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Working at the hospital was great. I really liked it because the children were so friendly and curious. It was my fourth day on the job when I was paged over the loud speaker.

            "Dr. Malfoy, please report to exam room four." I heard and I sighed. I walked over to the door and picked up the clipboard. I looked at the name and pursed my lips. Teddy Lupin, brought in because of possible broken arm. I knocked on the door and then walked in.

            Without looking up I said, "Hello, I am Dr. Malfoy and I'm here to examine your arm."

            "Luke?" The familiar voice said. My head shot up and Harry was sitting there with a little boy with brown hair. Harry was looking at me curiously.

            "Harry, what brings you here?" I asked awkwardly.

            "My brother hurt himself. Your last name isn't Malfoy, what's going on?" He asked me and I shook my head.

            "You're right." I nodded. "It's Draconian, however Malfoy is my dad's last name so it makes it easier to pronounce. I don't think I could be a children's doctor with that kind of last name." I chuckled and he smiled.

            "Makes sense." He laughed. I looked at the little boy who was holding his arm and his face was damp from tears. "Teddy, this is Luke. He and I are dating."
             "Nice to meet you." The little boy sniffled and I gave a sad smile. I placed the clipboard down and washed my hands before sitting on the wheelie chair in front of the boy.

            "May I have your arm Teddy?" I asked and he let the hand holding it drop. He whimpered and I scrunched up my face. "How did this happen?"

            "I-I was playing with Harry's neighbor. He has a bunk bed and told me I could jump off the top of it. He's done it loads of times." He told me and I gave a sad smile. "And I did it and didn't get hurt! Then I was about to do it again and his mum walked in. She started to yell that it wasn't safe and I got startled so I fell." He told me.

            "Ah friend's mum's always ruin the fun don't they?" I asked and he gave a small smile. "One time I was at my friend Blaise's house back in England." I started. "He and I were having a sleep over and his mummy made us go to sleep at 9pm. Such a party pooper." I said and he giggled.

            "Harry makes me go to sleep at that time. I hate it." He told me and I looked at Harry who made a face.

            "Well unfortunately my young friend, Harry is correct. But I do believe a cute kid like you can persuade him to stay up later." I whispered and he smiled. I checked his arm as I kept him talking. I had suspected a break somewhere so I ordered for an x-ray. When the results came back, I walked back into the room. "Well it does look you broke it." I said putting the x-rays on the view box. "An incomplete transverse fracture."
             "What does that mean?" Harry asked.

            "You see here how it goes across the bone but it's not broken all the way through the bone?" I asked and he nodded.


            "That's what it is." I explained and he nodded. I turned to the little boy who was sitting on the table. "So that means you get a cool cast. I am qualified to put it on you so what color do you want?"

            "What colors do you have?" He asked sadly and I smiled.

            "How about glow in the dark?" I asked and he perked up.


            "Yes!" I told him and he nodded. "You have to promise me something though."


            "You have to promise that your brother gets to be the first person to sign it."

            "Okay!" He said and I smiled.

            "Great I'll be right back." I told them. I left to get all the stuff I needed and then came back. I was able to cast him with minimal complaints. When it was all done, I handed Harry a marker. "Have at it." I smiled and he smirked. He grabbed the marker and sighed the cast.

            "Dr. Malfoy! Will you sign it please?" He asked and I smiled.

            "I would love to Teddy. I'm gonna sign it DM for Doctor Malfoy."

            "Can I tell people it stands for Danger Mouse?" He asked and I chuckled.

            "Of course." I agreed and signed his cast. He grinned and then I helped him off the table. He gave me a big hug.

            "Thank you Dr. Malfoy." He said and I ruffled his hair. He took Harry by the hand and started to drag him out. I walked them out of the room.

            "Thank you so much Luke." He said and I smiled.

            "It's my job." I told him and he smiled. We leaned in at the same time and shared a quick kiss.

            "See you Saturday." He said and allowed Teddy to drag him out.

            "Saturday." I agreed and he was on his way. I ran a hand through my hair in a stressful way and started off to see other patients.


            "How's Teddy's arm?"  I asked as Harry and I were walking around the LA lights.

            "Doing just fine. He complains it itches so I gave him something to scratch it." He told me and I chuckled softly.

            "That's good. Were you watching him then? I thought he lived with your parents."

            "He does but I have off on Wednesday and Thursdays so he stays with me. My parents say it's good for him to get to know his older brother but I personally believe it's because they want to shag." He said honestly. I snorted and shook my head.

            "Well if you're anything like them, then I guarantee that's what they want to do." This earned me to be shoved lightly.

            "I don't like you only because of your body, which by the way is brilliant, but you're a genuine guy." He told me and I nodded shallowly.

            "Thank you." I mumbled and squeezed his hand. "I think you're a nice guy too Harry. I haven't met anyone like you since-" I cut myself off. He was the boy I hadn't seen that was the nicest one I was with.

            "Since who?" He asked and I shook my head gently. "You know, you bring this boy up a lot but you never say anything about him. Did he do something bad to you?"

            "Not him. His father." I told him.

            "Did his father like molest you or something?" He asked hesitantly and I smiled shyly shaking my head.

            "No but he took the boy away from me so I can never see him again. I was madly in love with the boy and it crushed me."

            "Did you do something wrong?"
             "No but my friends did. At least I thought we were friends." I explained and then squeezed his hand. "Can we talk about something else? I'll be happy to tell you when we've been dating for some time."

            "So you know that I'm in too deep and can't leave?" He teased and I cracked a smile.

            "Ah Potter, how did you know?" I joked and he kissed my cheek.

            "It's that connection." He stated simply. '"Can I ask you something?"

            "Go ahead." I nodded. My pulse increased and my mind swarmed at the possible questions he could ask me.

            "Do you um... want to be my boyfriend?" He asked and I swallowed hard.

            "I would love to." I nodded and smiled. He lit up and then I leaned down to peck his lips.

            "Great." He told me and then let out a sigh. "C'mon, let's make this night even more magical." He told me and then pulled me into the direction of a hill. He let go of my hand and started to trot up. "Follow me Luke." He called over his shoulder and I did. He was quite fast at running which made sense since he challenged me when we were kids. I caught up to him and gasped. We could see the whole city from where we were. It was all lit up and breathtaking.

            "It's beautiful." I gasped.

            "I love it here." He told me. "I used to come here when I was upset or frustrated. It's my happy place."

            "I can see why." I said and he pulled me to sit on the ground. We sat down together and he intertwined our hands as he put his head on my shoulder.

            "Did you have a happy place?" He asked and I nodded.

            "There was this garden at the hospital that I always sat in. It was so peaceful and I honestly kind of miss it." I chuckled.

            "Why were you in the hospital?" He asked and I chewed on my lip deciding whether or not I should say something.

            "I um.... Well after my boyfriend was taken from me, I slumped into a deep depression. I really loved him so it was like my heart was stolen. I stopped going to school, I stopped talking to my boyfriend's friends, I stopped eating and I started hurting myself. It was so bad I started to hear voices in my head and my parents didn't know how to handle it. They sent me away to the hospital to get better."

            "And how are you now?" He asked.

            "I'm getting better. Like Blaise said, I'm still recovering."

            "How did you finish school?" He asked.

            "They let me do school work in the hospital. I worked hard which allowed me to further myself in my education."

            "And that's how you're a doctor so young."

            "Exactly." I sighed. I closed my eyes and allowed the peaceful of the night take over. He's going to find out. He think you're pathetic for lying, making up stories. Fuck. I buried my face into Harry's and breathed in. "Say something."

            "What do want me to say?"


            "Okay." He told me. "Well I really like you. I like you a lot but I have a confession to tell you." He said and I lifted my head. Maybe he remembers me. He lifted his head and I was staring at him with a wide eye expression.


            "There was no bet to ask you out. I went to the club alone and I saw you. You're really attractive so thought of something to say to you." He blurted out and I blinked at him. "I didn't mean to lie but I really want to talk to you."  He rushed out and I blinked at him a couple times before hysterically laughing. I fell on back and continued to laugh really hard. "It's not that funny." He huffed and I continued to laugh. "Stop laughing." He pouted and I contained the remains of my giggles. I pulled him so he was straddling me. I leaned up and kissed his lips.

            "That's the nicest thing someone has done to me." I told.


            "Seriously." I agreed. "Thank you."

            "Can I share a secret with you?" He asked rolling off of me. He lied down next to me and we both kind of just stared at the stars.


            "Before you, I had never topped with anyone." He said and a ghost of a smile appeared on my lips. I turned on my side.

            "I have to be honest. That makes me really happy." I told him and he grinned with a blush appearing on his face. I leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly. "You're a great person Harry." I told him and he turned to look at me. Those green eyes pierced into my soul.

            "Thank you. You're amazing Luke." He said and nodded. Luke, not Draco. I'll never be Draco again to him. You're living a lie. I know and I will always be.


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