Bonus Chapter

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Harry Waking Up

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry?" He spoke softly. I looked up and Draco Malfoy was standing near me.

"G-go away." I cried and cowered away.

"Hey no, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said and I shook my head scooting further away.

"Y-you're D-Draco M-Malfoy. H-head bully." I started crying more. H sighed and kneeled down causing me to flinch.

"I promise I won't hurt you." He stuck out his hand and I cringed away.

"P-please." I begged and he sat down. He open his arms and spoke softly.

"Harry, I won't hurt you. Come here." He said. I sniffled and scooted closer to him. "Let me give you a hug." He said and I looked up.


"You look like you need one." He pointed out. I nodded slowly and crawled into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I instantly coiled myself into him burying my face into his chest. He kissed my head and said, "As long as you have me, I'll protect you." We sat there for a bit before I looked up.

"T-thanks. I need to get home." I told him and he nodded.

"I'll walk you there." He said.

"It's okay."

"No I want to." He said. He helped me up and grabbed my bag for me. He held it and held out his hand. I looked at it and then to him. He gave a warm smile and I took it. We walked out and started towards my home. "So where's your Granger friend?"

"She got detention for hitting Goyle. Hitting isn't nice."

"No it isn't." He confirmed. "I'm sorry I hit you before."

"It's fine it was an accident." I said quietly. My grip on my hand was loose.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Hitting isn't nice but neither are mean words." I told him.

"Okay?" He asked and I lifted my head.

"Y-you told 'mione s-she a-and the t-teachers pity me." I said and his mouth dropped. "Y-you called me Pp-parentless baby Potty." I told him.

"Y-you heard me?" He whispered.

"I-I was in the living room."

"Oh god, I am so sorry." He pleaded. "I didn't mean it. I was in a bad mood and then Granger triggered it even more." He rambled and I sniffled. "Can you forgive me?"


"Cause I like you Harry and I want to take you out. I don't want you to be mad at me." He said honestly. "D-do you really like me?" I asked sadly and he smiled.

"Yes." He said and I smiled.

"I'd like to date you but you'd have to talk to my pa first."


"So what do you want to eat?"

"Um, I like pizza with spinach on it." I told him and he nodded.

"Okay cool." He said and then turned to the cashier who was ready for our order.

"What can I get you?" The gruff man asked.

"Can I get a spinach pie?" He asked and the man nodded.

"Anything to drink?" The man asked and he looked at me.

"Um Dr. Pepper." I answered and he turned back to the man.

"Two fountain sodas." He said.

"That'll be ten pounds." The guy said and Draco nodded handing him the money. The man handed us two cups which he handed to me. The guy instructed us to take a seat and the food would be delivered. We walked over to the soda machine and I handed him his cup.

"So you like Dr. Pepper?" He asked and I nodded giggling.

"Papa said soda isn't that good for me but Hagrid lets me have it." I told him and he smiled.

"Well I prefer Sprite." He told me.

"Sprites okay, Hagrid only let me drink that once, said I got all hyper and won't let me have it."

"And Dr. Pepper doesn't make you hyper?"

"Guess not." I said and put the lid on my cup. He finished filling his and then we turned to go to a table. We sat down and settled.

"So how long have you lived with your godfather?" He asked.

"Since I was 10, he-" I stopped talking and looked down. "He got custody of me."

"Oh okay." He dropped the conversation. "So Harry, what's your favorite animal?" He asked and I looked up with a big smile on my face.

"I love dragons." I told him and he smirked.

"You know." He started. "My name means Dragon in Latin."

"Oh." I giggled. "What about yours?"

"I like owls." He said. "I used to like snakes but I was bitten by one and started to cry." He told me and I stifled a laugh. "Think that's funny Potter?"

"Sorry Draco, I can't imagine you crying." I told him.

"Ah yes cause I'm a big bad bully." He laughed. "Surprised I have emotion, now?" He asked and I grinned.

"Yes." I nodded and he laughed.

"Oh well I like surprising people." He said and our food arrived. We thanked the man and started to dig in. "So what's your favorite color?"

"I like red." I told him. "Do you like green?"

"How'd ya know?" He asked smiling.

"Your shirt is green."

"So it is. Wanna know another reason?" He asked and I nodded. "Your eyes are green and they are just breathtaking." He said and I blushed.

"Thank you." I mumbled. "I have my mother's eyes."

"Hmm she must have been breath taking as well then." He smiled and I blushed.

"She was." I said. "Do you look like your mother or father?" I asked and he pondered.

"I guess a little of both. I've only seen pictures of my mother."

"Oh what happened to her?"

"She died." He explained. "But it's fine cause I never knew her. I've only known my dad."

"Oh so he never got remarried?" I asked.

"No my father got remarried to my dad." He explained and I nodded. "My father was married to my mother but when she died, he married Severus when I was an infant."

"Oh I get it." I told him. "Papa doesn't date."

"And why is that?"

"I dunno. He just doesn't seem to be interested. I think he's still in love with Uncle Remus."

"What?" He asked biting his pizza.

"Papa and uncle Remus were together but something bad happened where he couldn't be with him anymore. " I explained. "He's never told me what happened though."

"Oh well I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." He said and reached over the table to grab my hand. He covered mine with his. We talked about nothing of importance for the rest of the dinner. When we finished it was around half seven. "Ready for the fair?" He asked and I nodded. We walked to the fair and I shivered a bit. He wrapped my arm around me. "Sorry, are you okay with this?"

"Yeah." I told him. "Just caught me by surprise."

"Sorry." He said and I blushed. I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"It's fine." We got to the ticket booth and I went to pay but he declined and bought us entry. He still had his arm around me. There were rides, games, food venders and people running around.

"What do you want to do Harry?" He asked and I gasped looking over to him.

"There's so much to do!" I exclaimed and wiggled out of his grip. I grabbed his hand and started to pull him. "Let's go on some rides!" I said and he chuckled.

"Okay, let's." He said. I dragged him to some ride called the Zipper. When we got down he stumbled over to a garbage can. But he didn't vomit.

"Thank you so much Draco!" I yelled excitedly and hugged him tightly. "That was so fun!"

"Glad you think." He mumbled hugging me tightly. "What next?"

"Can we play a game?"


"Harry, can I ask you something?"


"Do you believe in love?" He asked.

"Of course I do." I answered. "Do you?"

"I do." He said and then he sighed loudly. "Would you believe me when I said that I'm in love you?" He asked and turned on to my side to look at him.

"How do you know you're in love?" I asked and he turned on his side. Without looking away he said,

"When the person is hurt, you freak out and do anything in your power to help them. When you see the person, your stomach lurches and you have millions of butterflies in it. When you're apart all you do is think about that person." I stared at him and thought for a few moments.

"You really feel all that about me?" I asked and he nodded.

"I've never been in love so I can't really say what I'm feeling is true but I care about you so much and I just... I just love you." He told me and I nodded. I rolled over so I was lying on his chest. I leaned up and kissed his chin.

"I love you too Draco." I smiled.

"You do?"

"If love is how you describe then yes, I love you so much Draco." I told him and he smiled. He leaned down and kissed me gently. When we pulled away I smiled.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco."

I woke up with a start. I blinked around and I was in the hospital. I was alone so it must have been night time. Luke... Draco was telling the truth. He really loved me. I really was the boy from his past! I tried to grab my head but my arm was weighted down. I looked at my arm was broken. So many memories flooded back. The Dursley's, Hermione and my friends, DRACO, the bullies. I remembered. I called the nurse and she ran in.

"You're awake! Goodness you're lucky to be alive!" She told me and I gulped.

"Are my parents here?" I asked quietly. She rushed over and handed me some water.

"They're in the waiting room, would you like to see them?" She asked and I nodded. She walked out and moments later they walked in. Smiles on their faces and just as they were going to announce how happy they were that I was awake, I lifted my hand.

"You lied to me." I croaked.

"W-what?" Papa asked.

"I remember everything. You lied to me. You never once told me Luke was Draco. Never once told me about him or my friends." I swallowed hard.


"No!" I shouted. "I want to see Draco. I want to apologize to him. I need to see if he's alright."
"We're so sorry!" Papa cried. "You have no idea-"

"I have no idea?! You have no idea to not even know who you are! Know that there was someone out there who cared so fucking deeply about you. Draco suffered because of me leaving. I did too without even realizing so don't you go apologizing because I don't want to hear it." I cried. Papa had broken into tears as dad hugged him.

"Harry, we only wanted what's best for you." Dad told me.

"Yeah but I feel even more like a freak now." I spat. "Just go check on Draco."

"We're sorry Harry." Dad said and I looked away.

"Just go."

I'm supposed to be studying for my mass media final haha whoops 

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