Chapter 16: Liberated

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(Heather's pov)

Hiccup was resting in the healers' tent, I was there to aid in making sure Haddock doesn't die prematurely and that he doesn't try to kill anyone, though in his state of I don't think that's going to happen. Currently, Haddock was writhing and groaning in agony on the spare bed of furs, seeing him in such a vulnerable state made me feel... remorseful. If it were up to me, I'd allow Haddock to leave this place, gather his strength and meet me on the field of battle, and if we have the stronger battle tactics, we can make Hiccup suffer even more by making him watch all his companions die by Viking steel. When we ravage his kingdom, make his family slaves and whores, we would break Haddock's spirit and when the fight leaves his eyes, then we would execute him.

"No... No, leave me alone!"

Haddock was definitely seeing or hearing someone from beyond, the gods torment him by renouncing them and they haunt him with ghosts from his past. His eyes were open, but he wasn't even paying attention to me or the healer who had just finished treating his wounds. When the healer told me that he needed food and some time to indulge himself with ale and women he left his tent, leaving me alone with Haddock who was under the curse of Queen Freydis's seer, Gudrun. Just seeing Haddock suffer like this was making me sick, because even though he stands as a traitor in my eyes and in the eyes of every Viking here, we should let him go first and witness his fellow Christian allies burn to ash and then strip him away of everything he's built and everyone he loves, when he has lost the will to cling to a miserable existance, then we will kill him.

I've made up my mind, and I'm going to do something I may come to regret.

Leaving the healers' tent, I make my way to the fortress and will kill Gudrun.

(Hiccup's pov)

"You cannot escape who you are Haddock," Astrid whispered in my ear, "blood and bone, you are a son of Norway. Renounce your new life and return to your roots and aid Odin's mortal warriors in winning a victory that will become legendary!" Clutching the furs tightly around my body, I growled in annoyance and replied to Astrid's ghost. "I will never betray my family or those I call an ally," my chest burned in pain and I groaned out in pain but continued, "I've made my choice by renouncing the Viking way of life, and I'm glad that I did." Astrid looked to my chest and a sinister grin crept across her face as she pressed a hand down on my chest and pressed down hard, causing me to gasp and wheeze in pain.

It felt like she was twisting a knife in my heart, the pain was unnatural but it was still present and made my vision blurry.

"Why prolong the inevitable?" Astrid inquired. "Deep down, you know that the Vikings are going to ravage this land and slaughter every Christian man, take their women as whores, and turn their children into slaves. You would burn with them when you can join your countrymen and lead them to victory?"

"They no longer stand as my countrymen," I groaned out, "they are nothing but a pack of wild dogs that will soon be put down. When the last Viking falls when our two nations meet on the battlefield, the Viking people will be eradicated from history and only be remembered for the vile pagans that they are." Astrid bore her teeth at my words and snarled out. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? To send us all to the afterlife and run away from who you really are," scoffing in disgust, Astrid continued, "I expected nothing less from a sniveling coward like you! It is you who will be lost to history Haddock, not the Vikings! Your death will mark the end of Christianity and the Vikings will begin anew." With a cruel laugh, Astrid vanished in the blink of an eye and left me to dwell on her words.

I had faith in my ability to lead the Christian armies into battle and expel the Vikings from this mortal world, but I was having some doubts in my mind. Astrid's words further fanned the flames of that doubt growing in my mind, I shouldn't allow a ghost to get the better of me, but these Vikings have cunning minds leading them and I just hope that I won't be outmatched by more devious mind.

Sitting up from the bed of furs, I approach a nearby water basin and wash away the stench of blood, decay, and imminent death off of my body. This curse was killing me slowly but surely and it's draining what little strength I have left in my bones. I need to find a way to kill the seer who cursed me, but I also must ensure that I don't spill a drop of her blood or else the curse will live on and torment me until I die.

All I needed was a plan to kill this witch and not get killing in the process. I chuckle bitterly and shake my head. "Easier said than done Haddock," I murmured to myself, "how am I suppose to kill this witch when there are Vikings everywhere?" Realization struck me when I remembered that I was in a healers' tent, it should be filled with something I can use to poison this witch, as long as her blood isn't spilled.

No, no that won't work.

Poison is the most violent way to die and you can bleed from every orifice if the poison is powerful enough. The only way I see to kill this witch and remove this curse is to strangle or drown her, one or the other will suffice. I'd have to bide my time, for now, though I needed rest after being tormented by not only Astrid, but from my father, and many of the thousands of Vikings I've slain in battle during the past five years. As I crawled back into the bed of furs, I wrapped them tight around my body and went to sleep all too quickly.

The thought of being intimate with Elsa and Anna, playing with my Rebecca and Gideon, flying in the sky with Toothless, and learning more dragon knowledge from my mother kept me extremely warm and caused me to smile for the first time since being held captive by my enemy.

(Heather's pov)

Finding Gudrun was relatively easy, the witch was in the fortress garden while collecting certain herbs for her spells. Two of Queen Freydis's bodyguards were standing watch at the garden entrance, she was one of Freydis's powerful weapons in her arsenal, so it was no surprise that the witch was kept under guard. As I approached the garden doors, I nodded at the guards in greetings and spoke. "You're relieved, I'll take it from here," I then continued, "go back to whatever idle tasks pleases you." Luckily I held influence here and I was in Freydis's favor, so her bodyguards obeyed me and left me alone with the witch.

As I entered the garden, I closed and locked the doors behind me and turned around to see Gudrun who appeared to be in a trance of some kind while murmuring to herself in old Norse. I then removed a piece of cloth that was long enough for me to use and strangle the witch to death, I was mindful not to spill a single drop of her blood or else Haddock would remain cursed. Once I was behind her, I quickly wrapped the cloth around her neck and began to strangle the life out of her, Gudrun gagged and choked while clawing at my hands but I drove my knee into her left side and knocking the air out of her lungs.

"W-Why... ar-are... yo-you—?"

"I have my reasons witch," I seethed into her ear, "if I want my vengeance to be truly satisfied, you must die." Gudrun then let out a snarl and bashed the back of her head into my face, causing me to cry out in pain and clutch my now bleeding nose. The witch then drew a knife out and tried stabbing me, but I kicked the knife out of her hand and swept her legs out from under her, causing her to fall flat on her back. I tried to pin her down, but Gudrun landed a heavy kick to my breasts, knocking the air out of my lungs and causing me to fall to the ground. Quickly getting back on her feet, the witch drew out two more knives strapped on the small of her back and advanced towards me. "You betray us all by attacking me," a sinister grin crept across her face, "I'll save Freydis and the rest of our leaders the trouble of dealing with you, your death by my hand won't even be a footnote." As she let out a cry with her knives raised high above her head, I kicked on her knees in, causing her to cry out in pain and fall to a single knee. I then kicked her across the face and straddled her chest while also disarming her and then landing a heavy blow to her face with my elbow.

Thank the gods I hadn't spilled a drop of her blood with that blow, without delay I then proceeded to wrap the cloth around her neck and pulled with all my might. Gudrun squirmed like a pig in heat, but my strength eclipsed her own and I could see the life in her eyes was fading away. Her strangled breaths become shallow and soon enough, she fell back on the ground, lifeless. Panting heavily, I wiped away the sweat on my brow and quickly left the garden while also recovering enough food and water rations for Haddock to make it back home and recover his strength. I also had a horse prepared for him and I fetched him fresh clothes so that he wouldn't freeze to death on the journey back home.

I had to move swiftly, somebody would discover Gudrun's corpse any moment and the whole encampment would be on high alert, making escape nearly impossible.

Making it back to the healers' tent, I noticed the color had returned to Hiccup's previously pale skin and he looked much better than before. He laid eyes on me and then noticed the sacks of food and water skins, as well as the clothes I had for him. "Put these clothes on," I said, "if you're wondering who killed the witch, you're looking at her." Haddock's eyes narrowed in caution as he eyed the clothes and supplies I tossed at his feet. "Why are you helping me?" He inquired, looking to my foe, I replied. "The leaders of this great army were right to make you suffer, but those you truly care for aren't here for us to molest," she then continued, "when our two armies meet on the field of battle, we will render that battlefield into a river of Christian blood. When your armies are defeated, we will burn Arendelle to the ground, and make those you love to suffer while you watch. And when you have lost the will to live? We will finally have our retribution." Turning back to the flaps of the healers' tent, I gestured outside. "I have a horse ready for you once you're dressed," I then eyed Hiccup from head to toe and smirked at him, "don't die before we meet on the battlefield." With that said, I left Hiccup and let out a heavy sigh.

I prayed this was a decision that I wouldn't regret.

(Hiccup's pov)

I dared not believe that Heather the Unhinged would be the last person helping me out here, but I took this as a sign that my Maker had not forsaken me by leaving me here to die. After quickly getting dressed, I realized Heather provided me with a thick bear fur cloak with a hood so that I can conceal my face while on horseback. Once I threw it on and grabbed my food and water supplies, I left the tent and mounted the horse I was provided with and urged it to ride slowly, there was no need to attract unwanted attention.

The Vikings were loading wagons with weapons, cattle, and other supplies as they were about to march against the English kingdoms very soon. As I continued riding, several Vikings turned their heads and eyed me, causing me to take a deep breath to calm my racing nerves, I prayed that they'd just shrug it off and go about their business.

"You there!"

My heart dropped as the voice of Ivar Ivarsson filled my ears, undoubtedly the smartest Viking in this camp. If he forces my hand than escaping from this place will most likely result in premature death. As Ivar drew closer, he grabbed the reins of my horse and looked up at me. "Remove your hood," he then said in a low tone, "let me see your face." Letting out a sigh, I knew that things were about to get complicated.

Why can't anything be simple?

Removing my hood, Ivar's eyes widen in shock but before he could even speak, I kicked him in the face and draw out a sword that I was provided with and struck down the nearest Viking before urging my horse to ride like the wind.


Ivar roared out in outrage, soon enough alarms were being blown and Vikings poured out their tents to try and prevent me from escaping their clutches. I barely dodged an incoming spear but I thankfully grabbed it and hurled it an archer who going to shoot my horse. I then noticed several Vikings form a shield wall and stuck spears out to prevent me from leaving the encampment. My horse neighed out and stood on its hind legs and stomped on top of the Viking shield wall, causing it to break and the Vikings fell down on the mud. Ivar and legions of Vikings were right on my tail, so I urged my horse to ride. Barking out in anger, I turned around to see Ivar snatch a bow and arrow from the nearest archer and took aim. He then let the arrow fly and it was coming right at my face, I quickly ducked just in time as the arrow nicked the back of my neck. Ivar's roar of rage was music to my ears as the Viking encampment grew smaller and smaller the longer I rode my horse.

Looking up to the heavens, I close my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Freedom had never tasted sweeter, but there was no time to waste, I needed to get back home without delay. I just hoped our allies are all gathered by now because the Vikings will be on the march after this.

(Normal pov)

"What do you mean Haddock escaped?!!"

"Exactly what I told you! Haddock escaped!! And he had help from one of our own!"

Torsten couldn't believe what Ivar was telling him, the leader of the Branded Brutes grabbed a jug of wine and hurled it at a nearby pillar, causing the jug to shatter and wine to wet the ground. Releasing a disbelieving groan, Torsten paced back and forth while Ivar spoke up. "Why do we not go after him? There's still time to catch him and drag him back to this camp on his knees!"

"Attempting to send our forces out in the night would be most unwise," Torsten said, "Haddock will be covering his tracks and he'll be like a ghost." Ivar snarled out in disfavor. "He will return to the warm embrace of his precious Arendelle and his armies," he then added, "whoever set him free will pay for this outrage with their life!"

"When the time comes yes," Queen Sif promised Ivar, "for now we must ready our armies for battle, Haddock and the Christians will not delay, they will select the field of battle and use their knowledge of the land to their advantage. We cannot allow them that advantage."

"Your wife speaks truth Torsten," Freydis said firmly, "we must face our enemy on equal terms. Tonight we rest, and at dawn tomorrow, we go to war and claim these lands for ourselves and for the Viking people."

"Aye! And perhaps the traitor who aided in Haddock's escape will reveal themselves," Torsten said, "no matter, our army is strong and bloodthirsty. Our victory is all but certain, we must beat Haddock at his own game and come up with the better tactic. When his armies are all dead, we will drag Haddock back to this place and give him the execution that is long overdue." Torsten then grinned and continued. "We find his wives, our men will each take their turns with them. We count the gold and silver that we strip from them, we go from North to South, East to West, and take everything in our path and create a new era for our people!"

"But first we need the victory," Ivar said, "and we must ensure that our battle tactic will deliver us this great victory for our people. I suggest we form another plan of attack and surprise Haddock once we meet on the field of battle." The Viking leaders gathered all grunted in agreement and came together to formulate another plan that would secure their victory once their armies met Haddock.

A/N: This final battle is gonna be so good, I can't wait to write it and I can't wait for you guys to read it. If I wasn't busy with college and my Bank of America internship, this story would be done already. But you know what they say, you can't rush art. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I'll catch you in the next one!

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