Chapter 2: Linger Feelings

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Long day, long ways. One, I have school. Two, I have books. So~ Put them all together and you'll find me working almost every day because of grades, paperwork, and the horror of Math, History, English, Biology, and the burning sun of Ra.

Hope you enjoy this amazing chapter and I'll see, or hear, you soon in.......*dramatic voice*

Operation: Lovey Dovey Date! ❤️


Previously on Operation: Lovey Dovey Date:


"Yes, Yami?"

I shuffled a little. Nervous a bit, while blushing.

"I-I was wondering. W-would you..."


That's when I can't take it anymore.


Yugi looks at me; shocked. I waited. Hoping. Hoping.

That he'll say, "Yes."




Yugi couldn't believe what he had just heard. He was shocked and confused and didn't expected that this would happen so suddenly without any warning. However, he was disputed on the look in Yami's eyes and the face that revealed that he is serious about this and is now waiting patiently for his reply.

Yugi opens his mouth and was about to say something until-

"Sensei! I left my notebook here and-"

Both Yami and Yugi snapped their heads towards the door to see Tea Garden looking at them. Curiously, she asked, "Am I interrupting something?"

"O-oh! Um....No no. You didn't."

"Except you ruin the moment," Yami muttered that is low enough for Tea to not hear. Yugi blushed but tried to conceal it by walking up to her and answered, "What is it that you forgot again?"

"Oh umm....My notebook. I left it under my desk."

"Alright. Please get it before I close the classroom. Yami here was just finishing up his homework."

Tea turns towards Yami. Yami stood there and nodded at her in greetings. Likewise, Tea nodded back.

Yugi smiled at the interaction. Though he wishes they could've got along with each other. He noticed right away that something happened after the Evening Festival was over and was worried. He hopes that they can converge and fix the problem that was caused between them before it's too late.

Tea walked up to her desk and went through it until she finally has the thing that she was looking for.

"Thank you, Yugi-sensei."

"Your welcome Tea. Have a wonderful Spring Break!"

She smile and began walking out the door. Just when she was about to past the door, Yami was able to catch "I doubt that..." until finally, she left.

The room was silent for a moment, just the two of them, before Yami said, "I should go. Good-bye, Yugi-sensei."

Yami didn't even look at Yugi when he talked because soon he put away his homework into his backpack and began leaving. Yami was sad and felt like he was rejected.

'Well, of course, it is. He never liked me in the first place so why bother-'


Yami was grabbed by the back of his shirt which caused Yami to stop walking. Yami turn around and almost die happily at what he saw next.

Yugi's pleading eyes.

"Y-Yami......please wait."

To make it worst, in Yami's opinion, Yugi pouted which caused Yami to blushed 2x the color.


Yami cursed in his head for stuttering every time Yugi pulled the cute-adorable-fluffy-angel-eyes on him.

I can't really blame ya. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE LOVE HIM! Even a wild bear can't withstand his looks.

Yami nodded at his respond. Yugi sighs in relief before he said, "Yami. I-I'm not sure how to respond to that......offer. I never.....really understand the concept of what or how you go out on" With every word being spilled out of his mouth, he blushed more in embarrassment as he tried to tell Yami what he's trying to say.

It took Yami a while to figure out what Yugi is trying to tell him, until finally. He understood.

"You don't know what a Date is?"


Yugi's eyes widen until he bows his head in shame.

"I have heard of it from my world. However, we have never really use the term of 'date' as our objective respond. Instead, we normal call it as a 'going-out-and-spending-time-with-friends'."


"I mean! What I mean is that....."

Yami can see the frustration that is shown on Yugi's face. Feeling bad, he decided to change his 'concept' for a better answer.

"Yugi. Please listen."

Yami placed both his hands on Yugi's shoulder to stop Yugi's nervous fidgetings.

"Let me rephrase my words so that you can understand. This 'date' that I am offering to you to allow me to take you out and explore the city and maybe get to know some fun places that you'll like. It's like a tour and I would like to take you everywhere to see what it's like to live in Domino City."

"So.....You're going to help me?"

"Of course. But only if you want me to."

Yugi slowly place a smile on his face as he nodded and excitedly said, "Yes! Of course! I wasn't able to have the time to learn my new surroundings and I would like to visit some amazing places that I wasn't able to visit when I first move here. Yami, please be my guide."

Right now, Yami didn't care if this is a date or not. All he wanted to do now is to show the wonderful things that he can offer to Yugi so that Yugi can learn new things and experience them. Yami happily smiled and said, "Then it's settled."

Yami took out the two tickets that Joey gave him and offer one to Yugi. Yugi look at it curiously before Yami explained, "The first tour is the amazing Waterpark that is located in the center of KaibeLand. We would need a ticket to get inside so make sure you keep it close and don't lose it."

Yugi pulled out a cute determine look and said, "I will."

Yami pulled a grin before continuing.

"I believe that you don't know the streets around Domino as I do. So I'll be the one to pick you up in my car and then we'll start heading out tomorrow."


"Oh! And another thing, I would need to know where you live so that I can pick you up."

"Oh! Of course. Here, I'll write my address."

Yugi went up to his desk, took out a piece of paper, and began writing it down.

Yami was excited, but not as excited as his English teacher. He can clearly see the childish and sparkle of his eyes shining with joy and interest to go and have a the most wonderful time of his life.

Yami can't ask anything more than this. The same goes for Yugi as well.

'I get to spend more time with the person that I have a crush on!'
Yugi POV:

'I'm so happy. I can't wait what's going to happen tomorrow. Especially with Yami.'

Yugi blushed and took a peak at Yami's direction. The sun is still in the horizon, which caused some of the gold, purple, pink and red light rain down on Yami. Yami was looking at the sunset out of the window as a bit of wind was able to seep through a crack and made Yami's beautiful star-shape hair move against its breeze. Making Yami relax and close his eyes to feel it's soothing effect. Yugi stare at Yami in a way that cause Yugi to look daze and......

Yugi gasped quietly as he placed his hand on his chest. Feeling a sudden skip of beat within his heart.

'W-What is this feeling?'

As time passes, the two were bboth oblivious to the upcoming danger that is going to take place in the near future as a lone figure stood behind the door of the classroom; listening.

Is he a foe? Or an ally?

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