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Blaise and I were able to get out of lease and move out of the flat. We moved into Harry's the day after I got released from the hospital. Blaise took Teddy's room and Teddy would stay on the pull out couch if was going to visit. Thankfully for me, I was out of my arm cast and I could support myself on crutches. It was the day we were taking Harry home and I was really excited. His parents and Teddy were gonna bring him home as Blaise and I got the flat wheelchair ready.

"Blaise, not over there." I hissed crutching over to him. "He won't be able to reach the pan if it's there."

"I can't wheelchair proof the whole flat Draco." He said rolling his eyes. "If he needs something, you knows to ask."

"I don't want him to feel useless." I pointed out. I placed the pan on the stove and he rolled his eyes.

"He won't feel bad about himself and if he does, just let him know he's not."

"I shall try my best." I said and there was a ruffling at the door.

"Hunny, we're home!" Sirius yelled and Blaise snorted.

"Papa stop it." Harry scolded. Remus wheeled him into the kitchen where we were and I smiled. His arm was still in a white cast and he put it on his lap. Sirius and Teddy were behind them.

"Hi baby." I greeted and crutched over to him. He gave me a smile and I leaned down to kiss him.

"Hi Draco." He cooed. "Get yourselves all situated?"

"Yup, I took the left side of the bed."

"It's been yours for a few months now." He laughed. "Where are the cats? Teddy has been asking."

"They're in his old room." I said and Teddy perked up. He looked at Blaise and Blaise smiled nodding his head in the direction of the room. Teddy grinned widely and ran down the hall. "Hungry Harry?"

"Yeah a bit." He nodded.

"Okay, um Remus do you mind moving the chair to the table?"

"Not at all Dr. Draco." He said and pulled Harry out of the room. Sirius smiled at me and nodded his head. He walked away and I looked at Blaise.

"I'll make some of the mozzarella sticks that are in the freezer." He told me and I nodded.

"Make some tea too." I directed and he nodded. I side hugged him and then crutched into the dining area where Harry was waiting.

"Hello." I smiled and made my way to the seat next to him. I sat down and he grinned at me.

"Hi love." He greeted.

"Excited to be out of the hospital?"

"Yes cause after you leave, I have nothing to do."

"Well you have tons to do here." I smirked and he snorted. His parents gave us a disapproving look. Teddy walked back in with one of the cats in hand.

"Dr. Malfoy?" He asked.

"Yes Teddy?"

"Can I keep him?" He asked pouting.

"You'll have to ask Blaise on that one." I told him and winked. "Put him down and help Blaise with the food please. Maybe he'll let you keep coco."
"Okay!" He trotted away.

"How are you feeling Dr. Draco?" Remus asked.

"I am better, my leg itches a lot." I explained. "My arm is still healing. They gave me a brace that I can put on if it's too much."

"Would you be able to use the crutches?"

"Yes, it's durable to do both." I expounded and turned to Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." He told me.

"Okay well after you eat, we can take a nap." I told him and he nodded. Blaise and Teddy came in with the food and drinks. Teddy carried the food while Blaise had the drinks. We sat and talked a bit for a bit. Harry ate a good amount of food and drank the whole cup. Blaise allowed Teddy to take home coco with a promise that he'd treat him well. Teddy gave Blaise a big hug and then trotted off with his new cat. Sirius and Remus rolled their eyes and hugged us goodbye. They promised to visit on the upcoming Sunday. They left the flat and Harry sighed. "Still want that nap?"

"I would love that nap." He told me and I nodded. I stood up on my crutches and looked at Blaise.

"I will wheel you in there." He said and Harry nodded. I crutched into the room and held the door open. Gratefully the doors were wide enough for the chair to go through. He wheeled him to his side of the bed and then lifted him up carefully placing him on the bed.

"So strong." Harry laughed and Blaise grinned.

"Thanks." He laughed. "Need anything, just let me know." He said and Harry nodded. I put my crutches against the night table and swung my cast on the bed. I put my other one on and Harry curled into me.

"Hi." He whispered and I wrapped my arms around him. I inhaled deeply and kissed his head.

"Hi, I missed this." I told him quietly.

"I missed this too." He told me. I shifted so I was spooning his legs.

"Can you feel your legs Harry?"

"Yes but I can't move them. Does that make any sense?"

"I guess." I kissed his neck and he shivered. "Do you remember when we were teens and you used to kiss my neck?"

"Yes, you always got rock hard." He snorted and I smiled.

"Because I loved you and I still do."

"I love you too." He told me and I smiled.

"What else do you remember?"

"I remember everything. The Dursley's and then papa coming to get me. I remember meeting Remus and Hagrid. I remember the first time I met Hermione. Have I ever told that story?"

"No." I brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes.

"Well it was orientation for high school. I was scared because I didn't want to be by myself but they wouldn't let papa come. So I was sulking by myself and then this girl came up to me. She introduced herself to me and was really really nice. She offered to have me sit with her and her friends. I agreed and then we all got along Hermione was my first high school friend." He told me and I smiled.

"That sounds great." I smiled.

"Yeah and all of her friends welcomed me. They invited me places and took em everywhere. We shared classes and we became close. I don't think I had been that happy since papa rescued me."

"I'm happy you had good friends." I told him truthfully.

"I miss them." He told me and then sniffled. "I'm sorry I forgot you Draco."

"Shush we don't need to discuss this anymore. What matters is that I have you back, truly have you back."

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you too. Now go to sleep." I told him and he nodded. He rested his head on my shoulder and we fell asleep.


"Um I'm desperate for a shower or something." Harry told me.

"Okay. I can give you a bath." I smirked and he rolled his eyes. It was just us, Blaise had gone out for a job. Before he left, he made sure that I could support Harry.

"I'd like that." He said. I nodded and stood. I hobbled on one leg as I wheeled him to the bathroom. "Draco?"

"Yes love?" I parked him and started to run the bath.

"When did you know you were gay? I remember telling you, when we were teens, how I knew. But how did you?"

"Well when I was dating Pa-... when I was dating the bitch, we were at the movies. There was this really hot guy there. I mean really hot. And I just knew."

"That's a good way of finding out." Harry laughed. When the water was perfect and the tub was filled; I turned to Harry. I helped him strip off his clothes and then placed him in the bath. He moaned in content. I smiled and used the wash cloth to wet his body. I got down to his stomach and there were two scar on either side. One from his spleen removal and the other was from the liver. I washed over them gently and looked at his eyes. He was looking at me sadly so I looked back at the scars and leaned in. I kissed the scar gently and continued to wash him.

"So do you remember our first date?" I asked him.

"We went to the pizzeria near my house. We got spinach pizza and then went out to the fair." He told me and I smiled.

"That was when I realized how much I liked you."

"That was my first date. Ever. I realized that I liked you a lot too. You were so sweet to me." He paused to take breath. "Despite making me cry days prior."

"I apologized." I mumbled.

"So you did." He laughed. He leaned in and kissed my head. "Do you still have the owl I got you?"

"Yes I do. I put it in the closet with the other owl spy you gave me." I chuckled. I cupped my hands and started to wash his hair. He let out a moan and I smirked. I washed his hair and then started to drain the water when we finished. I had placed a towel on his wheelchair so I placed him down.

"You're pretty strong for someone with a broken leg." He told me and I smiled. I dried him off and then wheel him to our room. I picked him up and placed him on the bed.

"You're like a big baby." I teased. "I bathe you, I clothe you, I carry you around."

"Well you are my daddy." He said and I shiver.

"Don't do that. I won't be able to control myself." I scolded as I got him some red boxers. I lifted his legs placing each one in the leg hole. "Arch your back." I told him and he did. I slipped the boxers on and slapped the waistband down.

"Ouch, bastard." He mumbled and I grabbed his arms to pull him into a sitting position.

"You look so hot and all with your hair all wet and messy." I purred. Without a second thought, I pressed my lips against his for a searing kiss and gripped the back of his head. He kissed me back and without warning plunged his tongue into my mouth. We were moaning into each other's mouths. Gasping and sighing contently until we pulled away. "Just wait until we can do more." I whispered and he shivered. I stripped out of my clothes and crawled into bed with him. He curled up to me and then Dragon walked in hopping on the bed. She curled in on the end and Harry smiled.

"Got both my dragons." He said. I smiled and we sat in silence just listening to each other's breathing. "Draco?"


"Our first Christmas together, you have me a necklace that I never took off." He started. "When I was um... when I woke up, I didn't have anything. Um do you remember what happened to it?" He asked. Without saying a word, I uncurled myself from him. "Drake?" He whispered. I wobbled over to my dresser and opened up my memory box. I pulled it out and happy tears came to my eyes. I hobbled back into bed and looked at him.

"Will you wear it again?" I asked tearfully. He smiled and nodded.

"It would be my honor." He said. I placed it on him and then we curled. Whispering one last 'I love you' and goodnight, we fell asleep.

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