Chapter 3

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Optimus approached Ratchet who was standing by the ground bridge control, they started talking to eachother but as the other humans were now talking to their old bots I couldn't hear them so I just sat their with Wheeljack bored. "So what job do you have Y/N?" He asked me, "I'm an engineer and part time Inventor" "cool what you invented?" "A bunch of stuff" I replied glacing up at him "nothing that revolutionary but stuff that's useful some in everyday life, some in security and protection" "that's cool that a human like you can make weapons, I assume the protection is weapons" "yeah they are I'm proud of the stuff I've build but my work never seems to care when I bring the stuff up, useally saying stuff like 'it won't work in a real scenario' or some crap like that" I said resting my head ontop of my knees looking at the corner of the room thinking.

"Y/N" I poured my sight on Optimus who was now standing behind me, we made eye contact before I looked away a bit embarrassed by the fact that we were miles apart in size. "Yeah?" "I heard what happened to you and Jack I'm sorry you got dragged into this war" "it's fine at least it makes my life more interesting" I responded meeting eyes with him again, "you'll need to stay as often as you can with us just to make sure you're safe now as it's dangerous" "no offence Optimus..." Optimus looked round to see Jack talking to him "Y/N should be able to look after herself she's an adult and a tough one at that, I don't think she needs the same protection Raf, Miko and I used to have, or maybe still do have, she's older then I am" "with all due respect Jack the deceptions are as just much danger to adults as to a child, anyway she has no protection out there against them while with us she does" "Optimus Y/N said she has wepons at her home she's made she should be fine" Wheeljack stated getting to his feet. "Fine then but I'm going to check on you at your home, maybe at your work everyday to make sure you're safe" "ok Optimus" I finally said.

I got up and walked to the car entrance and paced myself through it with many set's of optics and eyes on me as I did. I came out at the edge of town so I made my way back home unlocking my door before slouching on my sofa. "That was a long day" I declared grabbing the remote to the TV flicking to the news. As it came on a specific news story stood out at me:

BREAKING NEWS: People from across Jasper Nacada have gone missing mysteriously from the street. Eye witnessess of these disappearances claim to see purple and black cars pulling them in before speeding off, when their numberplates are checked out the cars aren't registered. More on this later on after The Weather.

I clicked off feeling uneasy, those cars are deceptions the same bots that tried to kill me, I started to shake from fear before trying to calm myself with my breathing "you told Optimus you'd be fine Y/N don't be scared like Wheeljack said you have wepons you can use if they attack you'll be safe just calm down."

I clambered up deciding I should go to bed, so I got ready throughing on a pair of grey PJ's and going spred eagled on my bed clinging to it. "Maybe all of this will be some kid of bad dream and when I wake up it'll all be normal again" I reasoned reaching for my steampunk teddy bear that was across my bed "yeah Jack I'm totally an adult, fuck off I'm not I just am a smart teenager still" I muttered as I drifted off.

Sorry this wasn't long I didn't know what to write, if you have any ideas you wanna see play out please let me know as I want this book to go in a direction you guys like as well as I do. Anyway thanks fpr reading please feel free to vote on this book and I'll see you all later.

Author x

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