Chapter 7: Tears of Sorrow

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*crying* My parents are so mean! ;(

They confiscated my laptop and now I won't be able to do much on my chapters anymore! *crying in waterfall tears*

So, while I was gone I was looking up and learning some of the few writing styles that were written from other authors so that I could improve my writing more and make my stories interesting for you guys.

Sorry for disappearing on you guys for a long time but I've been very busy on my summer school work and the fact that my parents want me to not use the computer or any internet at all for a whole entire month made me feel irritated. *angry* I hate it when they don't give me the amount of fun that I deserve to have. So, obviously, I'm going to a high rate of insanity, distress, and the non-stop paperwork that I am assigned to for the whole week.

I don't even have a job!

Thank you for listening and please don't get mad at me for the slow updates because hopefully (when this is all over) I'll be able to update more for all of you.


Mysterious Bomber:

I don't regret my action. Never. Those officers will never know what'll hit them.

It's their fault. Their mistake. Their blindness of finding 'justice' is what lead them to getting the people that they sworn to protect; will now suffer the consequences.

If it weren't for them. If it weren't for that so called "Inspector", they wouldn't have died.

The man gritted his teeth as he slowly took out a photo from his pocket. Inside the photo shows a small family of three: the man himself, a woman, and a boy at an age of 7 years old.

The family was at an amusement park. They seem to be happy and content to have each other for a long time.

The man was holding both of them in his arms, while the woman and the boy wrapped their arms around the man's back. They were smiling at the camera. Everything was perfect. Just him and his family.

Until one unfaithful day.....


"Please! You have to save them! They are the only people that I have left! Please!"

"We're doing everything that we can, Sir. But the building is way too old and unsupportive. Not to mention that the kidnappers are still holding on to the rest of the hostages."

"I don't care! I'll kill him if I have to! Just get them out right now!"

The man was strangling the officer and was blinded with fear and rage that he didn't realize his surrounding until it was too late. Without warning, the man gasped from a rush of pain from the side of his head before he struggled to unconsciousness. Before his vision turns black, he turned his head to the side to see who had stricken him down. Never, in his life, had he felt the worst shock and betrayal at the man in front of him.

"I'm sorry. But you need to rest. I am doing this for your own good."

"W-why you-bastard...."

The Inspector made sure that the man on the ground is finally silent before he ordered the officer to get the man out of here and into a hospital. Without questioning nor being told twice, the officer kneeled down and carried him away.

The Inspector believed that what he did was right. However, there is a price for every action that was made and cost.

Later that day, the police were able to capture the kidnappers when trying to retreat in the corner of the building. They were so petrified that they didn't realize that it was a trap before it was too late. Everyone was relieved that everything is over now. However, their relief turned into sorrow when they discovered that two of the hostages had sacrificed their lives in order to protect the others. In the end, the real heroes was a woman by the name of Clair Welfare and her son, Jimmy Welfare. 

Flashback Ended:

To this very day, the hostages would bring themselves forth to their grave sites and honor them with good prayers and flowers to dedicate their gratitudes. Even both the police force and the Inspector himself try to find time to tell them how strong and courageous they are in the very end.

The father, however, didn't feel the same way as they do. The only thing that is driving his life to the fullest is revenge, hate, and pain.

'Don't worry Clair, Jimmy. Daddy is going to make them pay for everything that they had done to us. I swear.'

The man smirked, despite the tears that are seeping out from the corner of his eyes.

I know I know! It's really short and I'm sorry for that. It's just that it's been a long time and I wasn't able to update much for a couple of weeks since I got back to school. Please bear with me and you will know soon that it'll be worth it.

Again, please support me and leave comments below for full encouragements if you want more updates. Encouragements always help me feel that I still have your supports and cheers.

Thank you!


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