09. Little Sister

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(little sister)

Seth Clearwater, the young wolf that was about the same age as her son Thorn—or well physically at least. All she got was a name from Jacob since her son and the young Quileute went to talk about what had just taken place. Sure, Catherina was very accepting towards the idea, but the reality was hitting her that it meant if her son accepted the idea around the imprinting—that was on both parts.

It would end with her and Thorn possibly departing.

"So, Mama Bird, how are you taking your son finding his soulmate?" Garrett sat next to Catherina who was on the staircase in the back part of the Cullen home. She didn't want to admit that she chose the spot specifically because she saw her son walking that direction with Seth, but then again—she was being pretty obvious on her part.

"I can't be that bad" She mumbled under her breath only making the nomad laugh and nudge his elbow on her arm.

"Well, considering you been out here for a few hours? I wouldn't have thought that at all" Garrett teased her with sarcasm lacing his words.

Catherina let out a hum and leaned on her palm looking at her supposed mate," So, are we going to talk about it? Or are we going to just pretend it didn't happen?"

Garrett had both of his eyebrows raise in surprise at her forwardness making him smirk," Well, I did come out here with the thought"

"Yeah, I can hear it" She blurted out unknowingly making the nomadic vampire look at her funnily. For a second after the words left her lips, did she only realize she just spoke her mind. Her jaw had the power over her allowing it to drop," Can you pretend you didn't hear that?"

"I would, but now I'm curious—are you like a mind-reader or something?" Garrett said slowly hiding the nerves that formed. He was well aware of the things he thought about her the first day meeting her—and it made sense why she seemed unfriendly towards him.

Catherina licked her lips grasping that it was useless to make up a lie," Yeah...and you might just be right about why I was like that the first time I met you"

"Okay...It's not because I'm a bloodsucker?"

"Unless you go on a feeding frenzy on innocents—then we might have problems" She narrowed her eyes saying.

The nomad let a laugh escape his lips and raised his hands in defence," No, I'm actually trying to attempt on an all strict animal diet...unless that's also an issue" Catherina rolled her eyes at his last words hearing the mockery in it.

She turned to him and allowed her smile to turn grim, "I'm a witch, not an animal whisperer—though, one day you'd have to worry about them gathering and start an uprising over, hunting their kind."

He let out a dry laugh in reply," You know, when you say something like that with a straight face, I can't tell if your serious or not," Garrett said slowly only to hear the female's laugh filled the air.

Catherina raised her hand waving it as she leaned back on the stair behind her, "Animal's actually don't really like my kind; I think it's because of the power within us that scares them"

He let put a breath of relief—not wanting to actually picture animals hunting him. It was a mental image he found flooding his mind and his thoughts grew loud making Catherina hear them without trying.

She held her urge to laugh at the crazy things he was thinking, but chose to just be oblivious. The inner turmoil Garrett was having lasted for a while, that Catherina had to snap her fingers to get him out of his daze.

He blinked a few times and let out a chuckle," So, uh—" Garrett cleared his throat and stood up from the staircase facing her," Are we going to...try?"

"We both got all the time in the world" Catherina stated reaching towards the hand he had out for her," Though, we'll discuss that after this whole situation with the Volturi concludes"

"Small steps" He nodded in response," Though, expect some comments here and there"

She chuckled shoving him on the arm," Right, do that and either Carlisle or Thorn will have your head"

"Speaking of Carlisle...Your his little sister...so " Garrett raised a hand to his chin turning to her and smirked," Milady, is on the older side huh?"

Her jaw dropped at his words making her narrow the gaze she had on him. Catherina's eye twitched as she placed her hands on her hips, "I just recently restored my powers and I know the simple spells of making myself faster than the speed of light"

The nomad's amused face fell realizing what he said and he took the chance to quickly escape—however, Catherina was already on his trail leaving them as flashes of blurs for the naked eye.

Meanwhile, on the third floor of the Cullen home, was Carlisle who had been a lot like his little sister—both having the habit of overthinking.

The cause was that, Emmett might have had accidentally let it slip about Garrett and Catherina being mates. So, his role of being the protective older brother had resurfaced instantly.

"I think it's nice" Esme expressed while standing next to her husband running a hand on his arm lovingly.

Carlisle frowned to her words, "Really? Garrett is a little—

Though he was cut off by his adopted son's laugh,"Lecherous? Barren? Or wait what he likes to call it 'Adventurous'" Emmett joked but quickly got an elbow to his stomach from Rosalie. The young beauty gave him a harsh glare telling him that it was not helping the doubt their adopted father was having.

Carlisle exhaled loudly as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It might have been mainly because he still saw Catherina as the young teenager he last departed with. He was still not fully processing that she had a son, who he already loved—but his memories of her all been nothing but the pure child he raised.

His little baby sister, that cried whenever she was sad or hurt—the little Catherina that called him 'Li' and always tried her hardest to be strong whenever he left the house. It was all memories that reappeared along with him finally remembering his own birthday and actual age.

It was overwhelming, but also completely disheartening.

Carlisle wanted to know what happened and how she was even here, but he was not sure what to ask, afraid of picking at sensitive topics.

He didn't know the Catherina right now and it scared him—but he understood that it was the same for her. He was still partly who he was has a human—except for that, he was a lot more different than he ever was. He was probably a better version of him than the time he was alive.

But the one thing, he feared was not being able to tell her that he did not visit her once after being able to have self-control. It was because he did not want to see his little sister die before him—it was not how he wanted it. She was supposed to outlive him, and theoretically, she did seeing as she is still alive, but what he was thinking was in the sense of normalcy.

His little sister, Catherina was now a fully-grown woman—and he was angry for not being there. He also trailed to his thoughts about their father and wondered what happened after he 'died'.

Then finally, the big part of him was telling her his time he joined the Volturi. How would she react on the fact that he joined a group that was known for their bloodied hands?

He had no idea where any of his questions should start—or if he had the ability to end them if he did.

The reunion was both heartwarming but also frightening.

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