Chapter 18: Lured into trap

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(Hiccup's pov)

The winter winds were cruel and crept through your skin and into my bones, snow fell at an alarming rate and a dense fog clouded my line of sight as I looked over the battlefield that Sophia had suggested we make our stand against the Vikings. We had taken the time to lay out traps to thin the enemy numbers and give us more of an advantage. I also suggested that we attack in stages, gradually wearing down the Vikings numbers until they arrive here and we surround them with our combined armies and finally be rid of them. As we speak, the Mercians are attacking the Vikings from the rear and luring them to the next Christian army that awaits them.

A shadow blocks out what sunlight there is, I look and smile at the sight of Cloudjumper and my mother who descended down next to me and greeted me. My mother's embrace was warm and it caused me to sigh happily while returning her loving embrace. "I knew you'd find your way back home," Valka murmured in my ear, "you always do my dear boy." When she broke the embrace, she kissed my forehead and we watched as the rest of my men were laying the last of the traps we had set up for the enemy while also concealing them in snow, we also had war machines ready as well. "So this is it," Valka said, "the final battle between those who embrace the Christian faith and those who embrace Odin and the Æsir."

"Yes," I say, "this will be a battle forever remembered throughout history. It will be war to prove which religion and faith will prevail, this is a battle that we will win." Valka turned to me and raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "So sure are you?" Looking to my mother, I nod in confirmation. "I am," I say firmly, "the Vikings will stop until we're all either dead or slaves, after today the Vikings will be erased from history."

"A day that is most welcome!"

Turning around, I turn around and smile at the sight of Elsa, Anna, and Sophia all in battle armor while dismounting their dragons. I share a quick embrace and kiss with my wives and embrace Sophia as well, something she wasn't expecting but she returned it. As we all looked over the battlefield, I nodded and spoke up. "You all know what to do," turning to Elsa and Sophia, I raise my eyebrows at them, "if our combined armies become overwhelmed, we'll need your powers to help us gain the advantage."

"Of course," Sophia said, "we'll be ready when you give the signal." Nodding at her words, I then turn to Anna and address her. "I don't want you in the front lines where you're more likely to be surrounded by Vikings and taken to become a whore," I then gesture to my mother, "stay close to Valka and attack the enemy from the air. You're an experienced dragon rider, I know you'll do me proud." Anna smiled and nodded at Hiccup's command, they shared a peck and Anna made her way back to Jitters and joined my mother and Cloudjumper in the air. I then turn back to the battlefield and let out a heavy sigh and murmur to myself.

"Let the final war begin,"

(Normal pov)

The clashing of steel and war cries filled the air, as Mercian swords engaged Viking swords in the thick Mercian forests. Lord Alwin and his forces were commanded by Hiccup to attack the Vikings first and thin their numbers as best as they could and then fall back to where the Franks would be waiting for them to amush the enemy. The young Mercian ruler stood proud on top of his horse and struck down many Vikings with his blood soaked sword, he knew that if he and his men were going to survive, they needed to follow Hiccup's instructions to the letter. Noticing that many of his troops were being hacked to pieces, Alwin pulled out a horn strapped to his belt and blew out, telling his men to fall back to where the Franks would be located.

As Alwin's cavalry cleared a path to run, the Mercian foot soldiers ran as fast as their legs could carry them, some of them weren't fast enough since they ended up with Viking swords in their backs, as well as tomahawks, and arrows. While the Mercians disappeared in the thick fog, the Viking leadership who broke off from the front rode to aid their brothers and sisters marching from the rear. Sleeked in Mercian blood, the Vikings leaders all had questions, Queen Freydis was the first to speak what was on everybody's mind. "Why would the Mercians attack us with just their own army? Where's Haddock and the rest of his allies?"

"Perhaps the Mercians are now whimpering back to their master," Ivar spat out, "if so, then we must be ready to fight to the death."

"Or maybe this is something else," King Torsten said, "what if all of this is a trap? What if Haddock is using his allies to wear out our army until we don't have the manpower to face him on the true battlfield?" Torsten's words caused the Viking leadership to consider this and then look to where the Mercians fled. "What should we do?" Sif asked, turning to his wife, Torsten growled to himself while placing his foot on a wounded Mercian's throat, causing the man to choke and claw at the boot robbing him of breath. "We have the Red Death to vaporize the enemy army," Torsten reminded his wife, "kill a hundred of us and we'll kill a thousand Christians with our war beast!" Torsten then drove his sword through the wounded Mercian's mouth, killing him instantly. Removing his blood soaked steel from his fallen opponents mouth, Torsten turned to his fellow countrymen and shrugged. "We pursue them," he then added, "if the Christians attempt to overwhelm us, use the Red Death to thin their herd." With that said, Torsten made his way back to his horse while barking out orders to pursue the Mercians.

As the Vikings pursued the fleeing Mercians, they came to halt as they laid eyes on a steep hill, they also heard the roaring of flames nearby. Several spheric orbs merged from the fog and were approaching the Vikings at alarming rates, they were metallic spike balls doused in tar while also on fire. The Vikings didn't even have time to form a proper shield wall as these incoming projectiles were tearing right their numbers, not only that by arrows rained down on top of them. Finally recovering from this inital attack, the Vikings formed shield walls and advanced up the hill with difficulty. They had to ditch their horses, chariots, and weapon wagons in order to climb up the hill and onto the next battlefield they'd find themselves on.

Once the Viking army all made it up the hill, they immeadiately formed one massive shield wall with their leaders up in the front. For a moment, all was quiet except for the heavy panting coming from the Vikings who had just savored the rush of defying death moments ago. Torsten turned to Queen Freydis and the two Viking rulers nodded at each other and barked out orders to advance, as the Viking army advanced around the foggy battlefield, they heard the groaning of war machines nearby and the sounds of something being fired. Soon enough, ballistas came flying through the fog and broke through the Viking shield wall piercing three Vikings at a time through their torsos. With their shield wall shattered, arrows once more came flying out of nowhere from the front and continued picking off the Vikings. Torsten quickly raised his shield as an arrow came flying right towards his face, he then let out an enraged growl and ordered for Heather and her Berserkers to distract the enemy archers so that their army could attack them from behind while they were distracted.

Heather and her Berserkers rode their Razorwhips through the fog and found that a platoon of Frankish soliders were the cause of this, not a whole army. Regardless, they were commanded to distract them while the rest of their Viking brethren could attack from behind. As Heather steered Windshear away from incoming arrows, she couldn't help but wonder if she made the right choice or not by letting Hiccup go free. No, she knew what she was doing and this was a decision that she owned and would see through because Hiccup will die once his allies and his army are all dead after today.

Noticing one of the Frankish war machines aimed right at her, Heather urged Windshear to dive down just as a ballista flew right past them. Windshear unleashed a blast of blue fire down on the ballista, blowing it to pieces; sending debris and Frankish soldiers flying into the air and crashing down into the snow. Some of the Berserkers were shot off their Razorwhips due to the Franks deadly and skilled aim with their crossbows, but they were distracted long enough for the Viking army to quickly wipe them all out and claim their war machines as their own to use against the next wave of attackers. As Heather let out a heavy sigh, she then let out a scream of agony as an arrow struck her through her right shoulder, causing the Berserker to get down as arrows flew past her head. That's when she noticed the Franks were riding dragons as well and they were using them to combat what few dragon riders or rather wranglers the Vikings had in their army.

Managing to rip the arrow out of her shoulder, Heather groaned out in pain while pulling out a bow and a quiver full of arrows off the side of Windshear's saddle and began to put her skills as an archer to use. Windshear would shoot the Franks dragons out of her way while Heather struck the Franks down with her deadly skill with the bow, that's when Heather laid eyes on the still fleeing Mercians as well as a massive Frankish army dead ahead. Deciding to inform the Viking leadership of this, Heather steered Windshear down in front of the Vikings and called out the leadership who were up front leading their combined forces.

"Heather, what did you see?" Freydis inquired, Heather took a bandage out of her satchel around her leader, armor clad torso and placed it over her wound and pointed ahead of them. "The Mercians are now regrouping the Franks who have a massive army waiting for us," she then turned to Torsten and raised an eyebrow in question, "are we going to unleash the Red Death?" The leaders of this army turned to the leader of the Branded Brutes, awaiting his answer. "Yes," he said, "we can't waste anymore time dealing with Hiccup's allies, we need to kill as many of his allies as we can and then we'll overwhelm whoever is left standing and continue to march to Arendelle." Turning to Maeve, Torsten nodded at her. "Summon the beast," Maeve looked to her army of Dragon Hunters and nodded at them, two of the hunters came forth with hammers and tapped them together, the small sounds were enough to get the attention of the Red Death who loomed over them like a titan ready to squash them all. The hunters then pointed their hammers in front of them, causing the Red Death to unleash an ear piercing roar and charge, the tyranical queen roared a second time, summoning her swarms of dragons to follow her into battle. This sight caused the Vikings to unleash battle cries while banging their weapons against their shields, Torsten gave the command to use the Franks' own war machines against them as well while they proceeded to continue their march. 

As the Frankish army readied for battle, they laid eyes on the Red Death burst out of the fog and unleashed a wave of hellfire down upon them, causing many of them to take cover while others were reduced to ash in seconds. Count Clovis and his legion of troops could see that this massive dragon and although they were no cowards on the battlefields, if they didn't withdraw and fall back and regroup with their allies, they'd all be vaporized. The Franks quickly ran as fast as they could while also beging struck down from Viking arrows and the dragons the Vikings had enslaved to use against them.  Clovis urged his horse to ride like the wind as he saw the Red Death unleash a wave of fire towards him, he quickly steered his horse to go to the left just as the fire crashed down on the ground and burned right through the snow and grass, leaving nothing but a scorch mark.

"Run my brothers! Run!! We must regroup with our Christian brethren!!" Clovis boomed out over the carnage ensuing, despite the thousands of Franks that managed to flee being annhilated by the Red Death's wrath, hundreds of them were now nothing but charred bone smoldering in the snow. The wounded Franks were all killed off by the Viking army who scavenged their fallen enemy's weapons and took their abandoned war machines for themselves. While the Vikings had a moment to catch their breath, Ivar had an unpleasant scowl on his face, which Torsten noticed. "Would you like to share what's on your mind young Ivar?" Torsten asked, the heir to Ivar the Boneless turned to the leader of the Branded Brutes and grunted in confirmation. "You are willingly leading us all into a slaughter!" Ivar then bore his teeth and continued. "We cannot allow our enemy to gain the advantage over us, and yet we're playing right into Haddock's hands!!"

"What would you have us do boy? Hmm?" Torsten challenged. "Blood has already been spilled, we're committed to our current course, and we will fight to the last man!" Raising a questioning eyebrow, Torsten inquired. "Unless of course that's cowardace I'm hearing from you," Ivar's eye twitched and his blood boiled with rage, "the son of the famous Ivar the Boneless showing cowardace on the battlefield!" Torsten was struck in the jaw by Ivar, many of the Vikings tried intervineing but Torsten held them back. Getting back up, Torsten spat out a mouthful of blood and and smirked at Ivar. "There's the fire in your eyes," he then nodded and continued, "use that fire to help burn down our enemy and drag Hiccup back our encampent in Wales to face his execution." Sighing heavily, Ivar nodded at Torsten's words. With that matter settled, Torsten gave the orders to continue marching and follow their wounded enemy. While the Vikings continued to march through the snowy field, Torsten turned to his wife Sif and murmured in her ear. "Keep an eye on Heather for me," Sif raised an eyebrow in question while Torsten clarified, "ever since Haddock's escape she's seemed... conflicted. Perhaps she's the one who freed him." Looking towards the young female Berserker, Sif turned back to her husband and nodded at him. "If she did betray us I'll kill her myself," while adding in a cruel tone, "but not before killing what's left of her fellow Berserkers."

"Good," Torsten said, "but we must be observant and see whether or not she truly is the one who freed Haddock or not, look at her face, in her eyes and see if you can find the truth there." Sif nodded in understanding and the two rulers of the Branded Brutes continued marching with their fellow Vikings. As the march progressed, Torsten could see that the fog was begining to lift and make his vision clear, that's when he laid eyes on Hiccup Haddock sitting on top of his Night Fury. The rest of the Vikings laid eyes on this as well and were eager to kill Haddock, but the leaders held their warriors back and approached the King of Arendelle. Hiccup slid off of Toothless and approached his former captors and the young king once again was looking death in the face.

"Hiccup Haddock, I must say you're looking well," Torsten said with a sinister smirk, "that'll change once we've destroyed your armies and dragged you back to our fortress." Hiccup gazed at the Viking hordes and saw the murderous intentions in their eyes before looking into Torsten's eyes. "You're gravely mistaken," a smile broke out across Hiccup's face as he continued, "you may have the greater numbers, but when you threaten a cornered animal, don't be surprised that it'll bare its teeth at you before deciding to take a bite."

"And... that animal is you?" Ivar inquired, the young man scoffed at Hiccup's words. "We've faced plenty of your allies, all of them ran away like cowards and finally here you stand. The question is will you fight us or will run with your cock between your cheeks?" Hiccup knew what Ivar was doing, he was trying to goad him into foolish action that would most likely end in his death or recapture. Instead, Hiccup snorted at Ivar's words and replied back. "Oh I will fight, I will fight to see that my children grow old and find spouses of their own and rule when I no longer," he then bore his teeth at Ivar and the rest of the Vikings, "and I fight to rid the world of you and your kind once and for all."

That struck a nerve inside of Ivar and the young Viking let out an enraged cry and lashed out at Hiccup, expecting this however, Hiccup quickly drew out his Inferno blade and entered a heated blade lock with the son of Ivar of the Boneless. "When your bleeding and on your knees before me, I'm going to hack out that tongue of yours," Ivar snarled out before a sadistic grin crept acros his face, "and when we've destroyed your allies, I'm going to take my turn with your pretty wives." That was sacred ground that Ivar had defiled, Hiccup inhaled sharply and bashed his head into Ivar's face, causing him to cry out in pain while clutching his now heavily bleeding nose. Hiccup then drove his sword straight through Ivar's throat, causing blood to spray out of the wound and splash across Hiccup's leather armor and neck. "You keep my wives out of your mouth," Hiccup snarled out at his dying enemy, "go now and see for yourself that Valhalla is a lie and that the "gods" of the Æsir are a lie." After pulling his blade out of Ivar's throat, he then activated a switch that released a cloud of Zippleback gas, Hiccup ignited the gas and when it exploded, he sprinted back to Toothless and urged the Night Fury to fly just as the rest of the Vikings chased after him.

"Shoot the Night Fury!! SHOOT IT NOW!!!"

Several arrows laced in potent Dragon Root came flying towards Toothless, but Hiccup spotted them and cut them down with his Inferno while racing towards Kings Valley, the chosen battlefield to end this final battle between these two religions. Hiccup guided Toothless to the center of this massive battlefield and waited for his enemy to catch up. "Alright bud, for the moment it's just you and me," leaning into his dragon's ear, Hiccup murmured out, "if I fall this day, know that it was an honor bonding with you."

::The honor was mine, my friend. And you will not fall this day, I'll see to it personally::

At that moment, the Vikings, Dragon Hunters, and their enslaved dragons arrived and amassed together while Hiccup and Toothless stood alone, causing Hiccup to smirk at the sight. "Like sheep to the pen, they're ready for slaughter," he murmured to himself while also he heard the hooves of horses approaching him and Toothless, all the English and Frankish rulers stood at Hiccup's side while their armies were now appearing on the battlefield behind their rulers and stared across the massive field to see that the Vikings were craving this fight like a man who has been deprived of water for some time.

"Our enemy has placed themselves in your net," Alwin said in an impressed tone, "now all you need to do is spring the trap." Hiccup grunted in agreement while the arrogant Mercian ruler before speaking. "We keep make sure they don't escape," Hiccup then nodded, "order our archers to box them in." After giving a signal to their archers, the English and Frankish archers lit their arrow tips on fire and aimed high into the air and let their arrows fly. As volley after volley of arrows decended back down to the ground, the Vikings were shocked that the ground suddenly burst into flames and these flames rose so high and were so hot that there was no escaping this fight. Torsten and the rest of the Viking leadership shared looks and then turned to their warriors and began chanting in old Norse, praying that Odin and the gods of the Æsir would give them the strength to defeat their Christian enemies.

Hiccup turned to his companions and spoke up. "Let us pray!" Looking up to the heavens, Hiccup prayed. "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in You I trust, do not let me be ashamed; do not let my enemies exult over me. Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed. Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day. Amen." The rest of the English and Frankish leaders gathered by Hiccup's side murmured "amen" and steeled their nerves at the battle that would ensue very soon.

"Hør våre rop Odin! Fyll oss med mot og raseri Tillat oss å bevise oss verdige til å komme inn i Valhalla!!"

The Vikings were chanting this while banging their weapons against each other or against their shields, they soon all let out animalistic war cries, all them craving to spill blood and take all of England by force and prove that they were worthy of feasting in the great halls of Valhalla with their forefathers, Odin, and the gods of the Æsir. Once more letting out ground shaking roars, the Vikings and their dragons charged their enemy, with the intent of killing every last one of them.

Hiccup once more drew out his Inferno blade, raised it high in the air and boomed out. "To battle! For Christ! For our faith! And for our homelands!!" This caused all the warriors who placed their faith in Christ to let out thunderous roars, Hiccup's words were merely a spark that caused the fires in their bellies to be set ablaze. The English and Frankish rulers and their armies charged while Hiccup urged Toothless to take to the sky, the young King of Arendelle took out a horn strapped to his side and blew it with all his might. Turning around, Hiccup grinned at the sight of the Bewilderbeast advancing and then letting out a roar that rattled Hiccup's bones. Valka and Anna, along with the dragon riders of Arendelle and all the dragons who follow their alpha were all by the Bewilderbeast's side and eager to join the King of Dragons into battle.

As Valka and Anna steered their dragons besides Toothless and Hiccup, the young king turned to his wife and mother. "I need you and the dragons to do everything in your power to remove the Red Death off the battlefield, do whatever you have to do!" they nodded and urged their fellow dragon riders to follow them to deal with the Red Death, Hiccup turned back to the charging Vikings and murmured to himself.

"This ends today. C'mon bud, let's ride!!"

A/N: This was merely a taste of what's to come, the real fun is in the next chapter! I'll see you guys in the next update!

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