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            My whole world seemed to slow down when he said those five words. I blinked at him a few times and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Seems like I've rendered you speechless." He chuckled. "You don't need to say it back or anything." He told me and I swallowed hard. He'll hate you forever when he finds out the truth. When he finds out you're not Luke, he'll end it then. "Luke?" Harry waved his hand in front of my face.

"Harry." I breathed out.

"Oh good, I thought I scared you off." He told me and I shook my head. "So um yeah, I love you." He told me and I smiled. I leaned into him and placed my forehead against his.

"I love you too Harry." I told him. "You make happier than I've been awhile, thank you." He gave blinding smile and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and moved my hands to tangle into his hair. We pulled away and he smiled. We lied down looking at the stars together. From here the stars were visible. "It's so beautiful."

"I know." He whispered. "I was wondering, since it's almost vacation time, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go away with me."
"I'd like that a lot." I told him. "Where to?"

"I was thinking a little cabin on a lake I know of. Blaise can come too."

"No, it can be just us." I told him. "We can have a relaxing trip."

"Sounds good." He told me and I closed my eyes. I took in the relaxing sounds and let them fill my ears. My phone started ringing on my pocket and I groaned. "Pick it up." Harry assured. I pulled my phone out and clicked answer.


"Draco!" Blaise yelled making me bolt up.

"Blaise? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked and he let out a breath.

"Nothing is wrong! I'm a grandpa!" He told me.

"What?!" I shouted. I felt Harry's hand rubbing my shoulder to relax me.

"Cupcake is a lady and she had kittens!" He said and I growled.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Cupcake had kittens." I told him and his mouth dropped open.

"What?" He asked shocked. I got back on the phone with Blaise and he was sniffling.

"They're so cute Draco!" He told me.

"How many are there?" I asked.

"She had four." He told me. "Oh please come home!" He pleaded and I sneered.

"Fine. I'll be there shortly." I told him and hung the phone up.

"Let's go Potter. After all it is your fault." I told him and he gasped.

"I didn't get the cat pregnant." He retorted.

"Yeah but it was you who examined her this morning." I replied and he shrugged.

"Yeah I guess she was already progressing this morning. I didn't feel anything." He said and I rolled my eyes. I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Let's go to my place." I smirked. He rolled his eyes but smiled and we walked hand in hand down the hill. We walked back to my place in silence and when we got to my flat, all I heard was Blaise sniffling. I followed the sniffles to my room where the cat had taken shelter.

"What the bloody hell is he doing in my bed?!" I yelled and Blaise scowled.

"SHE is cleaning her young." He hissed. "Oh aren't they just so precious?"

"No!" I shouted. "They aren't staying here."

"Yes they are! You can't split them up." He told me. Harry giggled and walked over to where the kittens were. He looked them over and looked at Blaise.

"They look healthy Blaise." He deemed. "Just don't move her tonight."

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" I yelled and Harry sighed embracing me in a hug.

"We can go back to my place." He told me and I shook my head.

"No we're here now. Blaise, you're sleeping here or on the couch. Harry and I are taking your bed."

"Oh please don't have sex in it." Blaise stood up from his kneeling position. "I just washed the sheets."

"Oh we're gonna make love all night long Blaise." I told him sneering. I grabbed condoms from my bedside table draw and grabbed Harry dragging him from the room. We walked into Blaise's room where I pulled Harry towards the bed. I sat on the edge as Harry stood.

"Are we really gonna make love in his bed?" He asked me and I looked up at him.

"We don't have to do anything tonight if you're gonna up for it. We can just sleep." I answered honestly. He smiled slightly and caressed my face.

"I want to though." He admitted and then straddled my hips. "Can I top tonight?" He asked and I placed my head against his.

"Of course you can." I told him and he smiled. He pressed his lips against mine and the kiss started sensual. Slowly but surely we started to undress each other, taking in each other's body for the first time. Sure we had sex plenty of times before but this was different. It wasn't just meaningless sex, it was love. I found myself against the bed as he lied on top of me.

"I love you Luke." He told me and his hand slipped between my legs. I gasped and welcomed the intrusion. It hurt like a bitch but I allowed him to stretch me. Finally when I was prepped enough, I found his lips against mine as he slowly pushed into me. I gasped and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I love you Harry." I told him as he thrusted gently.

"Are you doing alright? I know you're not used to being the bottom."

"Yeah, I'm good." I told him and took a deep breath. I relaxed my body wrapped my arms around his neck. "You can go faster." I told him and he did just that. We endlessly made love that night like it was our last.


"Okay so I have eight shirts, eight shorts, five pants, a bunch of boxers, two bathing suits, umm what else?" I turned to Harry. He had finished packing and came over.

"Um well I brought a few essentials. Like tooth brush and toothpaste. A hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, my soap and my contact solution." He explained and I nodded.

"This is just my clothes bag. My bathroom essentials are in the bathroom, Blaise is packing that." I disclosed and he shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Speaking of Blaise, how are the kittens?" He asked me and I sneered.

"As gross as ever. I found one in my bed this morning. Blaise said she likes me."

"Aww." Harry giggled. "Are you gonna keep her?"

"No." I shook my head. I heard a tiny mew and my head snapped towards the door. The little white and orange striped cat walked into my room. It was relatively small but Harry walked over to it and scooped it up.

"Aww but look at her, she's so cute." He cooed and cuddled the small cat. "What's her name?"

"Blaise calls her Dragon." I sighed shaking my head. I took the cat from Harry despite his protests. I walked out of my room and placed the kitten down. "Shoo now." I hissed and walked into the room shutting the door. Harry was pouting at me but I ignored him and smirked. "Let's finish shall we?"

After another hour of packing and getting ready, Harry and I set off in his jeep compass for the two hour journey. I rested my head against the window.

"Take a nap Luke, we'll be there before you know it." He told me and I smiled nodding.

"Night Harry, love you."

"Love you too."

"Hey Drake, how are you doing?" Blaise asked. I curled up further on the couch in the hospital. The counselors pulled me out of my room so I could take a visit. "Draco, you need to get of out this funk. It's been nearly a year." He told me and I looked at him.

"It's been that long?" I croaked and he gave a small smile.

"Yeah, that long. We miss you back at school. I know his friends miss you and your parents miss you."

"They put me in here."

"Because they care for you Draco. They don't want you wasting away." He told me and I swallowed hard.

"C-can you do something for me?" I asked and he brushed a hair out of my face.


"C-can you get me out of here?" I pleaded.

"I can't do that Draco. You need to get better."

"I want to go home." I told him. "I miss my bed."

"Draco you need to get better." He leaned in and pressed his lips against my cheek. "And you will but you need to allow yourself to get better." He told me and I blinked away the tears.


"Okay." I woke up saying.

"Okay what?" Harry asked and I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision.

"Okay?" I asked and he glanced over at me.

"You said okay. You talk in your sleep sometimes."

"Did I say anything this time? Other than okay?" I asked.

"You were mumbling." He shrugged and then made a turn with the car. We pulled into a long driveway and stopped in front of a log cabin that rested just on a lake. I gasped and looked at Harry.

"This place is huge!" I gasped and he smiled.

"Nice isn't it?" He pulled up to the front and stopped the engine. "It had a great view of the lake from the back of the house. I found this gem online and I invested in it."

"It's beautiful." I breathed out. We got out of the car and took the stuff out. We walked towards the door and he let us in. It was really breath taking the inside of the house. It was huge and very open. The kitchen and the living room were connected and through the living room you could see the view of the lake.

"Come, let's put our bags in our room and then explore." He told me and I nodded. We brought the bags up the wooden stairs and turned to our right to go to our room that was all the way down the hall. "It had few rooms. I used to throw Fourth of July parties here."

"But you're British." I pointed out and he laughed.

"I know but we live in 'merica now." He told me and dropped a kiss on my cheek. "They were great."

"I can see why." I said and we waked into the room. It was, without a doubt, the master suite. It was completed with a bathroom and a giant king sized bed.

"You can put your stuff in the walk in." He pointed to a door. I gasped and walked over to the door which was a walk in closest.

"Holy shit Harry, what are you doing living in the city when you have this?" I asked.

"It get boring here. Nothing really to do." He shrugged and started to unpack his stuff. "We can go to town once to get dinner. The town is nice." He said and I nodded. I unpacked my stuff and placed all my belongings into the closet as did he. "Come on, let me show you around."

"Okay." I nodded. We grabbed my hand and showed me around. There was an indoor pool and a hot tub just near the rec room. From there you could see the lake.

"I had papa and dad vacation here with me. It was storming really badly but we chilled in the hot tub and here to watch the storm." He said and I nodded. He showed me the various bathrooms and extra room. Finally he took me out on the deck and I noticed there was an open spot where you can jump off. However it was roped off.

"Why is it roped off?"

"One time when I was twenty, teddy was five but couldn't swim yet. He was over there and fell in. I had to jump in after him. We thought he was gone for good. He had gotten a good amount of water in his lungs before I got to him but thankfully the hospital isn't too far away and they save him."
"Wow, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. He's okay." He hugged me tightly. "We can go swimming later but I really wanna do something." He told me and I looked at him. I squeezed him tightly and placed my chin on his head.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Break in that bed." He smirked and I did too.

"You're on Potter."

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