Chapter 4

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I slammed my hand onto the alarm clock shutting it up and let out a nice long grown. Raising my head from underneath my blanket I glanced into the mirror across from my bed, my hair was all over the place my eyes were glassy and (once I had pulled off the blanket from over me) my limbs were smothered in red creases. (I can't be the only one who has pressure creases all over my body when I wake up every morning.) Getting out my bed I hobbled over to the bathroom to do the useal have a shower, brush hair and after having my useal toast breakfast brush my teeth. (Y/N in this doesn't wear make-up often as I don't in real life so she's reflecting that, DON'T JUDGE ME.) I threw on a grey t-shirt with f/c jeans and sneakers on my feet, I slinged my rucksack over my back which had all my work stuff in it but before I left through the door I backtracked and added my pistol to my bag just incase deceptions attacked again.

I strolled through the entrance to my job to see Jack waiting for me, he smiled when I got in and walked over to me "did you see what happened on the news?" He asked a worried expression replacing his smiley one, "yeah I don't know why they'd be taking humans there isn't nothing important about us to them" "yeah I don't know why either after work Optimus recommends we go to the base just to be safe as last time you guys spoke 'that' hadn't happened" "understandable."

It was about half way through the day when I got a call on my office phone, I picked up the phone pressing it to my ear "hello" I said into it "oh hi this is Peddles Mechanic Shop here, can we request a bit of help with a specific car it's one of your company's brand of cars and I can't sort it out I didn't know who else to call about this so could you send someone to help?" The bloke at the end of the call said I sighed looking at the clock located in my office "let me just ask my boss if I can come help you hold on a sec" I placed the phone down on the table not cutting it off as I needed to give him a response. I strode over to Tyler who was in his office and knocked on the door "come in!" He called so I swang the door open. Tyler was at his desk now staring at me as I entered a smile on his face "hi sir a man from Peddles Mechanic Shop called and asked if we could help fix a car at their shop as it's one of our varieties, can I go help out the man please sir as at the moment I don't have any work to be doing?" I asked Tyler knowing his answer already "yes of course Y/N" he replied, Tyler had always been a good hearted boss and valued helping smaller companies alot notto make him look nicer as a person but because he is genuinely a kind person.
Going back to the phone I quickly said into it "I'm on my way round to help you" and ended the call.

Once I got to the shop I saw inside the shop a Ford Focus with a bunch of men gather round it. "Um hello someone asked for a Ford employee to help with a Ford model car" they looked at me a couple giggled and one just said "a woman works at Ford?" I had endured obvious sexist remarks for years so I just brushed it off. I approached the mechanic and said "I'm Y/N the head engineer at the Ford factory you called what's wrong with the car?" I asked "these lads 'ere found their' car making whirring sounds I tried to fix the radio of the car but it doesn't seem to do be anything so I though who'd know how to fix the radio then someone from Ford" "it's fine don't worry I'll have a look at it." Moving over to the car I opened the door to look at the radio pulling off the front of it to see to wires all connected in the right places to my surprise, scanning my eyes through it everything seemed to be in order. But then behind the wires I noticed something lodged in the back, carefully I removed it but saw that a wire was inserted into it which clearly was connected into the car. "What on earth are you?" I whispered to it turning it in my hands.

After glancing over it a couple more times the box thing began to glow a bright blue and burned my hands "ouch!" I cried out dropping it on the seat I had been resting on. What ever it was was sucked back into the car and the front of the radio snapped shut on it. "What on earth is going on?" The crowd who were surrounding the car poked their heads in only to gasp as the whole car suddenly glowed... energeon blue! I was pushed back out the car by seemingly the car before the car door slammed shut. Then the car slowly transformed, oh my is that an Autobot or deception. Whatever it was after changing which caused everyone else to scurry off, it straighted up and walked out the shop to my shock.

Speed walking back to my work on my way I saw more and more cars transforming pushing drivers out their seats or shoving humans away when they tired to unlock their cars. Why had suddenly human cars trsnsformed I thought the Autobots left earth and these didn't look like deceptions, yes these were all actual human cars becoming cybertronian, how? "Wait" I thought "those boxes!" As I thought it these new 'decepticons' or whatever started firing at all the humans including me, in an attempt to save someone's life I pulled out my gun and shot at a bot's optics blinding him. It turned to me and fired at me but before I could get blasted I was scooped up into a metalic hand. "Y/N are you ok?" Now clearly Optimus inquired holding me close to him "yes but what's going on?" I asked scared alot now "I'm not entirely certain but I think it has something to do with the deceptions" he responded blasting some of the bots down. Suddenly all the bots stopped firing and transformed again all drving off! Both Optimus and I were shocked so he also transformed and drove us back to base.

What on earth was that?

Chapter 4= action + 1146 words boy that took forever to write, hope you liked it I had an idea pop into my head and now it's on 'paper' so there ya go.

Author x

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