Bonus Chapter

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Blaise's P.O.V

"So baby, you wanna go back to my place and get to know each other better?" I purred into the blonde's ear. She giggled and turned to kiss my lips.

"Yeah I'd love that." She said and I chuckled. I pulled her out of the bar and then we resumed kissing outside. We were going at it, tongue and all when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

"One second baby." I pulled away and pulled out my phone. My heart stopped when it read LAPD. "I need to answer this."

"Hello?" I answered.

"I need to speak with a Mr. Zabini." The lady said.

"This is he."

"Mr. Zabini there's been an accident. You're the first contact on Mister Malfoy's records."

"An accident? What do you mean accident? Is everything okay?"
"We know for sure. Please come the hospital. It's best we explain everything there." She said and I gulped.

"O-okay." I hung up the phone. "I got to go baby." I kissed her once and then started to run. I ran as fast as my feet would take me and finally I ended up at the hospital. "I'm here for Draco Malfoy."

"Ah yes, I'll notify a doctor to come talk to you." She told me and I nodded. I took a seat trying to calm my nerves. Anything could have happened. He could have gotten hurt and Harry brought him here. But Harry would have called. Maybe Harry was hurt too. Or-

"Mr. Zabini?" I heard and I jumped up.

"That's me." I gasped out and he looked me with such sympathy.

"Mr. Zabini, I'm Doctor Monroe, your friend was going at a rate of 100 miles an hour. We have no idea why he was going so fast but he slammed on his breaks quite abruptly. The cop that was pulling him over had sped up to match his speed but when he stopped, he wasn't ready and slammed into your friend's car."

"Okay and?"
"Well he and another gentlemen who was in the car with him were thrown into the intersection." He said and I gulped. "There was a truck coming through at the time that slammed into the car and dragged it." He said and I started to shake.

"A-are they alive?"

"The conditions of them are unknown. The cops described the crash as a mangled mess. We were sure they were dead but when we got them, they were alive but barely." He said and tears slid down my face. He put a hands on my shoulder and I let out a whimper. "I'm sorry. If you could call Mister Malfoy's family and let them know the situation that would be great."

"And what about Harry?"

"We've informed his parents and they are coming here immediately." He disclosed. "Do you have any idea what Mr. Malfoy would go that fast?"

"No clue. He's always a safe driver."

"I see in his medical history that he's mentally ill. Suffered from depression and anxiety. Was he suicidal?"

"If he was, he wouldn't take Harry with him. He loved him and wouldn't hurt him."

"In his medical history it also stated he experienced voices?"

"That could be it!" I yelled. "He was hearing voices again."

"And this caused him to speed?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Could be a possibility." I told him and he nodded.

"Dr. Monroe! Come quick, we're losing the patient!" Someone yelled and I paled.

"Stay here. I'll let you know how everything goes." He told me and ran off. My heart stopped when I heard them shouting for the paddles. I heard the flat line and my breath caught in my throat. No Draco!

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