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Author's note:
Hola peeps! Here with the next part. And Happy Wishes for the Billboard No 1. So listen everyone, yoongi wants, yoongi gets... For now, Happy Reading.


Yoongi's Pov

I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I hate this sound so much. Ugh! I switched off the alarm and rubbed my eyes. Seriously, what am I even doing for this Sun Bear? I walked out of my room and opened her door.

She told me that her door will be unlocked so that I could get in just in case if there is an emergency. I walked into her room to find her soundly sleeping. She is sleeping so peacefully disturbing my precious sleep. What to do? I promised her that I will be waking her every day.

I was so emotional yesterday that I got stuck up like this. Now I have to wake her up. Her little snores are like mosquitoes buzzing in my ears. Aish! I hate to see someone sleeping while I am awake. I called her name but she didn't respond at all.

I called her again but no response. Don't make me angry Sun Bear. I yelled at her and even then she didn't wake up. Sighing, I patted her.

"Five more minutes", she whined in her sleepy voice showing one pout. She looked like a pig when she did that. Had she been in her senses, I would have straight insulted her. But since she is sleeping, she looked cute just like a little pig. So, I waited for five more minutes.

I called her again but she kept murmuring the same. I took a deep sigh and walked out of the room. I came back to her and


I poured the water on her and she immediately opened the eyes. You should look at her face. I wish I have a camera with me right now. She woke up holding her face probably in shock and I laughed like hell looking at her condition.

She shot glares at me while I was holding my stomach in laughter. She looked really funny. Oh My God! I never felt so happy in this house.

"Yah lil meow meow! Why did you do this?", she scoffed at me while I was still laughing.

"I promised you that I will wake you up but you didn't wake up when I called you. So I had to this", I explained.

"Yah yah! Today is Sunday idiot. I told you that my off day is on Sunday", she yelled at me and I realized. We talked so much yesterday that I forgot today is Sunday. What should I do now? This Sun Bear is looking at me like she will eat me.

"Sun Bear, I am really sorry. I don't know that today is Sunday", I apologized as I was scared what mess this Sun Bear would bring up.

"Why would you even remember the day? For you every day is Sunday", she scowled at me. What the hell! I woke up this early for her. She should at least respect my efforts as I never woke up to wake someone else.

"Yah I woke up so early to wake you up and look at you being so ungrateful", I shouted at her, clearly offended. She's seriously treating me like a stray cat in this house.

"Why should I be grateful? For soaking me wet huh?", she yelled back.

"Fine fine. I am sorry again okay. Now go and bath. We will have breakfast later okay" I told her in a calmer tone. If I keep arguing with her, I know the day wouldn't be enough.

She glanced at me for one time and got up from her bed. Thank God! She was convinced. I walked out of her room and went to mine. I seriously forgot that today is Sunday. She clearly mentioned to me that Sunday is an off-day for all the jobs except for the store one. She has an off-day on Tuesday for that one.

I freshened up myself and changed into casual clothes. I sat on the bed drying my hair. The bed is the most peaceful place on earth. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep slowly.

• • •

Ugh! What's this thing? I touched my head to feel what's poking on it. And it's all over my face. What the hell? I could see Sun Bear laughing with the phone in her hand. I looked at my hand, it's the flour. Shit! I was pranked. I took a breath and the flour was in the air.

She purposefully put the flour in my hand while I was asleep. So that I would facepalm myself when she pokes with something on my face. Is this revenge?

"You look so funny you know?", she kept laughing holding her stomach. It reminded me of the morning incident. Just switch the positions now. I shot a glare at her.

"You?", I called and ran behind her. She immediately paced her steps and ran before I catch her. Soon, we were running around her house. We circled the whole house and she didn't stop anywhere. I am not going to leave her today.

She stumbled upon her leg and fell on the sofa. I smirked as she fell on the sofa and walked to her. She moved back on the sofa as I leaned in to her. I could feel her breathing heavily, probably because of the running. I leaned down to reach her face and...

"Yoongi, what are you doing?", she whisper-shouted and I closed the gap between our faces. I rubbed my face on hers applying all the flour on her face while she whined like a kid.

"Oops! I am sorry. I should have rung the bell", a voice made me stand straight. Why the hell is he here?

"I am sorry for disturbing your moment. The door is open, so I walked in", he spoke putting his hands in the pockets. I hate this man.

"Even then it is wrong to barge into someone else's house", I stated crossing arms against my chest. Sun Bear got up and composed herself

"I am sorry, excuse me", she walked to her room and got out with a towel. She handed me the towel and rubbed her face with another one.

"I am sorry but may I know you sir?", she asked him and he smiled more like a sly one.

"I am Ji woon and may I know the name of this pretty lady?", he forwarded her his hand but she just bowed. I smiled as she rejected his handshake.

"I am Hyun JinAe. Do you need anything sir?", she asked politely and he looked at me.

"Is she your girlfriend?", he asked me and I narrowed my eyes. What does he want now?

"You don't need to know Hyung", I scoffed at him and he just showed an evil grin. I wish I could punch him but stopped myself since Jin Ae is here.

"Hyung?", she asked completely perplexed.

"Are you both living together?", he asked her with a disgusting smirk and I feel like slapping that stupid smirk off his face.

"Sir, I think you have misunderstood ......", she continued but I cut her off.

"Why does it even matter? Why should she answer you?", I yelled at him and he narrowed his eyes. I walked to him and pulled him by the wrist.

"Jin Ae, don't come outside", I told her and she nodded her head. I dragged my brother outside and he just smiled.

"What do you want now?", I asked completely irritated by his presence.

"Can't I see my brother?", he asked and I chuckled at his words. Does he remember that he is having a brother now?

"Don't call me your brother. I hate that bitter truth", I scoffed at him and he held my hand. I shoved it away as I felt his touch. I hate this man so much.

"How did you know I was here?", I asked him.

"I contacted your company and they gave me your address since I am your brother. I showed them the proof though", he answered and I gritted my teeth. I shouldn't have told them that I have a brother.

"Anyway, who is she? Is she your girlfriend?", he asked me and I shook my head in negation.

"She isn't"

"Then what, a one night...", I punched him even before he completes his lines.

"I am not a player like you and don't you dare talk about her with your filthy mouth", I warned him and he chuckled. I am freaking serious, you moron.

"She looks pretty indeed. She must be something to you. Why are you guys even together and remember, I caught you both just now", he asked narrowing his eyes.

"I told you she isn't someone like that. She is my close friend", I told him and he let out a smile.

"Then can I try her?", he asked and I punched him again. He has played with so many hearts and how dare he think about Jin Ae? Is every girl a play toy to him?

"Try touching her and you will see death with your own eyes", I picked him up by his collar. My blood boiled at his words.

"Oh! Calm down, young man. I was just kidding. I can tell you like her. I just came to visit you since its been long. Now leave me", he spoke and I released him.

"I don't like her", I blurted and he chuckled.

"You seriously warned me that you will kill me if I think about her. It is obvious that you like her dumbass", he spoke and I just looked away.

"I will be leaving now. I finished visiting you and you are fine. That's all I need", he spoke and started walking away. Did he come just to visit me? Is he trying to be nice? Fuck! I just don't care. I walked back to the house and directly proceeded to my room.

I searched for cigarettes frantically but they are nowhere. I remember placing them here. Where the hell did they disappear?

"Are you searching for these?", She came holding the packet.

"Give them to me now", I asked her and she shook her head in negation. I walked to her to pull them from her hands but she raised her arms. Girl! Don't do that now. I tried to reach her but she stood on her heels and waved her arms. I held her waist and she gasped.

"Give them now", I spoke in a stern tone

"I won't", she spoke firmly.

"I said give them now", I yelled at her tightening my grip over her. She flinched a bit and her eyes showed hurt. She put her arms down and handed me the packet. I released her and started walking from her.

"You promised me that you will stop smoking from now", she spoke. I know I did that yesterday.

"I just spoke it without thinking anything. I don't mean it", I spoke and she turned to me with glistening eyes.

"Why do you take everything casually Yoongi?", she asked in a tone of hurt. My anger vanished seeing her like that. I shouldn't have shown my anger on her.

"I was so happy when you said that you will try to quit smoking. But I didn't know you fooled me", she spoke and I walked to her.

"Why are you like this Jin Ae? Why are you caring for me? I am nothing to you", I don't really want her to get hurt because of me. I always wonder why she thinks of my good when she knows me just a week ago.

"I care about you Yoongi, if that's what you want to know. I care about you because you are important to me. You are not just a tenant. But, you are also my friend Yoongi and I don't know if you consider me as one. But still, I care for you", she confessed and I smiled. And now, I can't say anything. I don't think I can distance her from now on. You are important to me too, Sun Bear.

"I do. I do consider you as my friend okay? And closer than what you think. Now don't cry", I wiped her tears and placed the cigarette packet on the table.

"You will quit smoking right?", she asked me and I nodded. I will try, at least.

"Then have this", she showed me the orange candy. Ugh! Should I chew lollipops like a kid now?

"Yah", I shouted and I felt something in my mouth. What the hell! She pushed the candy in my mouth. When did she even unwrap it? I closed my mouth chewing the orange lollipop while she laughed at me. This girl is really something.

• • •

I waited for her at the convenience store and she walked out with a man. This man is the same one I saw the other night. Why is he always around her? Does he like her or what? Am I feeling jealous now?

Yes, I am


Yoongi being jealous

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