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The hardest thing for Catherina was having to part with her son. While he found the place, he called home in La Push with his partner Seth. It was where his soul synchronized with contentment.

The mother knew it was inevitable, however, she never wanted to believe it, but in the end—she came into terms that it was bound to happen.

While Garrett had told her, they didn't need to leave, she refused his kind gesture. Because just like him, Catherina was a traveller.

Staying in one place was never something she wanted and while it was a nice sentimentality most would probably dream of; she was certainly not one of them.

Besides, she and Garrett both were on a journey, to find Charlotte.

The pair had found from Carlisle that while Lottie had not suffered any damage from the bullet wounds—she was found to have been ill—Much to Garrett's heart nearly breaking at the part, only for his friend reassuring him that he had turned her—with her consensus of course.

However, after turning her—she thanked him and left. Carlisle had no information on where she currently was or even if was still alive, though he didn't say the last part, but Garrett understood and thanked him for what he has done.

"Whenever you need me, call me, my friend" Garrett said gratefully before stepping out to give the siblings their time to say goodbye.

When the pair of blondes watched him step out, they both shared a look of compassion—both for different reasons.

For Carlisle a friend that he would be repeatedly grateful for, who he also knew to trust to protect and care for his little sister.

As for Catherina was the happiness that she pursued for many centuries, while the two still had a while before pursing into a relationship, the two found harmony from each other through a short time.

They had all the time, so there was no rush.

"You know, Garrett was never the kind of many I ever imagined for you" Carlisle closed his eyes saying while bringing a hand to his chin. While it was true and almost absurd that someone as adventurous as the nomad—would settle down. However, he trusted his friend enough not to threaten.

"You know I can hear your thoughts my dearest brother," Catherina said slowly as her arms folded in amusement. Though, she knew that her brother was almost pulling her arm in this. Sure, it was true, Garrett was different from what she found herself drawn to—but the man was just so amicably sincere when it came to things important to him.

"You take care of yourself Cat and don't be a stranger," Carlisle said to her while placing a hand on her head.

"You as well, Li" Catherina brought her arms around his torso and embraced his tightly," Honestly, I didn't expect it to be so soon for us to part," Carlisle returned the embrace and placed his chin on the top of her head.

"It's just a temporary goodbye," He reassured her," Besides, all that matters is that we both know were still here"

Catherina chuckled and nodded to his words before pulling away. While she would have enjoyed a longer time with him, she understood that they had forever. Holding back her tears were challenging, but she held on before meeting Garrett a little way from her brother's family home.

To her, crying was a sign of weakness that'd make her hesitant. Catherina did not want that, for many reasons, but even she had to follow her own advice on not being stubborn. Her family was fine and she didn't need to be present to know this.

They had a connection that no one or anything could break. Despite the distance, they were together under the same sky.

Garrett did not say anything as he climbed into the driver seat. All he did, as they drove off was hold her hand and allow the humming of the engine to take over because that was all Catherina needed at the moment.

After a while in the car, Garrett peered over to her and smiled, "Now, where shall we head to first?"

Catherina returned the smile and looked over to the distance before them," Somewhere where adventure awaits us"

Garrett chuckled as he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it," As you wish, Milady"

Many years later...

"I'm telling you Li; I have no idea where she gets it from!" Catherina huffed playfully as she watched her daughter jump from tree to tree. Normally, any parent that had a child doing something as risky as this would go insane, however, nothing about little girl was normal.

A fall wouldn't harm her easily and an injury wouldn't take long to heal. She was after all, half-vampire and the other, to Catherina's understanding—human just like her niece Renesmee was.

"You know, I think she gets it from you," Carlisle teased as he watched his niece without worry.

"Lottie? Any help?" Catherina turned to her sister-in-law who chuckled at the sight.

"Well, Garrett was afraid of heights when we where younger" Lottie explained as she tapped her chin," He once got stuck in a tree trying to save a cat. It was absolutely hilarious!"

"Now" Garrett suddenly appeared between the females," When exactly did I allow you to tell such embarrassing things, Lottie?"

His sister rolled her golden eyes and shook her head," I don't need permission to embarrass my brother, right Cat?"

Catherina grinned widely as she peeked at her older brother, who shared a look at his brother-in-law. The two older brothers both had the same look of despair.

"Of course, Lottie" Catherina agreed as she laced her arms with her," Though, I'm afraid Li was hardly foolish, except when—

"Okay!" Carlisle clapped his hand stopping her," Genevie, would you like for Aunt Esme to cook you some dinner?" Catherina snickered as her brother walked off stopping her from saying anything.

It wasn't that he didn't want anyone to know his life as a human—just not the embarrassing times when he allowed her to use him like a doll.

Unfortunately to him, Catherina snooped among some boxes that belonged to their mother and often had him dress up in the feminine outfits. It was times like this, that he was so glad he couldn't sleep and have nightmares of the times he wore frilly outfits.

As he thought this, he froze in place and looked around wildly in case Edward was around. The last he needed was his eldest knowing his deepest darkest secret. However, for a moment he had forgotten that Edward and his wife had yet to arrive—and wouldn't be there until a couple more days.

Catherina peered up to the sky and a soft melancholy smile appeared on her lips. It had been nearly 100 years since—and as life went on, life had its cycle.

Thornton and Seth had a long life, but just as the human cycle came and gone—the pair had passed, but not without having one of the greatest memories made.

It was hard for Catherina, but it was what her son wanted. He did not want to continue into a world without his beloved, and she full-heartedly understood his wish.

Catherina felt a pair of lips on her forehead making her turn to her husband," He's watching over us, always"

"Yeah," She said softly closing her eyes and leaning on his shoulder," And we'll keep our promise to live on with no regrets and eternal happiness"

Garrett chuckled and peered over to his family and then back to her," I must say, we've been doing well"

"Well? I say we are doing exceptionally amazing" Catherina corrected him with a smirk, before closing one eye and pointing at him," Though, how about we exceed that?"

"If it's possible, then count me in" He added gracefully with his signature smirk


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