Chapter 1: Operation: Ask Yugi Out on a Date

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"Ahhhh!!! Nani ga watashi ga yarou to shite imasu!?" *What am I going to do!?*

"Calm down, Joey. Everything is going to be okay."

"How could you even say such a thing!? Yami!"

Joey cried in imaginary tears that fell like a waterfall. Everyone just stare at him weirdly; sweatdrops can only be seen before we all heard the door slide open. I turn to find myself staring at the person who has captured my heart ever since I first lay eyes on him.😍

"Good morning everyone!"

The prettiest, handsome, and cutest teacher wave at all of us as some of us said, "Good morning!", or "Hey!".

Yugi Mutou. Our English teacher at Domino High. Class A-1.

I sigh as I caught myself staring at him.

'What am I doing...I'll never be able to get his attention like this. I may be popular in the whole school, but he just saw me as a student. That's all.'

I sigh again.

The Even Festival was already over for the past few weeks already. And after those past few weeks, Yugi has been secretly teaching me how to control my powers.

For your information Yami. I think that your thinking is in the....oposite direction.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

Oh! Sorry about that. The voice just now. He's just a spirit that decided to use me as its vessel.

Hey! Don't try talking like I'm some kind of evil being!

'Well, you kind of are.'

It growled inside my head before I said, 'But now you're my friend. And remember the name that I have already picked out for you. Use it.'

Yeah yeah. I got it. Yami here decided to call me Atem. I like it. Nice to meet you.

(Me: Back to the story already!

Atem and Yami: Alright alright!)

Anyway, Yugi is much more than what he seem to be. He's also called Silent Magician. He was born from the Spirit World, but then force to run away from his home and is now living in Domino City as a 'human' or a civilian.

I was still deep in thought when I heard a whisper near my ear.

"What's with that look, Yami?"


It took me by surprise because one second later. I fell out of my seat and onto the ground.

"Oh, Ra! Are you alright, Yami?"


Yugi sighs in relief as he took my hand and pulled me up. I blushed at the contact before I stood and let go.

"Please be careful, Yami."

For some reason. The way Yugi looked at me caused me to blushed harder as he began walking up to the front of the classroom. I felt someone elbow me and turn around to see Joey looking up with a sly smirk crossed over his face.


"Nothing. Just now, it looked like Yugi was trying to get your attention."


I blushed at Joey's weird assumption before I punched him.

He groaned and was about to yell at me if it weren't for the bell ringing.

Class started.

"Oh. And some of the classmates who have a weird crush on Yugi is glaring at you."

I gulped before turning around and saw that he is right. Almost everyone is glaring at me with a jealous look in their eyes. I better keep a good distance away from them.

Yugi began reviewing where we have left off. As he continues on and speaking so fluently, I was dazed at the way his voice seem to carry a soothing yet sweet angel voice. I pinch myself so that I could at least catch up to some of the notes that I missed.

'Oh, why can't I stop staring at him!?'

It's because you love~ him.❤️

'Shut it Atem! I'm trying to learn here.'

More like drooling than learning.

'SHUT UP!!!!'


Yugi POV:

When class ended, everyone began packing up and saying goodbye so that they can enjoy their Spring Break. I sigh in relief because it lets me have enough time to check through and grade the student's paperwork and their past tests and benchmarks.


I turn around to see one of my students, Alina, holding out a paper bag that has cute little designs of elephants decorated around it.


She smiled and said, "This is for you. I hope you'll like it."

"Oh! Umm....thank you. Alina."

She giggled before heading out. When she's gone I sigh again.

'Another gift. Just like every other day.'

I walked back to my desk before started packing up my stuff. When I finished I look up and was startled to see Yami still on his desk. Writing down more notes and looking back and forth from his English textbook.

I walked up to Yami and silently look over his shoulder. I blushed at the neat handwriting as his writing got faster the more I stare. I decided to wait for him until he is done.

~1 hour later~

Yami finally dropped his pencil and gave out a long yawn while stretching his arms up into the air.

"It seems that you are already done with your Spring Break homework, Yami."


Once again, he fell off his seat and onto the ground. Before I didn't want to laugh because I thought that it would be rude. But now....

I couldn't stop!

I laughed at him as he tries to compose himself from his embarrassment. I just continue to laugh that sooner or later it caused my stomach to ach.

"Y-You're face....Hahahaha!!!! You should've! HAHAHA! Seen your face!"

Yami blushed and playfully glare at me before he smirked.

"You may be my teacher, Yugi-sensei. But I'm not afraid of doing...."

He laid his hands on my stomach before shouting, "THIS!"

"No! S-Stop it! YAMI!"

He continues to tickle me until I dragged us both down to the ground.

I pound the floor in surrender as I try to regain my breathing. Not noticing that some of my skin are showing from my stomach. Yami stare and blushed. When I was able to regain my breath I look up and was able to bring Yami's eyes into mine. We stared at each other for a few minutes before he broke it. I was a little disappointed but didn't say anything as he holds out his hand for mine. He smiled, "Grab on."

I smile as I placed my hand into his and haul me up.

Yami noticed some of my paperwork on Joey's desk that was behind him.

"Did you......stayed here for me?"

"Of course. You seem to be concentrating on finishing your homework so hard that you forgot that class is already over."

"O-Oh...." He scratched his head before I walk up to see his work. I was clearly impressed before complementing, "They look wonderful Yami. I believe that you have a whole entire week for yourself. Without any worries of homework whats so ever."

"Thank you so much. Yugi-sensei."

"Haha! Please, Yami. Remember what I said. Inside of class, you call me Yugi-sensei. But outside of class, you can just call me Yugi."

"But we are still in class." He smirked while I blushed.

"Y-You know what I mean!"

"Yes yes." Yami chuckled which cause me to blushed even more. His baritone tone is too...... too exotic and hot for me to handle!

'AHHHHHH!!! Why can't I stop staring at him!?'


Yami POV:

I chuckled a bit as Yugi tried to cover up his embarrassment, until I remember something.


"Hey, Yami."


I turn around to see Joey smirking at me.

"This might be your only chance."

"Chance? Joey, what are you talking about?"

He just grins like he had won a lottery or something before presenting me some kind of paper.

"Ta-Da! Two tickets to Kaiba's water park! And you are going to use these to invite Yugi-sensei."

"Eh?! J-Just the two of us, all alone?! That's just like a date!"

"It IS a date, you idiot!"


Joey sighs in my lack of romantic before he stares down at me and deathly said, "You're going to do more than go on a date."


"You're going to confess your love."


Flashback Ended

I sigh and nervously glanced at Yugi. Yugi continues to look through my stuff.

'Alright, Yami. Come on! This is your only chance to ask him out! And don't try to back off.'

Yami~ You're talking to yourself.

"Shut up or you'll make me lose my nerve!"

"Huh? Did you just said something, Yami?"

"N-No! It's nothing."

Yugi nodded and continue to look back at my work.

Way to keep it cool, Yami.

'Shut up or I'll make you.'

You can't really do that.

I ignored him before turning back to Yugi.


"Yes, Yami?"

I shuffled a little. Nervous a bit, while blushing.

"I-I was wondering. W-would you..."


That's when I can't take it anymore.


Yugi looks at me; shocked. I waited. Hoping. Hoping.

That he'll say, "Yes."


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