Vacation Part 1

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A few weeks past and we hung out every day, and summer school was finally over. On the bus home from our last day Yuzu asked "hey, do you want to go on a vacation with me on Monday?" It was Friday so it was a couple day notice.

I nodded and said "I have to make sure it's fine with mom first" she smiled and finally I got home, I ran inside and threw my stuff on the ground, summer school was finally over. "Mom?"

"yes?" she replied while she got up from the floor which she was on her hands and knees scrubbing.

"On Monday, can I go on a vacation with Yuzu?" I asked expecting her to say yes because she usually says yes because she was glad that I finally had a friend.

"But honey, Monday is our family reunion" she said. I had totally forgot about that. I looked down and nodded knowing that there isn't any escaping the family reunion. "Any way it could be moved to Tuesday instead?" she said.

I smiled "I'll call her!" I said and ran upstairs to grab my phone. I never brought my phone to school because we never can use it, and it gets taken away from us at the beginning of the class. I went to my contacts and pressed talk when it hit her name.

"Hello?" I hear on the other side of the phone.

"Hello Yuzu"

"So? What did your mom say?"

"She wants to know if there is any way we can change it to Tuesday, there's a family reunion on that day"

"I see, OK, then lets meet in the park on Tuesday at 9:00am, sound good?" I could tell in her voice she was excited for this vacation.

"yes, I'll see you then, bye" I said and hung up the phone. I got up off the bed and went to get ready, it's still pretty early but I was excited too. I hope Tuesday came fast. Though it didn't. It went extremely slow in fact. It took forever to come, I was on my bed, it was finally Monday night. The family reunion was pretty nice, it was nice to see all my cousins and aunts and uncles. Of course it was only on my mom's side. My dad's side of the family hates us, they blame us for him dying.

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