that about you."

She approached gracefully, "though, there's something different about you now...I wonder what it is."

He took a slight step away from her, more uncomfortable now. Tara noticed the small movement and frowned.

"What's wrong? It's only me," Tara soothed, "don't you want to know how I've been doing, too?"

Zander kept his gaze away from her, knowing what would happen if he met her eyes with his. Tara gave a sly smirk.

"Well, I've been suuuuper lonely lately. Guys have been coming after me, but they were never as good as you," Tara continues, coming really close to Zander.

Zander didn't reply, his grip on the half full basket tightening.

"Why did you leave me to the drooling nobodies, Z?" She pressed sweetly, "you knew they wouldn't keep their hands off of me and yet you left me all alone."

Tara gently put her hand on his arm. By the slightest touch, Zander flinched, backing away, only for his back to meet the cold wall of the milk doors.

"Awh, Zander, don't be like that," Tara giggled, shortening the space between her and him once more. Zander's hands started to shake as he saw her face twist a little into what she really was like behind closed doors. She was about to say something else when something got both of their attention.

"Hey, Z! I found the-!"

Tara snapped her head to the sudden appearance of Jack with pizza in hand, realizing what just happened.

"Oh, hello!" Tara immediately put up her sickly sweet mask again, "I'm Tara. Are you a friend of Z's?"

"Tara...?" Jack repeated, turning to look at Zander's face. Zander gave a look of apprehension in return...and a stark expression of fear Jack has rarely seen on Zander's face.

Jack immediately understood, changing up his concerned demeanor.

"Well, if it isn't the Tara! I heard a lot about you," Jack smoothly commented, going over to Z's side.

"Did you?" Tara smiled kindly, "Isn't that nice? Well, I was just going to offer to spend time with-"

"No," Jack shout her down, "you'll leave him alone."

Tara stopped short, confused and shocked. She turned immediately into a pitiful child as she gave a look a locked puppy would give.

"What? But Z is-"

"Only I get to call him by that name, bitch," Jack spoke up without any hint of hesitation, making Tara stumble backwards as he backed her up and away from Zander, "you lost your chance a long time ago. You don't deserve anything from him. Not even a fuckin' glance."

Zander stood, eyes as round as dinner plates from what he was hearing and witnessing.

"Jack..." Zander whispered, his chest exuding a burning feeling of mixed emotions. The ones that stood out were fear, pride, and relief.

"You are a jizz-stain on the ass of the devil, Tara," Jack stated, "you aren't even damn near worth the likes of Zander B. Hart."

Jack confidently swaggered his candy-ass back to Zander and threw his arm over his boyfriend's shoulder, giving Tara an innocent and cheesy smile. Zander immediately felt comfortable and protected with Jack right next to him. Jack's presence kept him grounded and his heart calm.

"Now why don't you go find another manipulating fuck to piss on. Oh wait...you'd be pissin' on yourself, now wouldn't you?"

Tara's control was extremely close to breaking, the edge of her smile twitching almost uncontrollably.

"You....you..." Tara began, her breath stuttering. Zander took this moment to say what was on his mind. He interlaced Jack's hand with his as he gave Tara a stern glare.

"You have no right to speak to me in any degrading way, or especially to my boyfriend."

Zander put his free arm around Jack's waist, commenting coldly, "you love to play childish games, right? How about you play hide and go fuck yourself."

Even Jack was a little startled, his expression painting the utter essence of the phrase 'holy shit'.

Tara finally broke her mask. She gave the most menacing aura she could muster, completely changing her demeanor from 'sweet and harmless' to 'I will beat the crap out of you'.

"You'll regret this, Zander," Tara spat, "you had one chance to get me back, but now-"

Jack flicked her forehead, abruptly stopping Tara mid-sentence and effectively stopping the flow of utter shit.

"Like he said, fuck off you worthless cunt. We ain't got time for your petty shit."

Tara, red faced and shaking with rage, heaved a hard growl of spite as the two guys walked away, triumphant.


A/N: Man, this felt satisfying to write.

Wholesome boys.

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