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I woke up to my phone blaring. I groaned and shifted onto my side throwing my hand to get it.

"What?" I groaned answering to stop the obnoxious ringing.

"Good afternoon to you too Draco." The familiar female voice hissed.

"Granger, someone with your brilliance would know that LA and England have an eight hour time difference." I hissed.

"Oh well it is rather late here." She said. "It's 4pm."

"Which means it 8am here and I worked a double shift yesterday." I told her and then sighed. "It doesn't matter. How are you doing?"

"I am fine. I have good news to tell you. I'm pregnant." She told me and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"That's fantastic Hermione. Congrats." I said. "How did Krum take the news?" After Harry left, she ditched Weasley and met this strapping man called Viktor Krum at Uni.

"He's ecstatic."

"That's great. I'm happy for you. I'll have to come visit you sometime."

"Yes that would be lovely. So how is America treating you?"

"It's been great actually. I um I have a boyfriend."


"Yeah I um well he picked me up at a bar like a week after I got here. We've been boyfriends for a little over a week."

"That's really great Draco." She told me. "What's his name?" She asked and I swallowed. I took a shaky breath.

"His name is Harry." I told her. "It's him Hermione."

"Hermione." I cut her off. "It's him. I am dating Harry Potter. He doesn't remember me or you. He doesn't remember that we dated. For all he knows is I am an entirely different person." I told her and I heard her sniffling.

"How is he?"

"He's great Hermione. He's still super sweet. He doesn't wear glasses anymore and he's grown a few inches. He's muscular."

"Is he still innocent?"

"No." I chuckled tearfully. "But he's marvelous."

"That's great Draco." She sniffled. "I can't believe you found him."
"I can't either." I said sadly.

"What's wrong? You sound upset."
"I'm lying to him." I swallowed hard. "I told him my name is Luke Draconian."


"I panicked." I told her. "I was so flustered about seeing him."
"So you got Blaise to call you Luke?"

"He calls me Draco. I told Harry it was a nickname. I also told him that Malfoy was my dad's last name."

"Oh Draco." She said and I sighed shaking my head. Liar. "How are you coping with all of this?"

"I'm getting better I suppose. I do believe I should contact a therapist."

"So you're worsening?"

"The voice is back." I told her. She was actually a therapist back in England. Viktor was a professional football player.

"Oh I suggest seeing someone out there. It could be because of the change or Harry coming back into your life. You're lying to him and maybe that could be it."

"I don't know." I told her and sighed. "Did you know Harry has a younger brother?"

"Younger brother. His name is Teddy. Teddy Lupin."

"Maybe Remus and Sirius adopted another baby."

"I was thinking that could be it." I sighed and then snuggled into my pillow more yawning.

"Alright, Alright. I'll let you go back to sleep. I am so glad you're seeing him again. I would love to see him even if he doesn't remember me."

"I'll see when we could come. If you have a chance to come here, I have plenty of room."

"Thank you Draco. Now get some more rest. I'll talk to you soon. "

"Bye Hermione." I ended the call and slowly drifted back to sleep.

"Harry, can I ask you something?"


"Do you believe in love?" I asked.

"Of course I do." He answered. "Do you?"

"I do." I said and then sighed loudly. "Would you believe me when I said that I'm in love you?" I asked and he turned on his side to look at me.

"How do you know you're in love?" He asked and I turned on my side. Without looking away I said,

"When the person is hurt, you freak out and do anything in your power to help them. When you see the person, your stomach lurches and you have millions of butterflies in it. When you're apart all you do is think about that person." He stared at me and thought for a few moments.

"You really feel all that about me?" He asked and I nodded.

"I've never been in love so I can't really say what I'm feeling is true but I care about you so much and I just... I just love you." I told him and he nodded. He rolled over so he was lying on my chest. He leaned up and kissed my chin.

"I love you too Draco." He smiled.

"You do?"

"If love is how you describe then yes, I love you so much Draco." He told me and I smiled. I leaned down and kissed him gently. When we pulled away I smiled.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco."

"Draco!" I jolted awake.

"What?" I asked looking around the room. Harry sat on the edge of the bed looking at me oddly.

"You were muttering in your sleep." He told me. "You were saying my name and that you loved me." He told me.

"How did you get in here?" I asked changing the subject.

"Blaise let me in. I was on my lunch break and wanted to see you."


"Are you in love with me?" He asked and I took a deep breath shaking my head. I pulled him into an embrace. It wasn't a nightmare but it was Harry. It was Harry who I loved but I couldn't tell him. I just wanted to know he was really there.

"I'm gonna tell you about my ex-boyfriend." I told him and I felt him nod. I pulled away from the hug and rested against the headboard. He followed my actions and intertwined our fingers.


"When I was a teenager, I used to tell my friends who to bully and who not to bully. There was this one boy, Harry, he was very childish for our age. Well one of my bullies went too far and I found him crying. I've never seen someone so upset. I offered to walk him home then and I fell for him. He stole my heart. He slowly turned into my best friend and then I started to fall in love him with. We were together for maybe six months when something happened."

"What happened?" He asked. He didn't remember.

"Well my ex-girlfriend put my other two friends up to hurting him. They beat him so badly he was in a coma for a week. His parents decided that after he woke up, they'd take him away. I didn't know of this plan and he woke up. They took him away."


"I missed him so much."
"I bet. That's an awful thing to go through. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

"Can I ask you something?"

"If you somehow see him again, will you leave me for him?" He asked and I sighed shaking my head.

"No." I told him and kissed his cheek. "I wouldn't."

"That reassuring to hear." He told me and I smiled. "Is that why you told me you loved me the day after we shagged for the first time?"

"Yes." I agreed. I placed my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "Thank you for being so understanding."

"Of course." He kissed my head.

"Wanna hear some good news?"


"My friend from England is pregnant." I told him and I felt him smile.

"That's nice, is she our age?"

"Yes and her husband is from Belgium. He, in my opinion, is very attractive."

"More attractive than me?" He asked I lifted my head. I pressed my lips to his and he kissed me back.

"I don't think that is possible." I said pulling away and putting our foreheads together.

"Oh then I don't think you've looked in any mirrors then." He said and I rolled my eyes. I kissed his lips again.

"So how much time do you have?" I asked and he checked the time.

"About an hour." He told me and I nodded. "Why?"
"Well then it gives me time to make you lunch." I got out of bed and he followed me. We walked into the kitchen and he sat at the counter. "What do you want?" I asked opening the fridge.

"What do you have?"

"I have a lot of left overs." I chuckled. "How about some pizza?"

"Pizza is fine with me." He said and I nodded. I pulled out two slices and then put them in the oven to heat up. "Can I ask you something?" I heard him ask. I whipped around and smiled.

"Of course."
"Well I understand that I can't meet your parent's cause I reckon they live in England but can you meet mine?"

"You want me to meet your parents?"

"If you don't mind."


"Cause we're dating and you're my boyfriend now. I've already told them about you and they're very excited to meet you."
"I um I don't know." I bit my lip and my breathing quickened.

"Hey don't panic." He jumped up and quickly made his way over to me. He rubbed my back and I relaxed. "If you're not ready to meet them, you're not ready."
"I want to make you happy though."

"Well don't push yourself." He said and I caressed his face.

"I'll meet with them." I promised. "How's next week on Friday?" I let out a breath. If I was gonna date Harry, I needed to meet or re-meet them.

"It sounds perfect."


Blaise and I were sitting on the couch watch a little telly when I let out a breath.

"I have to meet Sirius and Remus again."

"What?" He asked and I looked away.

"He wants me to meet his parents. I-I don't know what to do."

"Well for starters, you meet them."

"They're gonna know it's me." I hissed looking at him. "They aren't stupid. They're gonna blow my cover."

"You can black mail them."


"Blackmail them. If they threaten to tell Harry that you're not who you say you are, throw it back at them."
"I can't do that." I shook my head. Blaise grabbed my arm fiercely and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Draco, Sirius hurt you. I understand his intentions were looking out for Harry and only Harry but he didn't realize how much would affect you."
"It didn't affect me as much as you think." I mumbled and he snarled.
"You were in a bloody hospital for two years Draco! You stopped eating and sleeping! You stopped... communicating! Nobody including your parents could visit you for months!" He said and I pulled my arm away roughly. He's right you know. I was the only one who you let talk to you. Maybe we should go back to that arrangement. I am always right.

"Fuck!" I cursed and grabbed my head.

"Draco." I felt Blaise's hands grab the sides of my face. His face was filled with concern and he made me look into his eyes. "Listen Draco. Don't go back there. I am here for you and only you. If you need me, I promise I will be there."

"T-thank you Blaise." I said and he put his forehead against mine. To be honest, it was really weird when he first did it. But the therapist said it would help with my affection and trust issues. I took a few relaxing breath and pulled my forehead away.

"When are you meeting them?"
"Next Friday." I confessed and he nodded.

"Okay well then I'll clear my schedule and I will be home if you need me to rush over there."

"Thank you Blaise." I whispered. He leaned in and kissed my head in a brotherly manor.

"You're welcome."

***Hello my lovelies, it's good to be back and writing again. However the semester is going on and classes are starting to get ready for finals, so I wont be posting everyday. But I will post every weekend and once the semester ends I can hopefully get back to posting everyday. Thank you and I hope you're enjoying this sequel so far***  

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