First Day

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Sayuri's POV

"Wake up Sayuri, you start summer school today!" my little brother yelled while running up the stairs and jumps on my bed. I sighed and stared at him, a stare that told him to get off my bed or else. I got up and pushed him out of my room and got dressed, summer school, what's the point of it? I went downstairs and was pushed out the door in fear that I might miss the bus and mom let my older brother borrow the car to go over to his friends house.

I went to the bus stop and sat there for about 10 minutes before the bus finally showed up, there were a few people on the bus when I got on, most of them also looked like they didn't want to be here too but there was one girl who was smiling and seemed happy to be going to school. I don't want to sit next to her, that's for sure. I sit in my own seat near the front of the bus as the bus driver started driving again, I knew I couldn't skip class if I wanted to be in basketball next season though.

As we arrive at school everyone got off the bus in a rushing fashion, I was last because everyone was in a rush and I wasn't. Today was a welcoming ceremony so we had to go to the gym. There were allot more people than I thought would be there, even people that I know. I never talk to anyone though, I sigh and sit down on the gym floor, it's like we are in elementary school again instead of high school.

"Welcome" the principle said walking on the stage "I will introduce the teachers, and we will split up into classes, this is what we will do during your 5 weeks of summer school, when you get here in the morning there will be 30 minutes for breakfast then for the remainder of the time you will go to your assigned classroom, about 10 minutes before the buses arrive to bring you home you will start getting ready." It really did seem like elementary school now or a Saturday school though during Saturday school you don't get breakfast.

Then we ate and for the remainder of the time after that, we all got split up into 5 classes of about 15 kids. My teacher Mrs. Snowbrick showed us our room and then dismissed us right after since it was about 11:00am anyways. After that I went home and my mom asked "so, how was your first day?"

I just stared at her "boring...please don't make me go back" I said, she nodded no.

"It's only for a few weeks honey and you'll endure it if you want to play basketball this year" she said, I nodded and went upstairs and sighed.

Hey! Thanks for reading, love you! Is it good? I'm not sure, I hope it is. And in case you asked, Mrs. Snowbrick was not my 5th grade teacher; I don't know what you are talking about! *sarcasm* Anyways, please comment, vote, follow, it makes me smile, well bye for now!

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