03. Shapeshifters

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Catherina had unknowingly spent a few hours in the Rez and completely let time slip away. It had only been when she noticed—the sky that was once filled with light was now dyed with the dark blanket of the night on how long time passed.

Thorn, on the other hand, had been very aware of the time—though he was part of the conversation that had taken place talking about the Quileute tribe.

In normal cases, Billy wouldn't have openly spoken about them—especially to the outsiders, but Catherina and Thorn were aware of shape-shifters having met a few along their travels.

As well with the mother and son, both had the ability to just feel them. However, Thorn felt it more than his mother—which he didn't say out loud. He couldn't explain how his body and soul was silently yearning for something unexplainable.

Catherina had a well out day with just conversating with Billy, learning of his late wife Sarah and his children—which ended up dragging longer than normal, since the parents ended up talking about the embarrassing moments of their progenies. Much to Thorn's embarrassment, he kept himself from stopping her because of how her eyes had lit up.

The fall of their conversation, that took Catherina in an emotional turn was the news of Harry Clearwater. No matter how many people she had known that had already left the world—it was never easy for her to allow her mind to tell herself 'it was okay' or 'they are at a better place'

Catherina was not a believer in the afterlife—despite once being heavily involved in Christianity many centuries and decades ago when she was just human.

The time when it was just her, Carlisle and her father.

Her father...Christopher.

Oh, how she had not thought of the name for centuries—her memories of him were nearly gone, and she was not sure if she'd even want them back. Because, unlike her older brother—she did not have most of the happiest memories with him.

By the time she was at the age of 5, her father had already started to dedicate his life for the hunt. He was hardly home and barely made time for them, which was hypocritical to the main reason he even started to rid the world of evil. How could he have claimed to have done what he did for them remotely decent when he barely acted upon the role he had been blessed with.

"Mother are you okay?" Thorn asked softly to Catherina who was currently in the passenger seat. Since having left the Black Household, she hasn't uttered a single word since and he was starting to get worried. He knew how her mind usually ended up deep within its consciousness that sometimes her emotions would get overwhelming even for him.

Catherina and Thorn had a mind link that usually wavered when either one of them was vulnerable. It's usually him—but when it's her, he tries his best to be strong and not allow it to envelop him in anxiety.

"Just thinking about someone from my past" Catherina admitted vaguely

"Uncle Carlisle?" Thorn perked up having always been very interested in him and he made it a promise to keep her mind focused on remembering him. He knew there was a lot she couldn't fully reminisce within the three centuries and a couple of decades that have gone by, and since he never met Carlisle his only way of helping was to ask about his uncle.

"Not this time, Sweetie" Catherina responded lowly as she leaned on the car window—which was currently open. Her eyes fell onto the forestry as she lifted a white light around herself to stop her mind from thinking about Christopher.

Thorn didn't bother to question her any longer and just brought the music up. He respected to never pry on anything and wait it out because he knew that she'd tell him eventually—or if not, then the case was he didn't need to know.

Half an hour passed, and  Thorn took a turn into a paved road—he immediately stepped on the brakes because a shirtless male suddenly stood in front of their car. Catherina who was just about to fall asleep had nearly flown straight to the dashboard having forgotten to seatbelt herself.

Luckily, she reacted fast enough and pulled her body back from the impact. Catherina's eyes widened as her breathing intensified—though ignoring herself she quickly shot up and checked on Thorn," Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Mom" Thorn let out an exasperated sigh

"Did you hit your head?" Catherina ignored his call checking over him," What about—"

"Mother!" He cut her off letting out a laugh and holding her hands in his own," I'm fine, really"

Catherina had still been left with uneven breaths but it slowly settled when she felt Thorn let out a calming aura.

It took a moment for her to remember the male outside of their car—though once she did her face hardened as she narrowed her gaze quickly getting out of the car.

"Wait—Mom!" Thorn shouted after her also getting out of the car, but he wasn't as fast since he ended up stumbling over his own feet. He mumbled a curse to himself insulting his clumsiness but the moment he turned his head up he heard his mother's voice rise.

"What were you thinking?! You could have been hurt!" Thorn let out a small laugh as the male that once looked intimidating looked at Catherina taken back," Goodness, just because you are a shapeshifter—does not mean you are invisible to automobiles!"

The scruffy-looking male let out a breath and his ears were focused on the beating heart within her. He furrowed his brows along with staring at her eyes—it only took him a moment to realize that she was human and not one of the many Cold Ones that have been arriving at the Cullens for their needed help.

Though, his mind was alarmed at the fact that since she wasn't a vampire—how did she know he was even a shapeshifter?

Yet again, when he fully focused on her he did feel a different aura within her but it was not one that alerted his senses of danger. In fact, as his eyes fell onto Thorn—he felt a familiarity rush through his soul. It was a lot similar to what he felt with the pack.

"Who are you?" The male lifted his question sternly as he faced Catherina. She, however, let out a huff and folded his arms and eyed him. She was set on continuing to scold him but held back letting out a breath of air.

"Catherina" She then nudged her head to her son," and my son, Thorn" Thorn upon hearing his name, walked over waving sheepishly standing next to his mother. He nodded his head and let out a soft 'Hi' than focused his eyes on his mother.

The male raised his eyebrow hearing the term 'son' and his eyes travelled on the pair of them a couple of times. He thought for a moment he heard wrong, but Catherina had seen the look in his eyes. She held back her sigh," We're a Witch and Warlock—and we know you're a Shapeshifter because we can feel it"

Though despite explaining their situation—he was not fully acceptant with all she said. He wanted an explanation and not just a vague answer. So, he kept his posture straightened holding the confidence pushing away the small bit of anxiety that formed from when she casually just spoke about his tribe secret.

"I asked, who are you?" He repeated but with a firmer tone concealing his voice. He left his narrowed gaze on the pair and tried his best not to show any sign of worry—though it was all for nothing since Thorn and Catherina could feel it without having to even try.

The pair of them mentally shared a pitiful look for a second and decided to not openly admit what they could feel," Like my mom said" Thorns started while folding his arms," Is that not enough? Or is your question more towards—What are we doing here? And wouldn't it be proper if you introduced yourself?"

Catherina looked at her son surprised at his stance—she had seen it a couple of times throughout the countless years, but it was a scene she would never get used to. She knew that he had a side of him that he hardly showed, but all she was left to think about was where the confidence was coming from. He only acted like this when someone insulted or looked at her wrong—but neither of those cases had happened, so it was leaving her to overthink.

The way Thorn had spoken to the shapeshifter left him intimidated and it had made him let out a cough. He licked his dry lips and held back the unexpected turn—because one moment he saw the Warlock as timid and nervous, but now he was the complete opposite.

"Paul Lahote" He slowly said lowering his folded arms," And yes...my alpha had sent me to check on who you guys were. We thought you were—

"Vampires?" Catherina spoke up indifferently not even phased but instead came to understand the suspicion. She could feel the unbalanced air the moment they had passed the Calawah River," To put your mind at ease, we are in no way associated with consuming blood. We are in fact, immortals but we eat and sleep like normal humans"

Paul nodded and his head turned to the dark forest surrounding them and then averted his eyes back to them," You're in a Coven Lee—Vampire territory...We just wanted to confirm those that go beyond the land we normally don't protect" Paul quickly tightened his lips at his words mentally cursing himself at his words. He just said something he shouldn't have—and with the cautions that the Cullens had given them, he just opened a pathway of a risk putting the child they have vowed to protect in danger.

Catherina had reached over placing a hand on Paul's arm," We know about the child" She said in a low whisper," We've actually come as allies"

Paul knew if Sam had the ability to hear his thought right the moment—he'd be lectured for a lifetime. He didn't open his mouth to say anything more afraid of making things worse.

Thorn had felt the shapeshifter's guard grow and he took the chance to speak," Why don't you follow us if you're so worried we're lying. In all fairness, you could easily take us down—We're not strong enough to take down you and your pack" Thorn had nudged his head towards the forest," Especially four of you"

"How did you—" Paul raised his hand but held back giving up turning his head to the forest and on cue; three wolves stepped out of the darkness. However, Thorn's eyes fell seeing the smaller pair—and his head throbbed feeling their powerful emotions such as lack of confidence and nervousness. He could tell instantly that they were the newest members and he knew the reason.

With the many vampires appearing in lands—it was causing younger Quileute's to phase. He was sure that they weren't going to be the last—and it only caused him to feel remorse.

His mother reached over taking his hand feeling his emotions and hearing his thoughts—she shared a tight smile having felt the same.

"Those two younglings will not be the last" Catherina turned to Paul saying with substantial sympathy lacing her words," But we can help share our powers and make their sudden changes easier. With what is coming once the snow sticks—and with the darkness that follows. Thorn and I will bring the light" Catherina reached her hand out to Paul," I'll explain on the way considering you will be following us the rest of the way am I correct?

Paul hesitated for a moment but then his eyes fell on his newest pack brothers. He had already known they weren't going to be the last and he knew better to hear a person out over blindly attacking them. Once he made his mind up, he had reached out shaking her hand and nodded his head," Okay, I'll hear you out"

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