I made a friend!

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The next day came so fast even though I didn't want it to. Mom came upstairs to wake me up since I never wake to my alarm clock, so I finally got up and got dressed to go downstairs, eat breakfast, and go wait for the bus. When I saw the bus coming I stood up from the ground and started climbing the three stairs that go up to the bus. I took a seat pretty close to the front because everyone liked to sit in the back and I don't like being around people. I sighed, then another girl came on the bus "um...hi, can I sit here" she asked me, I just nodded and scooted over to the window and looked out it.

The bus started moving again and more people came on, it was quiet between me and this other girl until she finally said "My name is Yuzuki, what's yours?" I just looked at her, it was quiet for a few seconds.

"Sayuri, you can call me Yuri if you want" I said and looked away again.

"OK Yuri" she smiled, I could sense her happiness "want to be friends?" she asked.

I sighed "sure" I replied, I don't usually hang out with people like her, she seems to happy, we are going to summer school, what is there to be happy  about? We finally reached summer school and everyone got off of the bus.

"I guess I'll see you after school" Yuzuki said, I just nodded and waved as she got off the bus, I waited for everyone else to get off before I got off again. I got off and went into the cafeteria, I sat at the end of one of the tables because I didn't want to sit with anyone. I ate my food and then watched as other people went to their classrooms, I followed someone that I knew had the same class as me at a safe distance so she didn't notice me following her. When I got to class I sat down, the teacher took attendance to make sure everyone was there and then she started class. I got bored and then the teacher handed each table of 4 a basket of 5 books.

"At the beginning of class everyday we will have 15 minutes of silent reading and then I will pick 5 people from this jar and they will have to go up to the front of the class and talk about their book for 1 minute" the teacher said, I sighed, I hate reading. "Everyone choose a book from the basket" she said and everyone at my table chose a book, I was last of course, I took a book and it was Of mice and men. This wasn't too long and it seemed pretty easy to read. After the 15 minutes was over I managed to read about 6 pages. Of course, the first name she picked just had to be mine.

I went up to the chair in front of the classroom and sat down, the teacher started a timer and I said stuff like "I have Of mice and men, it's a story about 2 guys and they are looking for work or something" and I kept talking until the timer finally beeped. I got up from the chair and went to sit down and listen to the 4 other people talk about their books.

Soon class finally was over and I went outside to the bus, Yuzuki was out there before me and waved at me to come sit with her. I sighed as I went to sit with her. "Hey, do you want to go swimming with my friends and I today?" she asked. I pondered this for a while, then it was time for her to get off the bus. "I need your answer now" she said.

I nodded and said "I guess, what time and where?" I asked.

"At the outbackers, at 3:30pm" she said I nodded and waved her off the bus.

When I finally got home I told my mom and she smiled and said "so you finally made a friend, maybe this will be good for you Sayuri" she said and I went upstairs and laid of the bed until it was almost time to go.

yep, so thanks for reading, vote, comment, follow, I would really appreciate it, love you, thanks for reading

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