Chapter 14

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*Drei's P.O.V.*

I smirked with unfathomable glee as I slithered back from the dead mortal girl. Everyone and everything was silent, in awe or sorrow, which I did not know. I turned to look at the girl's love interest, Gray Fullbuster the Ice Mage. He was shocked.

"You look frozen there, Gray." I cackled sweetly at my little joke. He snapped out of his daze and snarled at me.

"You BASTARD!" The navy haired boy screamed and charged me. Fool. I dodged easily and coiled around him.

"Oh don't worry, boy. You'll be with your little girlfriend soon enough~." I cooed and tightened like a boa constrictor. Gray winced and gasped, which let me tighten more.

"Gray!" His friends yelled. I laughed and threw the emotionally and physically broken boy to the side. I was merely supposed to kill Laxus and a few others. The resilient, famous mages were for my master.

"Sorry, mortals, I'm not allowed to kill you. But you'll see your guild mates soon enough... In the afterlife!" I laughed and flew out through the open doors, giddy to tell my king the news.

The view of Magnolia was incredible from this height, a beautiful place to scorch into a Hell on Earth. So many corpse meals, so many dead dragonslayers, and no more vile half-breeds. As I landed, I returned to my normal dragonesc form, drenched in the girl's blood still. I quickly made my way to the throne hall.

"Drei, you look content." That smooth yet menacing tone echoed through the hallway.

"I did as I was told, I killed the traitor and I even killed our little (Y/n)!" I smiled showing crimson teeth.

"You WHAT!?" He howled with rage. I shrunk back on instinct, the grin falling.

"I-I killed (Y/n)... Weren't we going to kill her anyway?" I questioned.


"She somehow woke up from Fauché's poison! She's his half-sister.. I had no choice, she would've ruined our plan!" I hurriedly explained. My master paused for a moment.

"Fauché is her half-brother, hm? Well, I'll pay him a personal visit. We will deal with your mistake later." He stood from his black, bleeding throne and walked into the light. It was one of the first times I'd ever seen his face, other than the time I hatched to him when he was a young child. He was cunningly built, with burning deep brown eyes and a mottled head of dark blues and blacks. A scruff ran from his sideburns down, giving him a handsome look. Large scarring covered many places on his skin, which was an almost sickly blue tone, resembling only frozen death. From simply being inside, or some other strange cause, I did not know. Was he an Ice Mage as well? I never knew his magic, if he had any at all.

"Yes, my king." I nodded with a smirk and followed as he walked to the alchemical ruins where Fauché worked. Upon entering, the room was silent, minus the bubbling of potions and sizzling of bright flames in the dim and moldy atmosphere.

"DAMMIT. WHERE IS HE!?" My master smashed his fist into the stone wall, making it crumble as if it was a cracker. He turned to me, holding a scarf. It was Fauché's.

"Sniff him out, find him, I'll be right behind." He snarled and whistled. A black, skeletal Pegasus who's mane and tail were spitting white fire appeared from the shadows. I took no time catching the Aphiptere-demon's scent and following it from the castle to the forest. The wind was sheer, razor-like and it seemed unusually stormy. We landed deep within the woods, far from civilization. Or help. A small cottage lay before us, billowing in the gusts. That little fool must have shut himself inside, letting us corner him. How stupid.

*Fauché's P.O.V.*

I quickly worked around the short time I had, bustling through ingredients and throwing them into multiple rainbow-toned concoctions. As I worked, I had accidentally tripped over my tail more than once.

"Irish moss, salt, blood, ginseng, and oh! A lark eye!" I cried happily and threw together the finishing touches of my final potion. A regeneration potion, a summoning poison, and a special bottle of untested ideas. This could go very good or very bad. A heavy landing sounded on the dirt outside, followed shortly by hooves. I smiled somewhat insanely, but kept my demeanor.

"Mad scientist, dragon-demon, spawn of Zeref, what could possibly go wrong?"

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