Chapter 8

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(A/N I'm finally going to start adding other P.O.V.s in this chapter!)

*Your P.O.V.*

What happened...? My ears were ringing and my vision was fuzzy but I could make out two figures, a tall one and a normal one. Harry? No, he was taller than me, but not THAT tall. Who are these people, what do they want from me? As if an answer to my question my vision cleared and my ears settled down. Chains held my arms above me and my shoulders were crazy sore. Wait a minute... the tall person seemed to be the height of Gray...

"Ah, you're finally awake! I was waiting for you, don't you know its a bad idea to make your kidnappers wait?" The tall one smoothly cooed. His voice was not the gutteral, deep voice that kidnapped me. Hmm.

"What do you want from me!?" My words came out strangled and dry. Man, I was parched! I was also extremely hungry, and remembering back to the picnic the day I was kidnapped, I should still be full. How long was I out!?

"To answer your first quetsion, we want your magic. It's even more powerful than the Salamander's, did you know? And to answer your second question, you've been unconscious for about... hmm, I'll say about two weeks." The tall figure laughed. Two weeks!? Where were my friends? Aren't they going to save me!? IS'NT GRAY GOING TO SAVE ME!?

"(y/n)," The tall figure walked into the light to reveal a very surprising person. "Your "friends" don't care about you, they never did!"

*Erza's P.O.V.*

Something was wrong. After the picnic, (y/n) never came back to the guild, and hasn't been back since then. I thought she'd just taken a request alone but I just asked Mira and (y/n) never even showed up! Loke also hadn't shown up for a while, and when he does he looks ragged and guilty. I haven't told the rest of Team Natsu, they still think she's on a quest alone. Even though, I could tell, Gray knew something was up. He came up to me.

"Hey, Erza, heard anything from (y/n)?" he asked with worry. I had to tell him she wasn't on a quest, but not the rest of Team Natsu!

"Follow me." I said hurriedly. He had a confused look but did as he was told. I brought him outside to an alley.

"I think (y/n) is in trouble, Mira says she never took a request and she hasn't shown up for weeks!" I told him.

"Let's go to her house, check there." He said as calmly as possible, which was frantically. We ran to (y/n)'s house and busted in through the window. It was unlocked, she never leaves her windows unlocked. When we got in we searched around. After a few minutes we didn't find anything.

"Where is she!?" Gray freaked out a bit. I was about to answer, when we suddenly heard the door open and we hid behind (y/n)'s couch. Someone sat down heavily in front of us.

"I'm so sorry... I should've helped you, I shouldn't have let that guy get to me! I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I hope you're alright, I hope that guy's master or whatever hasn't hurt you. Where are you, (y/n)?" The person began to cry softly. I poked my head up to see Loke. What was he doing here? And what's this about (y/n) being hurt!?

"Loke!?" Gray gasped. The celestial spirit jumped ocf the (f/c) couch and spun around with a terrified look.

"Woah, calm down Loke!" I said soothingly. He didn't look so rigid but he was definitely on edge. "What all this about (y/n)?" I asked.

"It's all my fault! This guy- his master- Lucy- GAHH!" He yelled and slouched onto the couch again. Gray and I sat down next to him.

"Why don't you start from the beginning." Gray growled worriedly.

(Sorry for the short chapter my Wolfies! I'll get the next one ouy much quicker!)

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