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I groaned grabbing my head in pain. Another week few by and Harry and I were still in the hospital.

"Draco, are you alright?" Father asked.

"My head hurts." I told him and he nodded.

"What's the severity of it?" He asked.

"Like a nine. Like I need to vomit." I told him and then started to gag. My dad placed a pail in front of me just in time. I threw up in it and he gently patted my back. I fell back on my pillow with a groan. My head felt a thousand times better.

"Son, what is it?" Father asked.

"Just a migraine. It's normal for head injuries." I explained. "I feel better now."

"Good." They sighed. There was a knock at the door and my nurse walked in.

"How are we feeling today?" She asked softly and I shrugged.

"I'm alright I guess." I told her.

"Good good." She told me. "Are you feeling up to taking a walk?" She asked. "Strengthen your leg?"

"Yeah sounds nice." I said. My parents helped lift me up and the nurse got the walker. I had taken walks before. My arm was in a sling so I could rest on my good arm and leg. She supported my side and she walked me out. Harry was in a wheel chair waiting for with his own nurse.

"Hello love." He said to me and I smiled. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his.

"Hi, going for a wheel?" I asked.

"Yup, we're gonna go outside." He told me and I nodded. As I was leaning against the nurse and the walker, Harry was getting wheeled next to me. They brought us outside and settled me on the bench as Harry was put next to me. I placed my head on his shoulder and he sighed in content. "Draco, can you tell me what happened to my friends now? It's been a week."

"Yeah I suppose I can. But first, any idea when you can leave?"

"The doctor told me next week."

"God I can't wait to get home." I told him and then sighed. "Okay well you remember me telling you about my pregnant English friend?"

"Well that's Hermione." I told him and he chuckled happily.

"She's having a baby?" He asked and I hummed. "Did she break up with um Ron?"

"Yes right after you left. She met a nice person named Viktor Krum."

"That's great. Are we still going for Christmas?"

"You still wanna go?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Of course I wanna spend Christmas with you." He said and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"I'd like that." I told him.

"What about my other friends?"

"Well Dean felt awful about the um incident and he ran away with Seamus. Neville, like me, had a break down and was hospitalized."

"Were you in the same hospital?"

"For a brief time yes." I told him. "He's okay now though. Hermione told me that he is in the business industry and is pretty successful."

"That's great." He told me and I snuggled into his shoulder more.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco." He told me and I sniffled.

"I didn't think I would ever hear you say that again." He patted my head with his good arm and kissed my head.

"Well you're gonna hear me say that more often." He said.


"Can I ask you another question?" He asked in a serious tone. I lifted my head so I could look him in the eyes.

"Yes." I nodded and he gave me a small smile before grabbing my hand.

"I was um wondering if you would like to move in with me?" He stated as a question.


"I was gonna ask you that night. Prior to the accident of course."

"Seriously?" I asked surprised.

"Draco, I'm not leaving now. I know you lied, I understand why you lied, and I love you. I love you so much and it would be an honor if you'd move in with me." He told me and a lump grew in my throat.

"I would love to move in with you." I rasped.

"Great." He leaned up and I kissed him. "I'm not asking too much yeah? We're both injured and I'm not really su-"

"I'm gonna take care of you Harry. It's the least I can do." I told him, cutting him off. "Is it okay if Dragon comes with us?"

"Yes of course." He chuckled. "Will Blaise be okay with you moving out?" He asked and I blinked at him a couple times.

"Um I didn't think of that." I told him and he smiled.

"He can move in with us too."

"I can't ask you to do that." I shook my head and I grabbed my hand again.

"I like Blaise. He's a great friend to you. He's like a brother and I think him moving in this us is a great idea."

"Okay, I can ask him." I nodded and kissed his head.

"Alright guys, back inside. Dr. Malfoy, Dr. Monroe would like to speak with you."

"Okay." I nodded. My nurse lifted me up as Harry's wheeled him back inside.


"Hey Drake, what's going on?" Blaise asked. I was sitting up in my hospital bed by myself. My parents went back to their hotel room.

"I get to leave tomorrow. Said I've progressed enough and I'm allowed to leave."

"That's great Draco!" He ran over to me and hugged me.

"I'm happy to leave actually. Harry is leaving next week and Oh!" I yelled. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah what is it?" He asked.

"Harry asked me to move in with him." I said and he smiled.

"That's great!"

"I accepted but we want you to move in with us."

"Look Draco, I love you but not enough to be in a relationship with you two." He said and I swatted him.

"Shut it prat." I hissed. "I meant because I made you move all the way here." I told him. "Plus, I'm not exactly ready to move away from you." I said and he smirked.

"Okay Draco I accept. Can I have the cats in his building?"

"Yes you can."

"Okay so we'll move in with Harry when he gets out."

"Are you sure you don't mind doing this?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course. Plus you and Harry need someone to take care of you for a bit. Until you heal fully to take care of him."

"That's a good point." I sighed and rested my head against the pillow. "So how was your day?"

"It was alright. I made five hundred dollars today and I slept with the hot hostess last night." He smirked and I grimaced.


"Yeah she wasn't too good either." He told me and I gagged.

"I never asked how the first date went." I said and he took a seat in the arm chair that was next to me.

"It went alright. I had to cut it short because you got into your accident."

"You left your date for me?"

"Of course I did. You're like my brother Draco." He said and I smiled. "I was scared shitless let me tell you. You died!"

"I know but they revived me."

"It was so scary. I really thought I'd lost you and I wasn't ready to explain to your parents that their only son is dead." He said and I gulped.

"I wouldn't have blamed you." I said. "Any idea what you're doing for Christmas?"

"I was gonna go back to England and visit mum." He said proudly. "Are you spending Christmas with Harry?"

"Actually I want to take him back to England and see his old friends." I told him and he nodded.

"Sounds great actually." He smiled. "So you're buying our tickets?"

"I was-"

"Great, the trip is on you? You don't have to do that Draco but it means a lot that you are." He said with a smirk. "I'll buy dinner one night."

"Great Blaise." I mumbled and he patted my head.

"So how is Harry reacting to getting his memories back? Has it triggered any negative thoughts?"

"No I don't think so. He hasn't mentioned anything." I shook my head. But could the memories be a bad thing?

"Well I would check in on him. Cause didn't you say that his relatives were abusive?"


"So maybe like he'll get nightmares or such."

"I mean, it could be possible but it's a possibility that since it was so long ago, he might not react to it." I pointed out and he sighed.

"Well I hope he doesn't get triggered. He's a good person."

"Yeah I love him." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"I know you do." He told me. I took a deep breath and rested my head against the pillow. Just as I was about to say something, I was caught off by a loud shout that sounded like Harry.

"Get out! I don't want you here!" He yelled. There was a commotion going on and I wanted to jump up but Blaise prevented me.

"Hold up Drake." He said and then helped me up. He placed me in a wheelchair and carted me in the hallway. There was a young man who had blonde hair and blue eyes being hauled out by security from Harry's room. Blaise pushed me into Harry's room where he was looking red in the face. His face visibly softened around me.

"Harry, who was that?" I asked gently.

"That was the guy who cheated on me." He divulged and Blaise pushed me closer to his bed. I grabbed his hand in mine and he relaxed. "Kyle. He told me that he heard about the accident and wanted to see how I was doing."

"And you don't want to see him?" I asked softly. Tears trickled out of his eyes so I let go off his hand and wiped them away. He sighed contently and took deep breath.

"He hurt me a lot Draco." He quietly spoke. "I never thought he'd cheat on me but he deceived me for a year."

"There you don't have to ever see him again." I promised. "I'll protect you." I whispered and he broke out into a big smile. I leaned and kissed him full on the lips. "You know I love you Harry?"

"I know." He told me. "And you know I love you?"

"I know." I nodded and he grinned. This time I meant my promise. I had no one to beat him up or bring him down. He was my prince and I would keep him on a pedestal.

I only have two days of school left and finals are over so I updated :)

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