02: Momos & Tea Cup

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Arranya whispered to herself but it merely emerged in her expressions that how disturbed she became for a moment as she ascertained the old mate sitting across her.

"Are you...okay, Arranya?" Aviral hesitated to touch her initially and, later too so he just tapped on her bag that was still on her lap as she was taking her books out that eventually grabbed her attention to him.

"Huh?" She asked dumbfounded but in her neutral expressions as usual.

Ari doesn't usually carry any heavy curves on her face in any situation. Whatever it is, she remains calm now.

"I asked whether you're good? You suddenly halted so-"

"Oh yeah, I'm cool," she cuts Aviral off and resumes her work so he shrugged it off too and they both begin to work when Ari recalled about her pending work from the past week that she's been missing classes of as she's a latecomer.

"Umm, if you don't mind can I borrow your notes?" She questions without even looking at Aviral as her fingers moved on the keyboard with efficiency and her eyes focused on the screen.

Aviral grasped a glimpse of her side profile and took a good look at it for a couple seconds when he answered her back.

"Sure, which subject?" He queries initiating to take out his rough notebook he took notes in when Arranya's reply rooted him in his position cause of shock.

"All!" She exclaimed, still not glancing anywhere apart from her screen but Aviral had the long face, his mouth agape.

"What the- you joined a week ago right? How come you haven't completed a single thing when you didn't even attend classes for the entire week?" He asks staggered by her absolutely careless yet confident attitude.

"Does it matter?" She replies with another question that stuns the amazed boy once again in his spot.

"Arey you for real- of course it matters-" but the poor boy was cut off again but this time...

"If you don't wanna share your beautiful notes then frame them, and stop being nosy," Arranya jerks and points at Aviral in a swift as she gets eye-to-eye with him while warning him and he just obediently nodded as she finished talking. That's how threatening she looked with those vicious glare.

But something caught Aviral. While she was speaking, all he could gaze at were her eyes. Not even her lips, their eye contact was something that perhaps, he'll never forget even when he has a person for himself right now.

Both of them minded their own business for the whole 2 minutes when Arranya's question bank revived.

"By the way, why are you here?" She questions as her eyes curved in a way that gave her features an evident suspicious look on her face that did make Aviral want to chuckle but he just intrinsically did it cause he definitely didn't wish to hear her wrath in the library again.

"To...study?" He replies with a nod looking at her like an innocent child that he somewhere is too, no doubt.

"You're confirming it with me?" She glares again.

"I just- no, absolutely not. Of course I'm here to study. Let's study." He nods with determination as he fisted his hand and did a 'yes' of dedication while turning to his books but by now, Arranya is already dubious of him.

Day to evening, and both the parties were hungry but none decided to say aloud until Arranya erupted packing her stuff and observing her, Aviral almost forthwith did the same that perplexed Arranya yet again.

As she stood with her bag hung on her right shoulder, he stood in front of her either in the same manner with an undefiled look like a kid.

"What?" Arranya questions in a warning tone again.

"What, what?" He defends himself backing his head a little.

"What, what, what?" She questions again as her orbs grew bigger and she inches towards him while he stepped back.

"What, nothing? You stood up, so I did too," Aviral defined his reason that escorted a 'you-are-stupid' smile on her face as she surpassed him and he followed her till the bus stand that was next to there library and in only a few metres away from their college at the opposite side.

She stands next to the bench made for bus travellers working on her phone as Aviral went straight to stand behind her. He almost tried to peak in what she's watching when he deciphers an appalling truth.

The great Arranya Awasthi, who didn't even talk to anyone straight forwardly in the entire day today with anyone except her best friend i.e. Ananya, the same girl, the very same girl watches fictional book's reels on Instagram?

This behaviour is psychopathic.

Aviral's expressions had been constantly in denial and dismayed for the last 2 minutes as he acknowledged about Arranya's interests moments ago when he saw something again.

But this was more dreading than before. Since it's almost evening, the sun dawned and there's only streetlight brightness, and miss Arranya likes to keep her phone's brightness low and lower that helped her catch Aviral red handed peeking at her phone.

He knew what's coming next.

Arranya gradually spins her neck half, and that was enough for Aviral to shift in his place and move to his left away from Arranya. Her orbs that he initially thought in the noon were something, now they are nothing but scary.

"Mr. Aviral Kaushik," Arranya rotated entirely to face Aviral with her arms folded and a mischievous smile on her face that haunted Aviral more than Dayan aka Mrs. Carlynn in the moment.

"Aapne abhi abhi momos khaye hain kya?" Arranya questions with an exceedingly sugary smile walking towards Aviral only to stop a few centimetres away from him. He didn't look down at her just to prevent the eye contact that he now fears.

[Translation: Did you recently have momos?]

"Nahi- nahi to," Aviral laughs for his life as he stuttered while speaking.

Arranya took another step towards him but he couldn't step back anymore as he was at the edge where the boundary was that separated the road and the garden behind them.

His back hit the iron webbed divider where there were thorns of the planted flowers behind and his back felt pinches of the spiky sepals of the flowers but he only smiled in horror.

"Par mujhe to lag raha hai ki aapne momos khaye hai, pucho kaise?" Arranya's smile grew wider like her eyes of deterrent.

[Translation: But I think you did have momos, ask how?]

"Kaise?" Aviral asked with his dreaded chuckle.

[Translation: How?]

"Apne apna dimaag bech ke momos hi to khaye honge na kyuki usse zyada ka aapme hai bhi nahi varna stalker ki tarah mere phone me nahi jhankte tum," she shrieks the life out her and thankfully, not many people were there to have been showcased such a dramatic scene at road, live.

[Translation: You sold you brain and had momos out of the money you earned from it cause you don't have a brain that costs more than that either otherwise you wouldn't peek into my phone like a stalker.]

"Did you just- say that my- brain only costs the money of momos?" He queries back attaining his confidence when Arranya fiercely placed her hand next to his face on the iron webbed divider.

"Mai exactly- yahi bol Rahi hu, what are you gonna do about it?" She counter questions as her brows moved up and down once.

[Translation: I'm doing that exactly, what are you gonna do about it?]

"Ae, listen you little chai ka cup," Aviral points a finger at her mocking her unforeseeably for the pose she was in right now with her one hand on her waist, and the other on his side, moreover since she's already short heighted, it did make her look like a cup of tea at that moment.

Arranya couldn't bear the insult, and neither could her brain process it. She couldn't form any insulting comeback for the roast he just did when they both were intervened by a third known party.

"What's happening?" A male voice interrupted when both Aviral, and Arranya's head instinctively rotated to the voice that had them surprised again.

Arranya vamoosed her pose, and walked away to stand next to the passenger's bench when she heard Aviral resound the person's name in revelation to her, and both the males hugged each other showcasing their bromance but someone was disturbed yet again.

"Vansh, how are you bro? It's been a year,"

Fanfic Cloud Community!

➜ . Writer:

—  seekerbangtan

➜﹒ Editing and reviewing team:


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