8 | Man's Best Friend

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"Um, do I look okay?" Soomin asked nervously as she gave her best friend an outfit check.

"You look hot as fuck, babe." Jieum said as she watched the masterpiece she had created by her godly makeup skills.

"I agree. Watch that guy turn into a simp for you." Minho, who was on FaceTime with them said.

With a deep breath, Soomin eyed her bold black dress that Jieum had picked out for her in the mirror.

"Jieum... This is a really pretty dress but don't you think it's too much for a first date?" Soomin asked uncertainly.

"It's never too much for a date, sweetie. Not when you're going on a night out." Jieum said, rolling her eyes. "Plus my friend said the guy is very sweet and rich. Go catch that guy with your charms!"

"You make me sound like a gold digger." Soomin mumbled.

"Have some fun, Soomin. Don't think about it too much." Minho's voice came from the laptop.

"Alright." She said, turning to leave.

"Have fun babes!" Jieum waved as Soomin began putting on her heels.

"Okay Soomin. Let's get it." She said, giving herself a little pep talk as she exited her apartment.

And with that, her date began.


She entered the restaurant, her purse tightly clutched in her hands. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement.

With a deep breath, she moved inside to look for her date. She had seen his face, so she could recognise him without any troubles.

Soon enough, a guy began waving in her direction, and she relaxed when she saw the familiar face.

"Park Soomin right? It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He said, standing up to pull out the chair for her as she approached the table. "You look stunning, by the way."

"The please is all mine, Mr Kim Haneul. And you don't look too bad yourselves." Said Soomin, passing him a smile.

"Oh please, just Haneul is fine." Her date said, waving his arm in a dismissive manner.

"I've ordered some red wine. I hope you're okay with that." He informed.

Soomin nodded, mentally ticking the boxes in her head.

So far, he was a gentleman.

"So, tell me about you. I heard you've opened a new business. Very impressive, I must say." Haneul said, leaning forward.

"Well, I used to work as a designer at Burberry before this." Soomin began.

"Burberry as in, the internationally famous luxury brand?" Asked Haneul, looking amused.

"Yes, that one." Soomin let out a chuckle. "After gaining experience there for five years I decided to open up my own brand. It's always been my dream."

"It must be hard, since you've opened it up alone." Said the man.

"Indeed it is." Said Soomin, taking a sip of her wine after the waiter had poured it in her glass. "But enough about me. Tell me something about you!"

And for the next hour, the two of them got engaged in a friendly conversation. She had to admit, Kim Haneul sure had a way with his words. His sense of humour was remarkable.

She found herself relaxing in his presence.

"What else do you do besides being a director?" Soomin asked.

"Well, my job doesn't really allow me much free time, but I'm willing to make some for my soon to be hobby." Said Haneul, taking a bite of his food.

"And that would be?" Soomin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Talking to you." Haneul grinned.

Soomin burst into laughter. "Of course, you flirt."

The alcohol had helped them loosen up a little, and she already found herself getting tipsy.

"But really though, you're fun to be around. I think I can say that this date could be going somewhere." He said with a smile.

"I'd love that." Soomin smiled back.

The two of them continued with their intersting conversations, with a few flirty lines thrown here and there in between.

Soomin's heart swelled with happiness as Haneul proposed another date. She felt happy that such a nice guy was willing to give their relationship a shot.

All was going well, but of course something had to come in between.

At that point Soomin was sure that God had some personal beef with her.

"Oh my God, Haneul? Is that you?" A feminine voice came, making both of them turn in the direction of the voice.

"D-Daisy? Wow, I didn't expect to see you here!" Haneul fumbled, getting up to greet the woman.

Soomin's heart sank as she saw her step sister approaching her table.

I swear to god, Daisy. If you ruin yet another good thing in my life.

She thought, taking in deep breaths and counting till ten to calm herself down.

"Oh my, don't tell me I disrupted your date! I had no idea!" Daisy apologised. But Soomin didn't miss the subtle look of victory on her face. She knew the other that much, after living with her for years.

Of course she knew. If she didn't, she would've never approached their table in the first place.

"Come on, you didn't disrupt anything!" Haneul said, waving his hands. "Please come and join us."

Soomin looked at him with disbelief, betrayal evident in her eyes. Why the hell was he inviting her to sit with them?

She gave him a look as if to say 'are you insane?'.

"I'm sorry Soomin, but she's a very well known model and I could gain huge profits if she agrees to have a photoshoot with me. It's just for a short time, I promise." He said apologetically as he pulled out a chair for Daisy to sit.

Soomin agreed, heaving out a huge sigh.

As long as she goes away soon, she thought.

"Hello there, Soomin." Daisy said mockingly.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Haneul asked, perplexed.

"Yes. She used to work for me." Daisy said, giving Soomin a look that said, 'Try disagreeing with me, bitch'.

"Oh, wow. A small world indeed." Haneul chuckled.

Soomin gave her a dirty look, but kept her mouth shut. It was for Haneul's sake, she kept telling herself.

He had said that Daisy would soon leave.

But no matter how much she waited, that moment never came.

One hour passed. Then two. But Daisy didn't budge.

"You're a stunning woman, Daisy. One of the most gorgeous I've ever seen." Haneul slurred, clearly drunk.

The past two hours had been pure torture for Soomin. She had to sit there, watching her date openly flirting and complimenting the one woman she hated with her everything.

She had to sit through it all, watching Daisy throw numerous insults at her, and watching Haneul laugh with her.

He laughed when she was being insulted, instead of taking her side.

At a point when alcohol started doing it's job on him, he even stopped looking apologetic as he laughed at those insults.

"Come on, Hannie. You're so funny!" Daisy laughed, taking a sip of her champagne.

"Where's the lie, though? I'd totally date a pretty woman like you!" He said, unaware of the pain that he caused Soomin with those words.

Soomin could feel her heart break as she clutched her wine glass tightly in her hands.

Why was she making herself go through all that in the first place? For a guy who was too busy admiring another woman right in front of her eyes?

She had had enough.

"I'm sorry, I need to leave." She muttered, grabbing her purse and moving towards the restroom.

She was so close to bursting into tears right then and there. But she held back until she reached the restroom. She had to protect the little bit of dignity that she was left with that night.

The moment she saw her reflection in the mirror, tears started slipping from her eyes.

She was having such a good time. Why did Daisy have to ruin everything? She always did that.

She always took away the things that gave her happiness.

Angrily, she wiped her tears with the sleeve of her dress.

Just then, the door flew open and a certain woman dressed up in a gorgeous mauve dress entered.

"Aww, is my baby sister crying?" A mocking voice came.

"What the hell do you want now?" Daisy snapped at her.

"Come on, Soomin. You know it wasn't intentional." Daisy said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Cut the crap, alright? I know very well why you're here." Soomin said bluntly.

Daisy's previous attitude dropped in a millisecond.

"Well, since you know already, let me get one thing straight." Daisy began. "I would never associate myself with guys like Kim Haneul. He's too simple and average for the likes of me."

"Then why the hell did you waste my entire night? Why couldn't you stay away and let me live my life happily for once fucking time?" Soomin said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes again.

"Why, you ask?" Daisy chuckled. "Because I wanted to remind you the one thing that you were forgetting."

"What?" Soomin spat.

Daisy moved towards her, her eyes turning icy cold as she grabbed Soomin's chin.

"You're a nothing. A nobody. You can't even make a guy stay loyal to you, so how dare you try to threaten me that day? You dressed up so nicely, put up so much efforts into makeup, but it was all a waste. In the end, when the two of us are compared, you're always discarded. I didn't even do much, and yet that guy chose me over you." She said, twirling Soomin's hair in her hand.

"If I want, I can snatch away that life of yours from you within seconds. But I don't. Wanna know why?" She said, looking at Soomin straight in the eyes. "Because I want you to remember for the rest of your life that whatever you have now is at my mercy. If it wasn't for me, you'd never have this life. So don't you dare try to outsmart me. You're useless, pathetic and a mistake that everyone regrets!" She said loudly, making Soomin flinch.

As much as she hated it, Soomin couldn't deny that she was, infact, having the life she was having now because of Daisy.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't even be alive. She would be dead because of drowning herself in the bathtub.

"I am the one at whose mercy you're still alive." She said one last time, slamming the door shut as she left the restroom, leaving behind a trembling Soomin.

It was ironical how the person because of whom she took the decision of ending her life saved her in the end.

Maybe if she had just died that day. Then maybe, she wouldn't have to go through so much pain and humility.

She broke down into sobs, clutching her chest as she tried to breathe. She was tired. So tired. Why couldn't she get the things she wanted? Why didn't happiness last? Why, at the end of the day, no matter how hard she tried, she was left alone?

All she wanted was love. And it was the one thing the entire world was adamant on taking away from her.

Maybe Daisy was right, afterall. Mistakes like her deserved nothing.

Nothing but pain.

But that wasn't going to stop Soomin from living. She finally had her reason to live, and she was not giving it up at any cost.

Even though her date had been ruined, she still had herself. She didn't need anyone else to decide how her day went.

So, she got up, collected herself and prepared herself to celebrate the night with man's best friend.

Not dogs, but alcohol.


Ahhh that was a long chapter. 1900 words.

This chapter wasn't how you guys expected right? I mean, I do admit I write pretty cliche stuff but not THAT cliche.

Who's in the Official Daisy Murder Group?

See you soon! Bye bye :3

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