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The time was getting closer, if I was going to make it, I have to get up and grab my bathing suit. Why am I going anyways? I barley know this girl, let alone her friends she said were also coming. I started to get second thoughts on whether I should go or not, then mother called me down. I sighed, well now I have to go. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs "do you want me to drive you honey?" mom asked.

"No, mom, I can walk, it's not far" I said and walked out the door. I still did not want to go, what if she pranks me, or what if no one is there at all? Of course, she doesn't seem like that kind of person, though I don't know much about her, maybe she just put on an act. Before I knew it, I was at the place, it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I saw Yuzuki and two other girls with her, Yuzuki waved at me.

"So this is the girl you were talking about Yuyu?" one of the girls said as I walked over there trying to force a smile.

Yuzuki came over to me and said "hi Yuri, these are the friends I was talking about, that's Hoshimi" she pointed to the girl with the light brown hair. "And that is Akari" she finished, pointing to the girl right next to Hoshimi.

"N-nice to meet you" I stuttered, I'm not used to talking to people or having friends so this was pretty new to me, I thought everyone hated me. Yuzuki smiled and waved us to go to the changing room. We all went into a separate stall and got changed into our bathing suits. I was the last one out but they didn't hurry me, they just patiently waited.

"Alright, let's go" Yuzuki smiled and ran out to the pool. She slipped, well that's what she gets for running but her friends ran to see if she was OK, including me because, well I don't know, just because. She got up and said "I'm fine" and smiled and went to jump into the pool. Her other friends went off a little bit to go on the water slide and the diving board. "So, are you glad you came?" she asked me.

"huh? Uh, sure" I replied and she came closer to me. I backed up a bit until I hit the wall.

"huh? What's wrong?" she asked.

"nothing" I replied "don't come closer to me please, I-I'm not used to being close to people"

"Alright, I understand" she stopped and instead, she grabbed my hand and took me over to the water slide. I looked down at the water below and backed up to the railing nodding my head no.

"I don't think I can do this" I said and she smiled.

"Of course you can, come on" she said and pulled me from the railing, she made me sit on the slide and gave me a little push and I started sliding down.

"ahhhhhh!!!" I yelled while sliding down, "I could have done this myself you know Yu.." I was cut off by hitting the water and then Yuzuki came sliding down and I hurried out of the water so she wouldn't hit me. When she got out of the water as well I said "I'm gonna get you for that Yuzuki"

She smiled "You can call me Yuzu if you want, it's different from what my friends call me, but you're different than my friends, you're more...I don't know...special" she said

"should I take that as a compliment?" I replied

"I didn't mean special that way, I mean, special as in, you're someone special to me" she said. I blushed and she hugged me. Later we met up with her other friends and went out for dinner. Today was better than I thought it would be, I don't even know why I was so hesitant to come at first but I'm glad I came in the end. After dinner her friends went a separate way and since Yuzu and I had our house in the same direction we went the same way.

After I got home we said our goodbyes and I went into my house "So how was it honey?" mom asked.

"Much better than I expected" I replied.

"That's good to hear hun" she said and I went upstairs and laid on my bed because I was tired, today was different than my normal days. I actually had fun today.

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