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I woke snuggled to my raven haired boyfriend. He was sleeping soundly with soft snores puffing from his nose. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him plump lips. Once I made contact he kissed me back. We pulled away and he opened those green eyes that I fell in love with.

"Morning." He said huskily and kissed me one last time. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really well actually." I sat up and stretched my limbs. "Can I make you something for breakfast?" I asked.

"No it's okay." He said. He got out of bed as did I and he stretched. "I'll make breakfast, you go sit on the balcony and we can eat there." He said and I nodded. We walked down stairs and parted ways. He made a left into the kitchen while I walked through the living room to go out on the balcony. I walked out and a gust of wind hit my face. The sun was hitting the lake making it shimmer and it was so comfortable outside. I took a seat at the table and closed my eyes taking in the air. Enjoy it while it lasts Draco, when he finds out you're lying, he'll break up with you.

"Shut up, stop it." I hissed at the voice. You know its true Draco, you know. You fear it every day. You fear that he'll leave you and you'll just be a pathetic waste of space. "Shut it! I am fine." I yelled. Maybe you should just end it. End the relationship and check yourself into the hospital again. "Stop it!" I shouted.

"Luke?!" I heard. Harry had coming running out to see me yelling and hitting my head. He rushed to my side and embraced me tightly. I inhaled his scent deeply and he rubbed my back. "What's the matter?"

"T-the voice is back." I told him and he kissed my head.

"What do you want me to do?" He whispered and I buried my face into his chest.

"Stay with me." I whispered and he hugged me lifting me up.

"Come. Watch me make breakfast and we can walk out together." He said and I nodded. He had an arm wrapped around my waist and we walked into the kitchen. He let me sit on the counter top as he finished making eggs, bacon and toast. "So um can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I nodded snagging a piece of bacon from the plate.

"What does the voice say?" He asked. I stopped mid bite and blinked at him.

"I-I don't really want to talk about it." I divulged.

"It might help." He suggested and I shook my head. I hopped off the counter.

"I-I'm gonna go shower." I told him and he looked at me.

"The food is ready."

"Not hungry." I told him and went to walk away but his hand closed on my wrist.

"Come on Luke. Don't be upset. I'm sorry I asked, please just eat though." He told me. His eyes were looking into mine. I nodded slowly and a faint smile appeared on his lips. "Thank you." He said. He leaned up and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back swiftly and then we pulled away. "You bring out the food, I'll get the tea."

"Okay." I allowed. I walked out with the food on the tray and set everything down. Harry came out moments later and settled on chair across from me. "It's so nice out."

"It is. We should swim in the lake."

"I'd like that. I'd also like to take the hot tub for a spin." I smirked and took a bite of my eggs.

"We can do that, we still have time." He told me and I smiled. We finished eating in silence and when we were done, I cleared the plates. He was wiping the table outside while I washed the plates. When I felt two arms wrapped around me, I jumped. "Sorry Luke." Harry giggled and kissed my neck. "Almost done?" He asked. I washed the last plate and turned around.

"I am now." I kissed him. "So lake or tub first?"

"I say lake, then tub and then maybe we can take a bubble bath together."

"Oh potter, I like how you think." I said and he laughed. He pulled me back up the stairs and we changed into our suits after an intense make out session. Five minutes later, we were on the balcony standing in the little opening.

"Ready Luke?" He asked and I nodded.

"You first." I told him and he nodded. He motioned for me to move out of the way and once I did, he did a cannon ball into the water. He rose up and smiled up at me.

"Come in, the water is just fine." He shouted. I took a deep breath and hopped off the edge. The water struck me and I went down a few feet before come up.

"I love it." I smiled and he swam over to me. He kissed my nose and hugged me.

"And I love you."

"I love you too." We swam in the lake for an hour or so and then we swam to shore. We walked through the basement to get to the hot tub that was near the stairs.

"Let me get it set up." He told me and I nodded. He started the bubbles and everything then slipped in with a sigh. "Come in." I did what I was told and allowed the heat to wrap around my sore muscles.

"Hey Harry?" I spoke up leaning against the wall.

"Mmm yeah?"

"Can I treat you to dinner tonight?" I asked and he smiled.

"If you want. But I get to treat you to dessert." He winked and I laughed swimming over to him. I pressed my lips to his head.

"Okay fair enough. You'll have to pick the restaurant though."

"Okay, we can go to this one that my parents took me too. I liked it a lot."

"What is there to eat?" I asked and he pondered a bit.

"Like the basics. I recommend eating the steak though, it was really good."

"Okay." I smiled and pulled him into an embrace. I kissed his neck gently and he sighed nicely. I started to add pressure to it and added my teeth.

"Ooo Luke." He moaned and I smiled. I pulled away and kissed the bruise looking wound.

"Harry." I licked my lips. "Let's play."


"And for you?" The waiter asked. Harry ordered a piece of the chocolate cake. I looked at the menu one last time. We had just eaten a delicious meal so of course we were finishing the night with some dessert.

"I'll have the cheesecake." I asked and he nodded.

"Thank you, your dessert will be out shortly." He said and walked away.

"I like it here." I told him. "Like the cabin and everything."

"It's another one of my happy places." He told me.

"That's nice. I can see why, it's so nice." I told him and took a sip of the rest of my beer. "Do you bring all your boyfriends down here?"

"Ha." He smiled. "I only brought one. I thought he was a great boyfriend but we didn't work out."

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"He cheated on me." He told me sadly and I frowned. The thought of my Harry being hurt that way made me sad. "I lived with him for six months, we were together for um three years maybe. I was at work, the toy store, when this guy walked up to me and started to speak with me. He was telling me that my boyfriend and he had been sneaking around for one year." He told me and took a shaky breath. "I had no idea who he was so I didn't believe him. But by the time I got home my boyfriend was begging at my feet for my forgiveness. I told him to get out and I haven't seen him since." A tear slipped down his face and I leaned over wiping it away.

"I'm sorry." I told him. Our desserts came and he gave me a small smile "How in love with him were you?"

"So in love." He told me chuckling. "I wanted to marry him. He said he wasn't the marrying type. I was stupid enough to take that as answer and not think twice about it." He said and took a bite of his cake. "But I love you and I don't think you'd cheat on me. You've been through a lot yourself."

"Yeah." I sighed. "Harry, I have to tell you something." I said and he nodded. "I'm-" I started but he started to shake. "Harry?"

"Can't breathe." He gasped and I jumped up.

"Fuck, Harry." I cursed.

"Cherries. Cake." He gasped out and I lied him on the ground shouting for someone to call 911.

"Do you have an epi-pen?" I asked and he was breathing heavily. He nodded and pointed to his coat pocket shakily. As his eyes were fluttering closed, I found the pen and jabbed his thigh. He inhaled sharply and deeply. I let out a breath and leaned in to him. "Harry." I breathed out trying to calm my rapid heart.

"I'm okay." He told me and I bit my lip. We heard the ambulance in the background. "I'm okay." He assured and sat up slightly. I helped him up to a full sitting position.

"What happened?" I asked.

"There was something cherry in the cake. I'm allergic to cherries." He said and I flashed back to Christmas when we were teens. Dad used cherry sauce in the cake and Harry almost needed to go to the hospital.

"Right this way." We heard the waiter.

"The EMT's are here." I told Harry. "I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Okay." I placed my forehead against his. "Love you."

"I love you too." I whispered. The EMTs rushed to him and I helped him into the wheelchair. I watched them wheel him out and ran a hand through my hair.

"I am so sorry." The waiter apologized. "I was unaware the cake had cherry sauce."

"It's fine. I need to get to the hospital." I told him. "How much do I owe you?"

"Everything is on the house." He told me and I nodded. I went in my pocket and grabbed a twenty handing it to him. "Thank you, the meal was delicious." He smiled, thanked me, and walked away. I grabbed all our stuff and walked out ignoring the looks I was getting. I hopped in the car and drove to the hospital safely. They directed me to his room and he was lying in a private room watching some television.

"Hi you." I smiled and he grinned looking at me.

"Hey, they said I'm here overnight for observation." He told me and I frowned kissing his head.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine, throat hurts a bit."

"That's normal." I said and started to stroke his hair gently.

"Stay with me until I fall asleep?" He pleaded and I looked at him puzzled.

"What makes you think I'm leaving you at all?" I asked.

"You'd stay with me?" He inquired and I smiled.

"Of course. I don't want to go back to the house by myself. There's no one to shag there." I told him and he chuckled. I pressed my lips against him temple. "I was so scared. Has that happened before?"
"Maybe once or twice." He disclosed.

"I'm not allergic to anything." I told him and he yawned. "You need to rest Harry."

"Lay with me." He said. I kicked off my shoes and he moved over making room for me. I lied down next to him as my arms were wrapped around him. I kissed his head and said, "Sleep well."


"You were gonna tell me something back at the restaurant." He pointed out and I sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell you some other time."

"Okay." He snuggled closer. "Love you." He murmured.

"Love you too." I whispered and he slowly fell asleep. I closed my eyes and swallowed my cry. I can't lose him, not yet. 

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