7 | Blind Date

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"Soomin! Get your ass here this second!" Jieum yelled as she called her best friend.

"I'm working, Jieum. I don't have time-"

"The outfits Minho, Felix and Hyunjin wore are going viral." Jieum said, a wide grin forming on her face.

"NO WAY." Soomin jumped and basically flew towards Jieum who was seated on the couch.

"Read the comments." Said Jieum, handing her the tablet.

Whoever the stylist is, they deserve a raise

Minho looks angelic in that outfit! Finally he did the entire performance without a single wardrobe malfunction

They're so hot omg I'm melting

White really suits Felix


I heard their clothes are from a new brand. I checked their website, and the designs are super cool plus extremely cheap!
Omg really? Can you tell me the brand name?
Of course! It's called The Pallette
I checked out their shop, it was super cool!

"Seems like we are a hit, afterall." Jieum said fondly as she watched her best friend's reaction.

"I freaking love your boyfriend, Jieum." Soomin said, her heart bursting with happiness.

"That sounded so wrong, but I get your point." Jieum giggled.

"Sometimes I'm thankful he's a choreographer and not an idol. If he was an idol, he would never be able to independently promote my brand." Said Soomin.

"Imagine the scandal it would cause if the news of him marrying a non-idol got out if he was an idol himself." Jieum wondered.

The two girls fell on the couch, their month's hardwork already paying off.

"My girl is so talented, I'm super proud of you, Soomin." Jieum said and gave her a hug. "You've got experience and it shows."

"I'm so glad things are working out. I just hope everything continues this way forever." Soomin sighed in contentment.

But of course, if only things were that easy.


In a bright and bubbly mood, Soomin made her way back to her apartment after getting doughnuts from her favourite shop.

She was about to park her car in the parking lot when something unusual caught her eye.

A familiar bright red Porsche.

"Why the fuck is she here?" She mumbled to herself.

She didn't remembering telling her step sister that she lived in that place. How did she know? Even her parents didn't know the exact location.

After getting out of the car and slamming the door shut, she made her way towards the car. She knocked on the tinted glass, surprising the woman who was sitting inside.

"Why are you here? And how did you know I live here?" Soomin questioned as the window was rolled down.

"You live here? You've got to be kidding me." Daisy scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Stop covering up for the fact that you followed me here." Soomin said, getting annoyed.

"I'm not here for you, bitch. I don't owe you any explanation." Daisy said.

"You do, after following me here. What do you want?"

"Someone's thinking they own the world after getting a little bit of recognition, huh?" Daisy mocked. "I'm sorry, little one. But you're not that special."

"Go away. And make sure I never see you around here again or I'll smash the glass of your precious car." Soomin threatened.

"I'm not scared of you, you ungrateful bitch. No wonder mom and dad called you a disappointment." Daisy said, rolling her eyes.

"They said what?" Soomin said, the confidence from her voice slowly disappearing.

"A disappointment. A burden, exactly what you were. They're so glad that they got rid of you, atleast they have another perfect daughter who made up for their loss. You're pathetic, Park Soomin, just like that father of yours." Daisy spat.

Soomin could feel her heart shatter. She knew her parents didn't exactly expect much from her, but that was because they didn't think she would make it as a designer. All this time they thought of her to be a disappointment?

Is that all she was to them?

"You're lying... You're lying!" Soomin said, her voice trembling.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it? Mom calls you a mistake. She calls her entire relationship with that father of yours a mistake. Every single moment and outcome of it, which includes you." Daisy continued, very well aware of the effects her words were having on her younger sister.

She always knew, and that was how she got to Soomin's head everytime.

Without even waiting to see her reaction, Daisy shut her window and pulled away, leaving a trembling Soomin standing there.

Even after all those years, her words always had the desired effect on Soomin.

And she hated herself for that.

"She was lying. You know that. She's a liar, she's a liar..." She kept on mumbling to herself as she walked towards the elevator.

The moment the doors shut, the dam behind her eyes broke. Tears slipped from eyes one by one until she felt her body shaking. She inhaled a deep breath in hopes to calm herself down, but nothing worked.

Suddenly she was the same 15 years old girl again who was helpless and was mocked for everything she did. No matter how much she tried, she could never get her parents' love.

Maybe she really didn't deserve any of it. All she wanted was to be loved. Was that too much to ask ask for?

She quickly wiped her tears as the elevator door opened. All she wanted to do at that moment was hide in the sheets, snuggled against Sky.

So that was exactly what she did.


"Bitch, why did it take you so long to pick up the phone? Open the damn door, I'm standing outside." Jieum scolded the moment Soomin picked up the phone.

"I was sleeping..." She replied, groggily moving towards the door to let her best friend in.

"It's been seven hours!" Jieum exclaimed. She was about to nag some more, but stopped when she saw the look in her best friend's eyes.

"Did you cry?" She asked sharply.

Soomin shook her head, trying not to meet the other girl's eyes.

"Oh come on, I know you better than anyone else. What happened?" Jieum said as she entered her apartment.

"It's... nothing, really." Soomin mumbled. "Coffee?"

"Yes please." Jieum said as she got seated on the sofa. "And what do you mean nothing? You don't cry for no reason."

"It was Bongcha." She mumbled.

Jieum looked at her best friend with concerned eyes. This has to be the first time she said that name without bursting into laughter.

After a lot of pestering, she finally got her best friend to tell her what happened. And she had to say, she'd never wanted to murder someone that much before.

"Who the fuck does she think she is? I'm gonna end that bitch." Jieum seethed as she pulled her best friend in a hug.

"You know what, Soomin? Let everything go to hell. Live your life. Why bother about anything else?" Said Jieum, a weird kind of determination coming in her eyes. "You don't have to care about what bitches like Min Bongcha say about you. She's a liar, and you know that."

"What do you mean?" Soomin asked perplexedly.

"I'm gonna set you up on a blind date. Have the best time of your life, babe. Give the day to yourself and forget about everything else. I promise you it'll be worth it."

Usually, Soomin would've denied. But that day, Jieum's enthusiasm got to her.

All she wanted was to feel loved. So, she agreed.

Maybe, just maybe, she'd finally find someone who made life a tad bit easier.


Any guesses on whats about to happen? 👀

My favourite part of the story is about to come soon hehe. I can't wait to write it. (Fun fact: I've already written it. But am I gonna publish? Hah you wish.)

See y'all soon!

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