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"Hey babe!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" Harry yelled from his kitchen.

"Where do you keep your toothpaste?" I called. I decided to stay the night at Harry's.

"It's in the mirror." He told me. I cocked my head and pulled on the mirror to find it doubled as a cabinet. I pulled out the tooth paste and put it on my spare toothbrush. As I was finishing up, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Hi." Harry whispered. I turned in his grip and smiled.

"Hi." I kissed his lips.

"I need to shower, wanna come?" He asked and I groaned.

"I would love to but I really need to go to work." I told him pouting. "But you'll come visit me on your break yeah?"

"Yes." He smiled and kissed my lips. "I'll pack a lunch and we can eat outside. The hospital has a nice courtyard."

"Okay sounds like a plan." I kissed him again. "I'll go get ready now."

"Okay." He sighed and started the shower. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed his nose and then walked out. I considered moving in with Harry. After three months together and at the rate we were going, you would think we'd be living together. I wanted to but he still doesn't know my real name. I spent weeks trying to come clean but either I got too chicken or we'd get distracted. I sighed and put on my uniform. I told Harry I was leaving and then left his flat. My phone started vibrating in my pocket so I pulled it out as I got into my car.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ah Draco." Blaise said.

"You alright Blaise?" I asked.

"Yeah I was wondering if you told Harry yet."

"No not yet. We got... preoccupied."

"Draco!" He scolded and I started to drive off. "I want to help you, I really do but if you wait any longer, you might get hurt even more."
"I know Blaise." I sighed. "Maybe I should just change my name."

"Draco!" He scolded.

"Blaise look. I've spent years trying to get him back and I am not going to lose him. I can't lose him just yet."

"I know." Blaise sighed. "But you need to tell him." He pointed out and I sighed.

"You're pointing out the obvious Blaise."
"I know." He told me. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and drove to my spot parking my car,

"I need to go Blaise, I'm at work."

"Are you coming home for dinner?" He asked. "I have a date."

"I'll go out with Harry." I chuckled. "Is that what you're hinting at?"

"Yes." He chuckled. "She's the hostess from that one restaurant we went to. I went there last night after my gig and she was there. I gave her my number."
"Okay but makes sure she's out of the house by the morning."

"I will. Bye Draco, love you."

"Love you too Blaise." I hung up the phone. I walked into the hospital and picked up a clipboard. It was a little girl in a car wreck that shattered her leg. I walked in and she was sitting on the table with her cast out in front of her.

"Hi my name is Dr. Malfoy." I shook hands with her mother and then her. "How are you feeling princess?" I asked and she giggled.

"You talk funny." She giggled and I smiled. "I'm alright." She said in an airy voice. "My leg hurts a bit."

"We've come to get a checkup. The wreck was last week but we want to make sure she's okay." Her mother spoke up. I nodded and took out my stethoscope.

"What's this for?" She asked me and I smiled.

"It's so I can hear your heart." I said and put it up to chest. She was breathing normally.

"Can you hear the ocean?" She asked and I smirked.
"Yes of course. I was listening to Ariel the mermaid before, do you know her?"

"You talk to Ariel?" She asked wide eyed.

"Yes of course! She's my friend." I told her. "Would you like to take a listen?" I asked and she smiled blindly.

"Can I?" She asked and I nodded. I took off the scope and wiped off the ear pieces. I let her listen to it and she listened intently. "I can't hear her."

"You can't? Well let me listen." I told her and she handed me the thing. "Ah she's sleep, want to leave a message?"

"I can?!" She asked and I nodded. I handed her the thing I put up to her chest and allowed the little girl to leave a message. Once she finished, I smiled.

"Ah princess now I just need to run a few tests."

"Okay." She said sadly. "Can I ask you something first?"


"Are you a prince?" She asked and her mum chuckled.

"Yes I am but you need to keep that a secret." I whispered.

"Okay I promise." She whispered back. I stuck out my pinky and she took it with her own.


"Hi love." Harry greeted me and I smiled.

"Hello. How is work so far?" I asked kissing his head. We settled at a picnic table outside.

"It's alright. I got to play with a monkey. His name was Chip." He gigged and I rolled my eyes.

"Cute." I laughed and took a bite of my salad.

"How about you?" He asked.

"I took care of a little girl around five. I let her leave a message for Ariel the mermaid and she will keep the secret that I'm a prince."

"Oh good, we don't want that getting out." Harry chuckled.

"Yeah because if I am a prince, you're a prince by default." I told him and he chuckled.

"Okay okay makes sense." He took a bite of his bologna sandwich.

"So what are you doing for dinner?" I asked.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"In a way." I laughed. "Blaise has a date with this woman who I don't particularly like."

"Oh and you're using me as a distraction?" He asked teasingly and I snorted.

"Exactly right. We could lay low tonight. Just go to the diner and then go back to your place to watch a movie."

"I like the sound of that." He smirked. "And then we can shag?" He asked and I laughed.

"Yes that was on the agenda." I told him. "Thankfully I don't have a double tonight."

"Yes more time with me." He cheered and I leaned over the table. I planted a kiss to his lips.

"More time with my prince." I told him. We conversed and ate for a little longer until we both need to go. I kissed him with a promise I'd see him later and we went on with our days.


Harry and I were eating a nice meal at the local diner.

"So Luke, how was the rest of your day?" He asked and I sighed.

"It was alright. I tended to a screaming six year old and a shy four year old. Parents are the worst however, they demand everything. This one woman actually asked if I could administer the child some meds to sedate him. Legally and morally I have to say no. But why would you even ask?"

"Sounds like they've had enough." He laughed and took a bit of his burger. I took a sip of my water. "I got to look after this golden retriever."

"Aww lucky." I pouted and took a sip of my soup. "I want a puppy."

"But you have Dragon." He pointed out.

"Dragon is technically Blaise's. She loves me though and I've grown attached to the thing." I explained. "She's my little buddy."

"I get that." He nodded his head. "And you still want a puppy?"
"Yes I do. Dragon will get along just fine with a puppy."

"Alright Alright. What would you name it?" He asked.

"Hmm maybe Goldie."

"Goldie the golden retriever?"

"Do you have any bright ideas?" I hissed. I was just finishing up my soup.

"Yes how about Buddy? Or um Bambi?" He suggested and I laughed.

"I like those names. Dragon and Bambi." I smirked and we broke out into a fit of giggles. Once we calmed down, we fell in a peaceful silence. We finished up our meals and I felt the need to pee. "Harry, I need to use the restroom. If the waitress comes by, use my card." I told him and he nodded.

"Alright fine, but I'm leaving the tip." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Love you." I caved.

"Love you too." He said and I stood up kissing his head. I walked towards the bathroom passing the waitress on my way there. I walked into the bathroom and walked right to the empty urinals. I relieved myself with a sigh, zipped up, washed my hands, and then walked out. Harry was sitting there with something in his hand. "Whatcha got there?" I asked standing. He looked up to me and his face read betrayal. Tears were in his eyes and I've never seen him so upset.


"You've been lying to me Draco." He hissed.

"What?" I gasped wide eyed.

"Your real name is Draco. Lucius. Malfoy!" He yelled and threw my driver's license at me.


"Stop! I trusted you! I loved you. Y-you betrayed me!" He cried and I swallowed.


"No! Stop, what else are you lying about? Was there even a boy named Harry? Were you even ever in the hospital?!"

"Yes Harry- I-I only lied about my name."

"Shut up! How can I believe you? You fucking bastard!" He jumped up. He shoved passed me and my heart rate sped up.

"Harry wait!"

"Just leave me alone!" He yelled and stormed out. I ran out after him and it was pouring out. Thankfully I had my car. I hopped in and drove next to Harry after spotting him walking away in the rain.

"Harry please." I yelled through the window.

"I said leave me alone." He shouted.

"Fine, but get in the car."

"Why so you can kidnap me?"

"Harry it's raining, get in the car!" I yelled over the pounding rain. He stopped walking. He turned to me and he swallowed. He got in the car and slammed the door.

"You better fucking take me home or I will call the police." He told me and I floored it.

"Just hear me out." I said and he was silent. "Everything else was true. The only thing I lied about was my name." I explained. "The boy in the story Harry was you!"

"Oh sod off Malfoy."

"You don't believe me? Your parents even know who I am! They know the real me!"

"Do not bring my parents in this!" He yelled and I growled tightening my hold on steering wheel.

"They're lying to you too! You just believe them cause they're all you know! They lied to you! You weren't in a bad accident! My friends fucking beat you senseless. Beat you so hard you couldn't even fucking think straight!" I screamed. I was so fucking pissed. Sure I was caught in a lie but I would not go down without a fight. I couldn't lose him just yet.

"Shut up! You're lying." He yelled, his voice straining. I hated hearing him hurt but I was still pissed.

"I am not!" I yelled.

"You are! Now slow down before you get us killed!" He yelled and I sped up. "You idiot stop the car!" He yelled. He's gonna do it. He'll be gone forever. Say goodbye pretty boy. I shook my head and pressed harder on the gas.

"It hurt when you didn't remember me. Hurt that you didn't remember me when I spent years trying to get over you. Trying to cure myself and now you're gonna act like the victim because you were lied to?!" I yelled. "Sod that!"

"Slow down!" He yelled.

"I'm such an idiot for perusing you! For even coming here and doing this!" I sneered. He'll do it whether you like it or not. You pathetic piece of rubbish. Flashing lights flickered behind us and I growled. The traffic light turned red above us so I slammed on my breaks making us come to halt. But much to our luck, the police car had been right behind us and slammed into to us. Our car lurched forward into the intersection. I only hoped I had seen the 16-wheeler that was barreling through the intersection at the time.

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