08. Renesmee

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Bella was sat with her daughter and husband on the couch as they waited for Carlisle to take the chance to finish catching up with his little sister—little sister...everyone besides Esme knew about and even Edward, despite being the first in the Coven; did not even know about her.

Though, he was not disappointed—understanding that there is a lot about his adopted father he still has yet to learn. Especially since Carlisle had shared openly that he doesn't even remember his birthday or actual age. However, while staring at the witch he had met just a day ago, he did have to admit that all his strange thoughts of familiarity was finally making sense.

His eyes fell onto Bella who had been observing the mother and son.

Catherina—a petite, and gentle looking witch that had the same compassionate gaze that Carlisle always has. It was nearly impossible to not tell that they were siblings.

Thornton—an easy-going warlock, he is what she'd imagine Carlisle was like when he was younger. Though he does have a certain aura of someone you wouldn't want to mess with—especially if it was his mother.

"How do you think—they found out about our situation?" Bella whispered lowly to her husband while running a hand through Renesmee's hair.

Edward smiled lightly," Alice and Jasper"

"Do you think they knew who she was?"

"Fairly" Edward leaned back on the couch," They might have, or Alice just saw something that involved them" Bella just sighed knowing that was probably the case—but she was glad about any help sent their way.

She didn't ask any more questions knowing it was safer to just wait until the answers came on their own. Carlisle had done so much for the Coven and seeing him get something good from his past appear—each of his adopted children wanted to give him the chance. Sure, it was probably not the time to sit down for a cup of tea and reminisce, but it's not every day you reunite with your sibling after hundreds of years.

While Carlisle was chatting with his nephew—Catherina swayed on her feet shifting her body to face everyone—who she totally forgot was around—minus her mate; who she was the wariest of since entering the room. She couldn't deny having looked his way a few times, but again, she was not going to accept defeat just yet.

She slipped away from her brother and son making her way towards the only young being in the room. She took the chance to kneel down in front of the child that at first, had Catherina doubt for a moment—however, with what had just taken place, she was light on her feet just screaming with joy. Regardless of the dangers, if the young female before her was not here, Catherina might have never reunited with her older brother. Their paths of living just would have never collided despite their shared immortality.

She was still a child of the light whereas her brother was a child of the dark. He was technically dead and had been for a long time—so Catherina was trying to convince herself that she was correct in a way of him being dead. Herself—not at all meeting that end, but she still battled the odds of normalcy more than ever.

"Hi, I'm Catherina" The witch reached her hand out to Renesmee who beamed at the blond.

Without hesitance on seeing the cobalt blue eyes—or the fact that nothing about the witch before her gave any hint of hostility, the young child reached her hand out without worry "Hi, I'm Renesmee"

Catherina then looked over to her mother and smiled but instead of introducing her name; Bella introduced herself knowing the exchange of the blonde's name was heard.

"Isabella, but you can just call me Bella, thank you so much for your help"

"Thank me after I have done my part" Catherina winked playfully as she shook her hand.

"Hey, Renesmee; why don't you show Catherina your gift?" Edward leaned over to his child, who responded with a nod. Before Catherina could react, Renesmee had placed her hand on her cheek.

Catherina's mind filled with the entire birth of the child before her, while it played through—the young mother smiled seeing what she did. Her memories of childbirth had hit a peak of her emotions; making tears fall down her face.

The reaction had Renesmee pull away in worry feeling the tears fall on her hand. Catherina acted fast in holding her hand gently," Sorry, it's not your fault—I kind of get emotional on these things, thank you for showing me that, Renesmee"

Thorn, however, despite his mother's reassurance to the child, on instinct was already by his mother's side," Mom?"

Catherina let a laugh escape her lips as she wiped her tears, but it kept flowing out of her eyes continuously," We have to do everything to protect this child" She declared locking her eyes with her own son but her voice loud to all of the immortal's present.

"Of course, Mom" Thorn grinned at her then face the direction of Renesmee," It's kind of a weird thing, but thanks for showing her what you did—It's been a while since I've seen her cry like this" Once he said those words Catherina lightly hit his arm in protest which only made Thorn laugh and continue to tease his mother.

After their little moment of playful bickering—Catherina and Thorn properly introduced themselves to everyone present. While it lasted for a few hours, there was still a lot of hours left for the sun—so neither of them was worried about missing the chance.

However, when it came to their power restoring ritual—it was not unnatural that some people were interested in what the whole thing was about. After all, everyone present, have never ran into witches or warlocks. As insane as it sounds, Catherina and Thorn knew how secretive their kind was so it was normal that it was a rare occurrence. Still, they did think about how most of them might have ran into some—but not notice since it was after all common, that their kind blended in with society.

"We never had an audience before" Thorn joked as he handed his mother her grimoire," Kind of strange isn't it?"

Catherina chuckled while waving her hand forming a circle around them," Can you blame them? Only today, have they learned about us—though, I do think some must have met a few along the way, but didn't notice"

"Well, I think what I am—interest people more" Thorn said those words in his head and looked towards the forest that had a few of Jacob's pack lining the parameters.

"You're the first of their kind, besides Jacob and Paul, are you going to try and get to know the others?" Catherina responded back but still telepathically

"I should—I need to learn about my other half eventually"

Catherina smirked with mischief "I guess, just as long as you're not part Vampire—they'd happily welcome you as their own"

Thorn snorted bumping his hip with her own," All right, let's just get this over with, we can't have our audience left wait—

Before Thorn could even finish his sentence, his eyes that had been scanning the forest—locked onto a wolf. His body stiffened and the grimoire in his hand slipped out of his hand. The other wolves surrounding all stood frigid as they overlooked the sight before them.

Jacob who was leaning on the railing next to Bella accidentally voiced a reaction with an 'Oh' .

Catherina, on the other hand, had been left confused with the multiple others who heard Jacob. Though when she followed her son's line of sight, she came to understand what had just happened.

"Oh, my" Catherina raised her hand to her cheek and a smile made it on her face.

While she found her own mate, her son found his own. Interesting thing about fate, was that it was just handing out soulmates as of late. 

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