03: Not so serene 🔞

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Mention of assault, rape, triggering words. If uncomfortable, kindly read until the words "Warning" and leave the chapter thereafter.

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"Vansh, how are you bro? It's been a year,"

Aviral greets and both the males hug each other as they meet after a year.

Everything was heard by Ari but no matter what, her expressions stilled like ice. Limited to only one, calm, composed or some people also name it cold or rude.

She stood ahead of the two boys waiting for any vehicle to arrive with her arms folded.

"Oh hey, lemme introduce you to her," Aviral, being unaware and excited, took the initiative to introduce the people new to each other but Vansh hesitated.

"Uh, I know her," he replied, resisting Aviral's haul.

His sentence when halted Aviral in his tracks and he turned behind bewildered, then Vansh corrected himself.

"I mean, I do know her as...she's an old classmate but right now I'm heading to my hostel or else I'll be late so you guys carry on." Vansh pondered a little before spilling the truth, earning Aviral's 'oh' of understanding afterward.

"Aviral," a known feminine voice to both the males called for the hooded boy only that grabs both of their attention to her, and the called one nods with a 'yeah?' to her.

"I'm leaving," Arranya declares as she notions about her duties towards someone who's been with her throughout the day deserves to know that she'll be leaving rather than ghosting them.

Perceiving that she's setting off home, Aviral bids his goodbyes with his friend to jog towards Arranya as she was already seated in the 4 seater E-rickshaw while the driver was waiting for his other passengers.

Aviral sat next to her and they were close enough cause of the congested seat for two adults to have their arms touch each other but none minded as Arranya was aware that it was only her mate with whom she'd spent the whole day, today.

After a ride of 5 minutes, all 4 passengers were standing on the lone road as the driver divulged that he was out of battery so they had to get off to find a new vehicle. The rest two successfully managed to call their relatives to pick them up and the left ones were our Avi and Ari. 

"Oh god, why today? It's my first day at college, you made me meet such a nosy person, and now when I'm hungry I can't even go back home?" Arranya whines at the sky lowly but Aviral notices.

"Don't worry, we live in the same PG so I'll try to find a convince. Come with me," as he assured her and asked her to follow him, she queried him again with the same suspicious look running through every cell on her face.

"And mai kyu jau tumhare saath? Tumne mujhe kidnap kar liya to?" She says as her right eye was almost shutting down to unveil her distrust in Aviral's intention letting out a chuckle from him.

[Translation: and why should I go with you? What if you kidnap me?]

"Or tumhe kyu lagta hai devi ki mai tumhe- chai ke cup jaisi ladki ko kidnap krke firauti maangu ga or mujhe mil bhi jayegi?"

[Translation: and why do you think that if I kidnap a girl you- who looks like a cup of tea, would help me buy any ransom from anyone?]

Discerning what he meant a minute later, Arranya's nostrils flared up and her eyes widened. She was about to shout when Aviral ran towards her to keep an arm around her shoulder so he could grab a hold of her and with his other hand he covered her mouth to prevent her from speaking. 

"Oh dang, I knew you're a criminal, see you're abducting me, look at you- you ferocious criminal," she screams with her mouth covered but everything got muffled due to the cover over her lips.

"Haan haan meri maa, bhej dena mujhe jail par abhi to chal," and he almost hauled her with a smile on his face at her actions like how she tried to escape him by pinching his stomach, kicking him, and what not but couldn't move an inch away from his hold.

[Translation: yes yes my mother, send me to jail but right now just come]

However, their fun was short-lived when both of their eyes came out of their sockets in horror.

"You heard it too?" Aviral questions and she taps on his hand that was covering her mouth so he releases her and she nods fiercely.

"Sh- shall we go?" She asks, her breathing almost abnormal by now.

"Call the police, and don't follow me," saying only that much, he hands his bag to her and runs inside the dark street with no one around them.

Being left out alone scared Arranya to her core. She's been in a situation where she was eve teased with a sanguinary unbearable language and right now, it's perhaps worse than that cause both of them heard screams like a girl is being...

Warning ⚠️

Arranya had an app on her phone through which she could call anyone for help in any case of emergency be it police, fire station, or medical help.

She just had to tap on the police, and when she did and gyrated to her right, she saw two men gawking at her.

Both of them checked her out from head to toe and that's the point when she lost it and ran inside the alleyway in Aviral's direction, she knew they would catch her so before they could, she had pepper spray that helped her after she sprinkled it in their eyes and ran to him.

Who knew she's gonna face something even callous, sadistic, and inhuman after her teeny run?

A girl laying at the corner of the road covered in blood, nude, and one of the three boys was raping her while the other two were fighting with Aviral who was also dripping blood.

A man held him by his waist and the other one kicked him in the abdomen. His eyes were almost shut but he fought back as much as he could. 

"No no no no no Ari, no you can't back off. If it was you in her place and someone else would have run away, no- you need to help- you need to help Aviral but the girl first,"

Arranya couldn't help but her past fear was blurring her mind. Whether she should wait for the police or help.

She has no option as she can't face it anymore so keeping their bags aside, the pepper spray still in her hold, she runs to the guy who was raping the girl and took out her water bottle which luckily was made of steel and hit him directly in the head when she made sure the other guys were fighting with Aviral and no one noticed her presence. 

But her identity wasn't concealed for too long as the boy who she hit shrieked in pain after the hit, the other two diverted to her direction and she panicked as she saw them coming towards her abandoning Aviral.

"Ari, use your spray and bottle," he shouts from behind and grabs a man who was near him by his throat so she had to fight only 1 person but before he could even reach her, a gunshot was heard from her right.

Lucky day!

Seeing the police force, she was relieved and that strengthened her so taking the chance, she spattered the spray in his eyes at the right time when he was looking at the police and the three of you were rescued.

The three culprits were captured and the girl was taken to the infirmary at the same instant while Aviral and Arranya were called to the police station for some formalities.

As the police were investigating the crime scene, marking the girl's body layout and forbidding the crime place, Ari and Avi stood at the corner of the road.

Aviral's forehead was bleeding a little, his arms had scraps, his jeans were torn and the blood oozing out of his knee covered his left leg in red.

But Arranya was in a faze. She was numb. Her body wasn't responding as she only shivered and Aviral was only focused on her after the culprits were taken away.

Her mind could only repeat what just happened with that girl and what happened with herself a year ago when she was eve teased. When eve teasing had traumatized her for a long time, then how would this girl survive and live with this incident as her memory her entire life?

"Ari..." He called her out softly and kept a hand on her shoulder that stunned her so he backed off in a blink.

"It's only me, relax," he comforts her and bends down to her level to face her.

"Relax, you did a great job today," his hands continuously moved up and down in the air which motioned her to breathe as her chest lifted heavily to breathe properly.

He slowly nears her and deciphers that she is now comfortable, so he stands straight to gradually hug her softly while caressing her head and holding her protectively but lightly to not stupefy her again.

She hugs him back, and soon hides her face in his chest as her tears break their patience and phased out her eyes.

"Relax, it's okay, I'm here," and now he hugs her tighter.

Fanfic Cloud Community!

Next update: Thursday, May 23 2024


—  seekerbangtan



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