14. Finale Pt.2

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(finale pt.2)

The fuming hunger of rage poured into Catherina's ears as the Denali's screamed at their lost sister. However, while she wanted to calm them and tell them it was an illusion she created—and that the real Irina was safe, but she held back until things were back into their hands.

The retrieval of conversations balanced between the leader and Bella and Catherina didn't feel a pulse of adrenaline within her. She was curious on why she acted earlier—she was curious why the voice within took control and saved the Denali—even if she reviled death, she was not one to intervene with the fate of another that had no connection to her.

Caius smiled coldly. "Now she has taken full responsibility for her actions."

Catherina remained concentrated on the calmness within her heart. The entire time of the encounter, she held onto her brother's hand. The voice in her head had told her it was no longer dangerous, but she refused to let it go.

However, the balance had seemed to leak into her doubts—and it caused her to intercede without her will of sensibility.

Catherina released her brothers' hand and allowed him to state the sense into the furious sisters that proceeded to seek revenge, "Listen to me, Tanya, Kate," Carlisle said in a low but intense whisper, "Vengeance doesn't help her now. Irina wouldn't want you to waste your lives this way. Think about what you're doing. If you attack them, we all die."

Tanya's shoulders hunched with grief, and she leaned into Carlisle for support. Kate was finally stood still and Carlisle continued to console the sisters with words too urgent to sound like comfort.

Aro continued to exchange his words with the other witnesses present. All of which, remained the same as what they truly thought about the child. A thin grin kept to his lips as he conceded that they were too meagre to dare and lie to him.

"And what of you, Catherina?" Aro appeared before her, just inches away—While he expected her to flinch, he got nothing but a blank expression. One that lacked fear and that willing caused the interest within himself to grow in excitement.

"The satire" Catherina proceeded as she kept her eyes locked onto the leader," The incredulity that you still wear, even with my words—you will continue to probe into finding a reason for insolence. What you seek isn't our words, but a reason to define the hindrance that even as someone as longstanding as yourself can not seem to understand"

Aro wanted to be angry, he wanted to deploy that she was wrong—However, from the way she looked at him—she didn't seek defiance against him. She didn't seek a reason to fight, instead, she looked at him with reason.

She respected the man, in a sense of balance.

"You don't seek the reason for a fight," He said with deliberateness," What is your aim?"

"I have none" Catherina released her locked stare into smoothness," We have no quarrel, you and I—and neither do those before you"

"I must recede that thought, considering I can see the festering anger coming from that Nomad" Aro peered over her shoulder as he gazed at Garrett," It deems me another curiosity, on why that is"

"Surely" Catherina tilted her head," You can understand"

Aro's eyes had slowly grown in size, as he peered over to Marcus. The leader with the gift of relationship identification. As he bore his eyes in the sorrowful king, the nod of his head and absence of words had confirmed his question.

"Interesting, mates between the natural adversaries of our kind? Curious, indeed" Aro almost sang in amusement," But that shall be for another day, as it's not on our agenda for today"

Catherina nodded in acceptance, even if she wished she'd never cross paths with the man again—She knew their fate to cross paths were inevitable. After all, she was mated with one of his children, so her future if she wishes, will be intertwined with the leader.

Once his attention set back to the others, she made her way over to her son and Garrett. As she did, he acted into holding her hand which she obliged towards.

"How exactly should I react towards this?" Garrett lowered himself slightly to whisper in her ear.

Catherina smirked and eyed him discreetly," As you will, though—maybe this can be discussed when best" Garrett chuckled under his breath and gently squeezed her hand with his.

The exchange continued and Aro continued to question—However, as he was still searched for a reason—it shattered.

"Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks," he said to the ancient. "And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?"

Caius snarled. "The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!"

Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to Alice's face. The petite Cullen stepped forward lightly and introduced the strangers. "This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel."

Caius's eyes tightened as Alice named the relationship between the newcomers.

The Volturi witnesses hissed amongst themselves. The vampire world was changing, and everyone could feel it.

"Speak, Huilen," Aro commanded. "Give us the witness you were brought to bear."

The slight woman looked to Alice nervously. Alice nodded in encouragement, and Kachiri put her longhand on the little vampire's shoulder.

Catherina closed her eyes slowly as she felt the harmonic tune of peace. As the two new witnesses came to exploit the truth, she no longer felt the will in Aro to seek a reason for a battle. He was outdone and he accepted it.

"Dear ones," he called. "We do not fight today."

The guard nodded in unison and straightened out of their ready positions. The mist dissipated swiftly, and left was Aro who peered and analyzed all of those before him. His face was as benevolent as ever, but unlike previously, the strange blankness remained behind the façade.

He no longer schemed and no longer wanted a reason to argue. His eyes then looked off to a certain part of the field, in which only Catherina noticed. He smiled faintly and peered at her.

Not a single second did Catherina worry, because from the start—He knew what she has done, but he didn't choose to exploit the illusion created. However, it was not as if she hid it from him in the first place—in fact, she showed him this.

She showed him that she will remain neutral with him and her saving the Denali, was declaring a truce between the pair. He had silently pardoned her interference as a welcoming to his taking and Catherina would remain as an acquaintance.

Aro bowed his head, the picture of remorse, and drifted backwards for a moment before he turned around to see Catherina bow her head in their equal understanding.

He was the darkness and she was the light—both had acknowledged it.

As the cheers drowned, and while the Romanians frowned—Catherina peered over to the Denali's who felt her stare. She turned her head and waved her hand towards the direction that their sister remained.

Once the shield had fallen and Irina's presence was shown—the others who cheered loudly turned in confusion—However, none had been able to ask at that moment as Denali's reunited.

Catherina did not miss the look that Irina had given her. One of immense gratefulness and one of respect. If it weren't for her, she would have been gone.

"Well, aren't happy endings just exciting," Garrett who remained by her side said cheekily as he lifted her in a hold before spinning her.

"They surely are the best" Catherina added once more before he lowered her to the ground and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

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