Chapter 13

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(So sorry for the wait guys! Really, hate me if you want. ;~; Just have some school stress lately. Sorry for breaking my promises, I'm Holy Roman, it seems to be a habit. ;_;)

*Reader-chan's P.O.V.*

I swiped my hand up and a burning wall of air came between me and my imposter. I was awake, strong, and quite pissed off. He hissed in my voice and bounced back from the barrier.

"Well you're quite the actor." I narrowed my eyes and relinquished the fire part of the wall. He growled.

"How did you escape Fauché's serum?" The imposter tried to break through the invisible wind barrier I still left up.

"Easy. Fauché, he left loopholes. He's bored. He wants to a. To see what you would do versus me, and b. To let me know he's alive, and doesn't want me dead."

"And how could you come up with these foolish ideas, you pathetic girl?"

"Also easy," I smirked and looked up into his eyes. They flashed with an unknown emotion. "Fauché is my half brother. He raised me, despite my father being human and my mother, HIS mother, being an amphiptere. I always knew he worked for the Mag Mafia, it was no secret. It was also no secret that the Mag Mafia hated half breeds, and dragonslayers. They kidnapped and killed them. Fauché never physically killed anyone. He just made the potions and poisons for them and the black market. He left when I was six, then I fended for myself to this day. He used to slip little drips of his concoctions into my food, and I can recognize his alchemy. Now, because you gave me HIS poison, I know he is alive, he wants to see me, and he's most likely home. I'm going to go see him. But first," I bared my teeth in a snarl. "I need to rip you apart!" Leaping at the creature, I transformed along the way into the same form he was in. We clashed, and I beat my wings furiously to try to push him down. He growled and shoved me into a wall.

"GRAY RUN AND TELL THE OTHERS." I howled and he did. The imposter took this opportunity to snap at my neck, almost successfully taking hold of it. I snared his tail with mine and swung him away from me, making a break for the guild hall. If I could get into open air, then I could stand a chance. I shot through the doors and took to the air, lying in wait with some mages still attacking me despite Gray's pleas. The imposter had recovered and slithered out of the hall we were in, leaping up after me. He bared his fangs and attempted to bite at my wings, knowing if he could ground me, there would be no fight. (F/c) clashed as we tumbled in air. He came too close for comfort and I slammed my spiraling horns into his jaw. A whimper emitted from his mouth and he backed off a bit. An amphiptere with a broken jaw was practically defenseless, and neither of us could risk that. I noticed a barrage of fireballs and ice spikes flying at the imposter. One of the burningly freezing blades embedded itself in the shoulder of the enemy. I shrieked in happiness for my friends and didn't notice what happened next. A coloured blur, and I was pinned to the floor by a heavy, and very angry amphiptere. He smirked darkly and sunk his dagger-like teeth into my throat. I screeched in surprise and pain, and tried to do something, ANYTHING to help myself. Gajeel and Erza charged him but he tossed them away with a mere flick of his lean tail. I felt my world going black, and helplessly struggled to keep my eyes open. Before I lost everything, I looked at Gray, who was staring in horror, and smiled,

"I love you..."

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