04. Wolf Boy

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(wolf boy)

Paul had shifted in the backseat of the diminutive car, at the same time as listening to Catherina explain what she could. He couldn't describe how devastating components of her and Thorn's life had been in the slightest.

The process of the entire situation was hard for him—since he had never expected to meet an immortal human his entire life—two in fact. Until just a few moments ago, he was sure that Vampires were possibly the only beings that sustained the ability to live beyond their borrowed time, but now he was left with taking those phrenic conceptions back.

"So—Uh" Paul cleared his throat taking in the time Catherina had finally finished speaking," How do you know the Cullens?"

Thorn looked back from the front seat, and furrowed his brows," Is that what the Coven goes by?"

Once those words left the immortal males' lips—Paul's body stiffened. He had felt his body burn as his worry grown," I thought you know them" His voiced thickened lacing with suspicion.

Catherina and Thorn both felt his rapid rising emotions making them both share a look. Her son nodded in silent response as he focused on surrounding the shapeshifter with a blanket of white light. The mother took the chance to speak," We don't know them, but what I assume was the member of the Coven had sought us out"

Paul, however, did not show any signs of calming down which had Catherina mumble as an apology before stopping the car. She turned from the driver's seat and instantly put the Quileute in a deep slumber.

"He's going to be pissed off when he wakes up" Thorn commented keeping his eyes on the unconscious shapeshifter. Catherina let a sigh escape her lips following with a nod as she continued to drive.

"We're definitely not getting a warm welcome when we arrive at the house" Catherina confessed grimly," You and I can never have it easy"

"It's okay Mom" Thorn reassured her placing one of his hands on her own giving it a soft squeeze," We don't need it easy, just as long as we have each other" Catherina huffed gently removing her hand from his hitting his chest mildly.

"Since when did you get so smug, young man?"

He smirked proudly sitting back in his seat," Don't know" It was a small fib since he did have a minor idea of what it was. He just felt something good was coming for the pair of them. However, he couldn't explain it and he was not sure if his mother felt the same pull as he did. It was possible she was keeping silent about it like he was, but he just chose to not think too intensely about it.

On most days, Catherina would have easily noticed the new flame lit within her son, but for her—she felt something concealing the bond between them. She was horrified at the feeling and contemplated turning back, but she knew they couldn't. They've made a decision and going back on their words was what they opted to never do.

Half an hour had passed and the large residence had come bright to their eyes. She quirked her eyebrows at the style of the home seeing as it was peculiarly modern. She was not one for architectural knowledge but she was taken back by the sight.

Though her mind changed promptly when she considered that it was not the home of a human. She tried to hold down the arrogant thought of all the vampires she had met.

All of them had one thing in common and it was being overly eccentric on their belongings. It was simply a trait that they were either aware or unaware of.

"I expected something abundantly different" Thorn mumbled under his breath

"At least it's not a dark aboding mansion" The mother joked turning off the ignition—however before she could do anything else, suddenly their car was surrounded by three males. Thorn had flinched at the sight and recoiled into his chair.

Though, one of the males—that they quickly came to sense was a Quileute had them alerted. Catherina turned to her son discreetly," Stay in the car"

"What?" Thorn's eyes widened at her words," Mom no!" he reached over trying to stop her but she had already been out of the vehicle closing the door on his outreaching hand. Her son reached for his door but his seatbelt had retrained him which led him to try to unbuckle it—only for him to realize that his mother placed a spell on it. He let out a frustrated groan feeling the entire car covered in a protection charm that temporarily put his powers in a form of stasis.

Catherina could feel her son's frustration and knew she was going to get an earful from him later. She stepped forward to the three males and let a breath leave her mouth.

"Who are you?" The Quileute spoke up first with his eyes narrowed. The mother had led her gaze towards him and onto the two immortals behind him. Though when her eyes fell on the slender one of the pair, she noticed his face was constricted in frustration.

"You can't read my mind that easily" She admitted letting a smile form on her face," Especially when it's someone who also has telepathic abilities"

"You're human" The burly male had spoken the obvious making her chuckle.

"Yes, I am" She responded jokingly snarky," But I do have something flowing within me" Her eyes lit up in livelier azure hue than her average pearl grey ones.

The burly male flinched at the sight and even faintly saw her body seeping out with a blue aura. He felt the strength of her power and decided to respectfully step back and not engage in a fight he knew he'd lose instantly. He shared that thought mentally making the slender male nod in confirmation of understanding. It was very rare for the larger male to refuse a fight—but with everything that was going on, they all trod carefully for his daughter.

"Who are you?" The telepathic spoke with a hint of wariness in his tone. It was clear as anything that he was not the biggest enthusiast of people whose minds he couldn't read—with Bella as an exception that is.

"Catherina" The mother reached her hand out; though none of them had reached out to her. She gave them all a blank look," Now, did any of you ever learn manners?" She quipped grumbly lowering her unshaken hand. She pursed her lips in a childish manner mumbling incoherent words.

"And who is he?" The telepathic male continued making the mother follow his gaze that travelled to the car. For a moment she tightened her jaw distressing her usual parental instincts," My son, Thornton"

The Quileute's eyes fell onto her car and furrowed his brows at the blank feeling he was getting from it," Why can't I feel his presence?"

Catherina's eyes hardened as she faced the tan male," Because he is my child and you three came out here with the intention of intimidation. From what I gathered you've had not been expecting us at all"

"We weren't, that's true" Catherine faced the bigger male and for a moment her eyes softened fully taking his features. She examined is curly hair but what drawn her was the dip in his cheek from his dimples. She found that humble feature of him the falter if his brusque facade making the male unknowingly have a childlike appearance. She had to admit in the first glance she was intimidated in his physic already sensing how strong he is.

"A female with a pixie haircut followed with being petite and with her on what I assumed was her mate came to my home. Bot had sought my son and me for aid. She explained vaguely on the situation, and we've come to help"

"Pixie and Jasper?" The Quileute voiced their thoughts looking at Catherina who shrugged her shoulders in response.

"I don't know their names, they came and gone faster than I could even ask a simple question. I assume they had other destinations." Catherina clarified with slight annoyance at the thought. She wasn't one that fancied the idea of not being explained of a catastrophic situation they could end up in. So, while she did only agree fully to the current event for Thorn and an innocent child; her attentiveness still persisted.

"What are you exactly?" The Quileute finally asked the question that she had been waiting for. She knew it was literally on the tip of their tongues yet none of them had actually said anything.

"What do you think we are, wolf boy?" Catherina jested in amusement folding her arms. However, once her last two words filled his ears his eyes widened in shudder making his jaw tightened.

"I'm a witch" Catherina spoke up before the Quileute could question her," It's a common thing for my kind, to know what other supernatural beings we encounter, you look a lot like your father, Jacob Black"

Jacob opened his mouth only to close it immediately as he nervously eyed the female. He was, of course, guarded at the fact that she mentioned his father—but he was not sure how to respond. Instead, he was quite frankly, left speechless much to his exasperation.

"Look, we've come in peace and come to aid the young child" Catherina had unfolded her arms saying with tiredness forming within her voice. She and Thorn may have been immortals, but they still much-required daily needs of any human being and with the amount of magic she had used the entire day was wearing her out greatly.

First, in the dressing room comforting her son, then using a spell to put the larger Quileute asleep to and lastly having kept her veil around the vehicle for protection. The mother had hardly used that amount of magic in a single day knowing how exhaustive it truly was which she forcefully kept herself from ever overdoing it.

"What do you say, Edward? we wait out for witchy here to weaken with the overuse of her magic or we trust her word?" The burly male said cockily

"Boy, if I wasn't protecting my son at this moment, I would have sent you flying with that nickname" Catherina threatened lightly as her eyes lit up in reaction. Her threat was more of a taunt than a contemplation—but with how tired she was, it might just have been the truth.

"Man, you act like an old lady for not looking like one" The words came out of the larger male making Edward hold back the laugh that was fighting to come out of his throat. Regardless of holding it back, he watched his brother fly back to a tree.

It left an indent on the tree, but for the brawn male, it felt like nothing. Though instead of acting angrily he just laughed completely brushing of what had just happened to him. He was instantly back at the place he was stood at wearing a smirk on his face.

"Okay, I like you, lady" Catherina just rolled her eyes and the barrier on the car fell no longer feeling threatened by the three males.

Thorn had taken the chance and got out of the car quickly appearing next to his mother. He placed himself in front of her narrowing his gaze. Though, what had taken them back was a growl that left his lips—to even shocking the mother as well.

Her brows furrowed feeling his body heat up and quickly latched her arms around his torso. However, what surprised the three males was seeing the mother throw her son towards a clearing just near them.

Soon enough—before she could even react; Catherina let a gasp escape her lips watching her son's clothing tear and turning into a large white wolf.

"Holy shit" The vulgar words left the burly vampire's lips followed with a laugh.

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