Chapter 7

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When I got home I was grimy and felt like crap, so I decided to take a shower. I went to the bathroom, got undressed, and turned on the shower. As the warm water washed over me, I wondered why Harry was still in my life. I mean, come on! What'd I ever do to him!? He's the one who tried to ruin my life! I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. When I got to my bedroom, I threw on a (f/c) (long/short sleeve) shirt, my favorite (s/f/c) (skirt/shorts), and knee high (f/c) Converses. Why was Harry still after me, all these years later? I decided to do some research on Harry Coruptioa. I went to town when I heard a vaguely familiar voice. I glanced around a corner and spotted an orange haired guy with a green jacket and dark pants. Loke? What was he doing here? I also felt there was another presence, a very dark one, someone other than Loke's.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that's what your master decided for me to do but you don't know how hard it is to get near her!" he said angrily to someone in the shadows of an alley.

"Well, get near her! (y/n) is a pathetic child, and to the so-called strongest celestial spirit Leo this should not be a challenge!" a grisly, low voice echoed.

"But she's still my friend..." Loke trailed sadly.

"Vile creatures such as you do not deserve friends! And remember, if you do not complete this job, Lucy AND (y/n) will suffer! It's your choice, lion!" the voice cackled evily and their presence vanished. I quietly approached Loke from behind.

"Loke?" my voice shook. He spun around with a startled and sorrowful look plastered on his face. "Tell me everything. Why was that guy threatening Lucy?" I asked. I was surprised my voice didn't waver that time.

"I-I'm not supposed to let you know, y-you're not e-even supposed to know ab-bout this..." Loke mumbled and couldn't look me in the eye. I sighed.

"I know I'm in danger. Please, just tell me... I don't want my friends getting hurt because of me!" I began to cry softly. Loke hugged me and said, "Alright. That guy, I don't know his name, visited me the night you came to Fairy Tail. He said I owed his master a favor and he was claiming it, so I couldn't turn down the deal. And he said even if I did turn it down, he'd hurt Lucy. I'm her celestial spirit, her protecter and guardian. Its my job to make sure she's safe... but I don't want to let you get hurt either. I just don't know what to do!" Wow. Who knew the player of the guild cares so much? I think he was crying and hugged him tighter. He hugged me back and kept crying. Poor guy. Loke pulled away after a few minutes and smiled at me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked gently.

"Yes, mother." he chuckled. I began to laugh to and randomly stopped. We glanced at each other and busted up laughing, despite the things running through my head. Who would want me dead? Harry? And why? What did I ever do to make anyone want me dead? Everything was so messed up. After our little conversation, Loke and I went our separate ways, both worrying about our fates and our friends'. I was walking around, not really paying attention to where I was walking and ended up in a part of Magnolia I didn't recognize. Suddenly a thick cloth wrapped itself around my eyes so I couldn't see. What was going on!? I was pulled backwards to the point where I almost fell over. Something cold and metallic pressed against my throat and cut me slightly. That same gravely voice I heard talking to Loke growled in my ear,

"Well, it seems I don't need the kitty-cat to capture you, (y/n)! Now, you'll come quietly with me, or," he sliced my throat a bit and it started to bleed. "I can always hurt you and your friends. And who's that boy you like, hmm? Gray was it?" He crowed and snickered as he cast a sleep magic spell.

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