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I don't know much French so I used Google translate. I'm learning though, so please correct me if I'm wrong!

"DAD!!!! I'M HOME!" A deep, heavily accented shout broke Alexander out of his thoughts half an hour after George had left him to unpack. He had finished fairly quickly, he hadn't had much to unpack in tbe first place.

"Gilbert, what have I said about yelling in my house? Hello John, Hercules." The muffled voice of George carried through the halls easily and Alexander was able to hear quite well.

But, was this the 'Gilbert' George was talking about earlier?

Only one way to find out. Alexander slowly opened the door to the room and slipped out, silently creeping down the stairs.

He hurried to the entryway and peeked around a corner. There in the living room stood four people. A tall, muscular man with dark skin that appeared to be only two or three inches shorter than Washington. His shoulders were quite broad, giving him the appearance of a pro wrestler. He was wearing a dark dungeon and dragons t-shirt and a black jacket. He had baggy jeans and white tennis shoes, a purple beanie resting on his head. Alexander knew he wouldn't want to get in a fight with this one- if he had to guess, this was Hercules.

Standing next to the dark-skinned beanie-wearing boy, was a skinny boy who looked to be Latino or from somewhere tropical- if Alexander had to guess he would say with the Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico. He had super -super- curly brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail, thousands of freckles splattered across his face, and the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen in his life. Alexander's heart beat frantically as he looked over the rest of whom he assumed was John's appearence. He wore a short sleeved shirt that revealed more freckles on his arms, an adorable cartoon turtle plastered on the front of his blue shirt. He had black skinny jeans and grey convers to complete the look.

Alexander guessed that John had felt him staring because his piercing gaze found their way to Alexander's soft brown eyes. Alexander found that he couldn't look away from those perfect, green eyes. John suddenly broke into a smile and Alexander felt his face grow hot. Not wanting any attention, Alexander quickly hid being the wall, breathing heavily, his face red.

"Hey, Mr. Washington, do you have another son we haven't heard about?" John joked from the living room. Alexander almost passed out at the sound of his voice.

"Oh! Well, now that you mention, yes! His name is Alexander Hamilton, we brought him home earlier. He should be up in his room, why dk you ask?" George explained. Alexander forced his breathing to even out and stay as quiet as possible.

"I think I saw him peeking out from the stairwell." George chuckled and Alexander heard footsteps slowly getting louder as they approached his hiding spot.

"Alexander?" George asked, a teasing tone evident in his voice.

Alexander cringed when he heard George's. He slowly turned around to meet the older man's amused gaze, awaiting his punishment.

"There you are. I have some people who would like to meet you." Alexander looked down at his shoes. Was it still too late to run? "Would you like to meet them?" Alexander shrugged, contemplating his choices. And yet, when the man turned and walked away, he followed.

"Boys, this is Alexander Hamilton. Alexander, these are Hercules Mulligan, John Laurens, and-" Alexander felt a twinge of pride when he realized he had correctly named the boys standing and waving at him. Hercules even shook his hand.

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette Washington. I am also known as the Marquise de Lafayette!" A tall, lean, man spoke eagerly. He had black, curly hair tied back into a high man bun. He had kind, mocha eyes and tan skin that bordered on on the darker side. Alexander noted that he could be considered black, but his skin wasn't as dark as Hercules. He wore a sleeveless shirt with a large French flag displaying on the front, light blue skinny jeans, and a pair of red tennis shoes. "Nice to meet you, mon frère!"

Alexander looked up. He hated being address as 'brother', but there was French clearly mixed in with the heavily accented English.

"Gilbert." George warned as Alexander cut him off.

"I-I uh.. êtes-vous français?" He finally blurted out, refusing to meet Gilbert's eyes. (Are you french?)

Lafayette's face morphed into shocked curiousity. "Oui! Es-tu?" (Yes! Are you?)

Alexander shook his head, giving a small smile. "Non. Mais je parle couramment!"(no. But I am fluent!)

"Malade! Où as-tu appris ?" Lafayette asked, grinning. (Sick! Where'd you learn?)

Alexander looked down at his shoes. "Ma mère m'a appris. Quand j'étais petit. Au fait, est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre peut nous comprendre ?" (My mom taught me. When I was little. By the way, can anyone understand us?)

Lafayette smiled, shaking his head. "Non. L'anglais est ma deuxième langue. Si jamais tu veux parler de... ta mère, tu peux venir me voir, mon petit lion." (No. English is my second language. If you ever want to talk about... your mom, you can tell me, my little lion.)

"Votre ... Petit lion?" Alexander questioned, already fond of this Lafayette. Gilbert just smiled.

"Rien." (Nothing.)

"Okay what did you guys just say? I'm learning, but still, I know, like, nothing in French." John spoke up, bewildered as he looked between the two.

"I-it doesn't matter." Alexander whispered, his voice soft, unlike the way he had just spoke in French.

"We were just... How you say... Discussing the uh, weather!" Lafayette said, glancing at Alex who quickly shook his head.

"The weather. Really?" John raised an eyebrow.

"... oui."

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