House Visit

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The next day I woke up without my brothers or mother waking me up for once. For once I was actually excited for summer school for some reason; my brother came and knocked on my door to see if I'm awake and I came out of the room. "Wow, you're actually awake and ready to go for once" he said.

"Oh shut up" I said pushing him aside going downstairs to eat breakfast. I grabbed toast from the toaster that was already made fore me and I buttered it and ate it. After that I went to wait for the bus without saying a word to my family, they all seemed surprised but didn't say anything to me either. When the bus came I climbed the stairs and sat in the front like usual, when her bus stop came for some reason I couldn't wait to see her, but she didn't come. I wonder why she didn't come.

I sighed and came to the only possible solutions, she's either dead, really sick, or have been kidnapped, those were the solutions that I came up with. The three hours of summer school went by slow knowing that she wasn't there. I kept thinking about the three possible solutions, 'she's probably just sick, maybe I should go to her house to check on her' I thought then another thought came, 'wait, we never gave each other our address and since she lives a bit farther than me, she knows where I live but I don't know where she lives.' I ponder it for a while, until finally it was time to go home 'maybe I could just ask her friends' I thought as I was getting on the bus, luckily her friends were on that bus too.

I went up to Hoshimi and Akari and asked them "what's wrong with Yuzu?" they looked at me.

"she's sick" Akari said as the bus started leaving "sit down or you'll fall"

I sat down and asked "can I have her address so I can check on her?"

"I don't know" Akari said with a smirk on her face, "are you sure we can trust you?"

"Of course" I said and they just chuckled and wrote her address down and gave it to me. "Thank you" I said and when I got home I told mom "I'm going to Yuzu's house to check on her, she's sick."

Mom smiled and said "that's alright, I'm glad you made a friend" and I nodded and left, I jogged over to her house. I didn't bring anything like normal people probably would if they went to visit their friend while they're sick. I knocked on their door hesitantly.

I heard "I'll get it mom" kind of quietly and Yuzu covered in blankets answered the door. "Yuri!" she sounded happy to see me and she hugged me.

"who is it?" her mom asked as she came to the door "don't hug her, you'll get her sick too" she said as Yuzu let go of me and invited me in. I walked into her house and looked around, wow, she has a nice house. She invited me to sit on the couch with her but her mom said "you should be resting on your bed Yuzuki."

Yuzu frowned and told me to follow her upstairs. We went upstairs and around the corner into Yuzu's room, wow it's so much nicer than my room, but I guess I should expect that. She laid on her bed and I watched her, soon she fell asleep, I still watched her. It was so nice and peaceful here. I smiled, she looks so beautiful while she's sleeping. Whoa, what am I thinking, her mom calls her down for dinner and asks if I would be staying. I nod my head no and said "bye Yuzu, it was nice seeing you today" and left for my house.

"How was your time" mom asked like always.

"Fine" I said, dinner was about ready here as well so I ate and went up to my room and rested for a bit hoping that I won't be sick tomorrow.

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