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I wasn't going  to update today but I'm feeling generous...

"...ims of last week's brutal crash are believed to still be in critical condition." The not so clear voice rang in my ears.

"Zabini, turn that rubbish off." My father's voice said. I tried opening my eyes and let out a soft groan.

"Draco?" I heard and I let my eyes open.

"What happened?" I croaked and I felt fingers run through my hair. My vision cleared more and I saw it was dad and my father was at the foot of my bed. I noticed my leg was in a big cast and my left arm was too.

"Draco, you're awake." Blaise said. I blinked a few times and tried to will away the headache.

"Draco, are you alright?" Father asked.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"You were in bad car accident." Dad told me and I looked up at him.


"You were speeding and then slammed on your breaks." He told me and I tried putting everything together. The last thing I remembered was dinner with Harry.


"Well the police car following you was already speeding to catch up to you and when you stopped, he didn't move quickly enough and slammed into you. You two go thrown into the intersection and um-" He cut himself off and took a deep breath.

"Drake." I turned my head. Blaise was looking at me sadly. "You were hit by a truck. It apparently stopped at quickly as possible but it dragged you about a hundred feet and then your car turned over upside down." He told me and I stared at him. A lump grew in my throat and tears trickled at my eyes.

"Did he die?" I asked and Blaise looked at me sympathetically.

"No Draco, Harry is alive. He's not well but he's alive." He told me and I nodded before bursting into tears. Arms wrapped around me as I buried my face into Blaise's chest.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. "I'm sorry."

"Shh Draco settle down. Shh." Blaise rubbed my back. "He's alive Draco. He's alive and awake. He's been asking for you."

"What?" I mumbled into his chest.

"He's been asking for you, to see if you're okay. Sirius comes in everyday to see if you're awake."

"How long have I been out?" I asked looking up. I had calmed down.

"Eight days. That's when everything happened. Harry had been up for five." Blaise told me.

"Do you want us to tell you what the outcome was?" Father asked and I nodded. "You have several broken ribs, a broken leg, a broken arm, you hit your head pretty hard but surprisingly there was no concussion, and your face was um... burned pretty badly."


"Never fear Draco, you've received skin grafts." Dad, who was still stroking my hair, gave me a mirror. My face didn't look any different but if looked closely, there was scarring. I looked away and looked at Blaise.

"And my car?" I asked.

"Completely destroyed."

"Did anyone die?" I asked.

"No you and Harry were the only ones were damaged. The cop who crashed into you was surprised you guys were alive, he was sure you died. Everyone was sure you did." He said and I nodded. I closed my eyes and willed myself not to cry.

"How did he survive?" I asked not opening my eyes.

"No one knows. We figured he saw the truck before you and made himself loose. If you're tense, there's a better chance you get hurt. You two are very lucky."

"I know." I opened my eyes and blinked away the tears. "Can I see him?"

"You can but I want the doctors to check you before you do anything." He advised me and I nodded. Blaise walked away and silence filled the air. My parent stayed by my side but didn't say anything. I bit my lip as the doctor walked in.

"Glad you've finally decided to join us." The man chuckled. "I'm Dr. Monroe. Are you experiencing any pain?"

"My head." I told him and he nodded. The nurse walked in and checked my vitals.

"Have you been told what happened?" He asked after listening to my heart.


"And the internal injuries?"

"Besides the broken ribs no." I admitted and he nodded.

"Okay well besides the broken ribs and other bones, you had a bit of internal bleeding. Your heart stopped and we needed to revive you. Are you feeling anything other than headaches?"


"Any discomfort?" He asked and I shook my head. "You're very lucky."

"I know. Can I see um Harry now?" I asked and he gave me a sad smile.

"Yes. I will have a wheel chair sent to you." He said and I nodded. He left the room and Blaise walked back in. He and my parents helped me into a standing positon but I winced at my ribs being moved. I wrapped my arm around Blaise neck with my good arm and leaned on my good leg.

"I saw Harry, he's excited to see you." He said and I let out a cry of happiness.

"Really?" I asked and he smiled nodding. The blonde nurse walked into wheeling the chair towards me. They lowered me in it and I hissed at the discomfort. "We'll be in the cafeteria Draco, go get your man back." Blaise said and kissed my cheek. My father and dad both kissed my head and walked out with him.

"Ready?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." I state quietly. She started to wheel me out and we passed two rooms then got to Harry's. Sirius and Remus spotted us causing them to say something to Harry and step out.

"Glad to see you're awake." Sirius told me and I smiled.

"Thank you." I told him and he nodded. Remus smiled at me as the nurse pushed me into the room. Harry was laying propped up with his glasses on his face. He was incredibly pale but he looked well rested.

"Hi Draco." He greeted and I swallowed my cry.

"Hi Harry." I croaked.

"I'll give you some time alone." The nurse whispered and pushed up to the bed. She walked out of the room and Harry reached to grab my hand.

"It's good to see you awake, I've been bored. What took you so long?" He teased and I chuckled.

"Guess I was afraid that I'd awake up and you'd be gone." I told me and then started crying.

"I'm so so sorry Harry. I never meant to hurt you or lie to you. I-"

"Shush Draco." He scolded. "Blaise talked to me. He told me about your suffering and how it hurt you. He explained that you wanted to tell me but it never happened. " He said and I nodded sniffling. He let go off my hand and wiped my eyes. "I remember though." He told me.


"I remember everything. The crash must have hit my head perfectly and made me remember. I remember everything from when I was a child to now." He told me and I just stared at him. "You made me feel so loved and protected as a teenager. You were my first love Draco."

"You were my first love too Harry." I told him and he smiled.

"Good because I'm willing to try again with you. After all, I am connected to you and I-I love you." He told me and I let out a shaky breath. I dropped my head and started crying. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I love you too." I sobbed. "I can't believe I hurt you so badly."

"Shh Draco, its okay. It's partly my fault, I shouldn't have made you so angry." He told me and I just shook my head.

"N-no." I sniffled and he grabbed my chin.

"Look at me." He said softly. I did what he said. "You're alive and I'm alive, I may not be well but I'm alive." He said and I sniffled.

"What's happened to you?" I asked and gave a sad smile.

"They removed my spleen, a piece of my liver, I had internal bleeding but they settled that. My arm was shattered." He showed me his right arm. "And they say I have lower back nerve damage."

"But they means-"

"I might not be able to walk again." He told me told me and I gulped back my tears.

"How are you so calm about it?"

"Remember Draco, you were out for eight days while I was out for three. I was upset but I've come to terms with it."

"How did you wake up before me? If you took the hit?"

"I don't know. My heart never stopped but I was in critical state. I still am."

"I'm so sorry." I apologized and he shook his head.

"No more apologizing. For anything. You lied but you were right, so did my parents. They didn't tell me about you or about my friends. I was sheltered but I know now that you all were looking out for me." He explained and I nodded. He smiled and kissed my hand. "I love you Draco, my king." He said and let out a teary laugh.

"And I love you my prince." I leaned up and pressed my lips against his. I soft whine came from my lips and when we pulled away he was smiling.

"I've missed you. I'm sorry I made you mad."

"You had every right to be mad."

"But you were trying to explain to me and I didn't want to hear it." He told me. "Do you remember what happened that night?"

"No." I sighed.

"I do." He said. "You went to the bathroom and the waitress came. I pulled out your card and it had Draco Malfoy on it. Confused, I gave it to her and she used. I checked your license and it was the same. I knew then you had been lying to me. You came out, I confronted you and ran off. You made me get in the car cause of the rain. We were arguing and you were speeding. A cop tried to pull you over but you stopped so fast that he slammed into us and then we got hit by the truck."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine Draco. I'm not angry with you. I was furious at my parents for not telling me. They knew you, you were right. They knew who you were from the beginning. They never once tried telling me either." He told me and I nodded. "I was pissed. I was jolted awake by all the memories that fled back and I started yelling at them. They were very apologetic and I finally took their apology two days ago. I've missed you. You were right, hospital food sucks." He said and I let out a laugh.

"When did I ever say that to you?"

"When I was in coma when I was fifteen."

"You remember that?"

"Sure do." He said and then his eye filled with tears. "What's happened to everyone?" He asked.

"Crabbe and Goyle got 25 years to life for attempt murder. Parkinson got 20 years for conspiracy."

"That's good." He breathed out. I wiped away some of his tears. "What about my friends?"

"I'll tell you later." I said. "I don't want to overwhelm you. Have you eaten today? What time is it anyway?"

"It's 2pm and yes I have. You should eat though." He said and I nodded.

"Okay, I'll be back later, okay?" I asked and he smiled.

"Okay." I leaned over and kissed him. "I love you." He told me and I smiled.

"I love you too." I told him honestly. After ten years and six months, I got my Harry back.   

Dont worry! It's not the end, I still have more for this story. Hope you guys liked this better than the last haha

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