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Author's note:
Well!! Happy birthday to our cute little bunny, Jungkookie!!! I wish he always stays happy and healthy. Army loves you Jungkook!! Stay Gold!!


"I will visit you tomorrow then", I waved my hand at my boss and he bid me bye with a wide smile. I looked at lil meow meow who was back of me. I know he must have listened to all of my conversation. How could I tell him that the grumpy cat is him?

"I never knew we had a cat in our house", he raised a brow and I just smiled.

"It is a street cat. I feed it at times", I stuttered and he gave a sharp stare at me. Please don't ask me more. I am very bad at lying.

"Oh I see, I think it stopped coming after I came to the house right?", he asked and I nodded vigorously as if he had the perfect sentence to continue my lie.

"Caught you", he leaned in close and looked at me raising his brows. I gulped at the proximity and stepped back.

"I know you don't feed any stray cat, at least not in my presence. And I clearly heard you telling him that you have a cat in your house. But you agreed that it stopped visiting from the time I came. Mismatched right? You are lying Sun Bear"

I gulped in fear that he caught my lie. I just don't want him to think that the cat I referred to is him. His gaze still didn't leave me. I looked away but he held my wrist. Please don't, I prayed but he turned me towards him.

"Yah Lil meow meow", I tried to be serious at his sudden action.

"That cat is me right?", he asked and I was at loss of words. I am done, I am dying, I need to call my sister so that she will be designing my coffin. Wait! Should I invite people to my funeral? How can my sister do that all alone?

"Yah! I am asking you something", his voice snapped me from the thoughts of planning of my funeral. I looked at him and he seemed mad. Shit! What a nice day! I didn't have headache today, but I guess I am having a death trap today. Death trap: Laid by Jin Ae, Practiced by Lil Meow Meow.

"I am sorry", I blurted looking down. That's the only thing I could do. Though I am not really sorry about calling him a cat, I should at least pretend that I am. Because, this cat in front of me is a not so nice being.

"What makes you think that I am a cat?", he shook his head, probably in disbelief and I looked at my hand still in his hold. I pulled it out and he looked at my hand. He took a sigh and grabbed the cover for me.

"Let me check the useless snacks you bought yesterday", saying this he put his hand in the bag. That's the cover he left yesterday in the store seeing me not feeling well. The manager kept it safe and handed it to me before leaving.

"What are these?", he pulled out the orange lollipops and I smiled at them.

"Don't you like them? People die for those orange candies", I exclaimed showing him the lollipops while he rolled his eyes.

"Those are for you", I mouthed and he looked at me weirdly.

"What would I do with them? I am neither a kid nor a crazy woman like you", he scoffed at me and I shot a glare. How dare he speak like that?

"Yah! I got them for you as they will help you quit smoking. I am helping you idiot", I snapped at him and he looked confused. He looked at the candy and then at me.

"How would they help?", he asked looking at the orange candies in his hand. Does he even know how smokers reduce their habit? I have seen this in some movies and also, I am not in a position to afford any kind of therapy.

"I can't afford to pay for the medicines which would reduce your addiction but I can do this. Chewing this lollipop would make you less interested in smoking. What I mean is every time you feel like smoking, chew these candies instead. They give you the feeling of having something in the mouth and are similar to the shape of your cancer stick", I explained him and he gave me a stare showing that he is clearly uninterested in what I spoke.

"Yah! lil meow meow, that cancer stick would kill you. I know something bad has happened in your life, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer because of someone else's mistake", I shouted at him catching his attention. His brows twitched and a line formed on his forehead.

"Fine, it's your wish", I spoke and started to walk but he held my hand. I smiled as he tried to stop me at least.

"Continue", he spoke and I looked at him in bewilderment.

"Continue what you were speaking", he completed and I understood him. I want to tell him that everyone has a series of problems and we just can't give up like that because of one single person. It might be his girlfriend, or friend, he just can't kill himself in the hope of forgetting them.

"I know you have faced a betrayal though I clearly don't know what has happened. It might be painful for you and I understand that. But we need to fight against the pain and move on from it. It is life and we just can't escape from the hardships. I lost my appa at a very young age and thought life was very cruel.", I took a pause and looked at him who gestured me to continue.

" And then a month back, I lost my Eomma too. This life, it is more cruel than what I thought. But I didn't give up you know. I am fighting against it. I am trying to prove that I can win against the ruckus it has cause to me.", I paused and saw him looking at me with great concentration. He held my hand and squeezed. I felt weak for some reason, thinking about the loss in my life makes me really vulnerable.

"I want to know more Jin Ae. Continue", he spoke not diverting his gaze for a second. Should I tell him everything now? I could see his eyes looking straight through mine. It was breezy and the street light is reflecting from his eyes, making them more captivating.

"I know you want to vent it out. I am all ears Jin Ae. I will listen to you and even think about me", he spoke in a stern voice which made me feel warm for some reason. It was very rare to hear my name from his mouth and it kind of sounded nice.

"Life had always been cruel to me Yoongi. I love painting. You saw those paintings hanging on the wall right? I painted them with all my heart but didn't have a chance to display them in the art exhibitions. No one had bought them and my mom hung them telling me that they were more valuable than the ones they display in the art gallery", I didn't know I was crying until he wiped the tear slowly.

"She is gone now. And left us alone. I had to work hard to make my sister live happy. She needs to do her medicine and complete her college. I promised that I will take care of her and had to quit my college. I got selected in the top arts college Yoongi, but I had to leave it. It was so hard for me to do that", I sobbed now and I could feel his body. I realised that he pulled me into a light hug. Well! I need this warmth now.

"It pains me to do that Yoongi but nothing is above my sister's happiness. She even yelled at me for quitting my college and I had to lie that I lost interest in them. I am struggling so much Yoongi and I hate these part time jobs, they just increase my head ache, sometimes making it even worse", I sobbed and he rubbed my back slowly. We stayed like that for a minute and I pulled out.

"Now tell me, are you the only one with problems?", I asked him and he shook his head in negation.

"Life is so cruel that it always waits for a chance to pull you down, you should not fall for its trap Yoongi", I completed and he nodded. And then he let out a smile. For the first time, I have seen him smiling like that. I didn't fail to notice his squishy cheeks when he smiled like that. He really looked cute.

"Give me that", he pulled the cover from me. He opened out the lollipop and kept it in his mouth making me shocked.

"Flies will enter your mouth", he pressed my lips with his two fingers and I gulped at his action. He is behaving so different today.

"Didn't you want me to quit smoking?", he asked and I nodded in positive.

"So, I am doing that", he stated and carried the cover. I paced my steps to reach him as he walked ahead.

• • •

"I will cook ramyeon then", I mouthed and he nodded. I boiled the water and poured the ingredients in the hotpot. As I was waiting for it to get cooked I looked at lil meow meow watching TV. He is so different from the people I met. He never ignores me when I tell something with my heart though he behaves grumpy at times.

I wonder who must have made him like that, he deserves to be locked in a cage with a hungry lion. He is an asshole for betraying this lil meow meow. I picked the hotpot and placed it on the table while he looked at with great interest. I guess he is hungry.

He slurped down the ramen quickly and I made a good decision of cooking 3 packets. He seemed really hungry and ate quietly. We finished it and he offered to wash the dishes. I insisted on doing them but he was adamant.

He sat down beside on the couch and watched the TV

"Should I say that I am lucky enough to have my landlady allow me watch the TV and also serve me meals?", he started and I smiled as I remember my words.

"You don't need to as long as you know you are", he chuckled at my words and we watched the TV. After sometime, I switched off TV and got up to go but he held my hand.

"My best friend betrayed me", he started and I sat down. I know where this will go, he is opening up.

"We were friends since childhood and he is more than a brother to me. His name is Jackson and we were like soulmates. We both together got transferred to Seoul and met another guy Jin in the high school. I call him hyung as he is elder to me. We three became close and auditioned together. Luckily all three of us got selected. I love producing music and can do rap, so that's how I got selected", he showed me a proud smile.

"That's so cool. I didn't know lil meow meow can do that", I smiled at him. Seriously, this guy can make music and do rap? He is surely something.

"But I think that's the end of our happiness. Jin hyung is someone who tries to be confident boasting about his looks. It isn't a lie though. He is really handsome.", he let out a smile and I found it cute.

"Hyung couldn't dance and he is new to singing. So, he is struggling with that and spent less time with us. Our maknae Jungkook is very close to him and Jin hyung treated him meals often. Jackson manipulated me that he is trying to get close to Jungkook because he is the main vocalist and to be more favoured which is actually a bullshit to talk about and a dog poop to believe, but I did. He brainwashed me that hyung is not being with us because we aren't of use to him anymore and also that he badmouths about us to Jungkook. From then I started distancing Jin hyung and even yelled at him every time he comes to my music room", he lowered his head in guilt and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I should have realised that I was being brainwashed with false statements. I realised it late. He envied their relation. And one day, Jin hyung heard the conversation between us and we were caught. And to my shock, that bastard blamed me that I have started it all, that it was my idea to make Jin get less lines and be treated low. I never thought he was backstabbing me", he wiped the fresh tear escaping his eye. I could never imagine him crying. He isn't that grumpy being now.

"Hyung did no mistake but I blamed him. My members knew about him and he was reported to the CEO. He was forced to leave the company. Jin hyung was heartbroken because of us. He trusted us a lot but we are just a disappointment to him. He is so good hearted that he even forgave us the very next moment. I feel so bad for betraying him. It pains me a lot Jin Ae ah", he sobbed and I gave my arms for him to vent out. He looked so broken and my heart wrecked to see him like that.

That Jackson idiot should have burning coals wherever he walks, if not his toes should be crushed beneath the legs of a heavy furniture. He is a bastard for sure. No wonder, why this guy turned out be like that.

I will be there for you lil meow meow


Yoongi with lollipop....

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