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Author's note:
Hola peeps! I am back with the next part of Orange Candy. I am sorry to say this but I will be on a break till Sept 30 because of my exams. Wish me all the luck and stay safe.... Happy Reading!!


I looked at the picture held on the canvas and cupped my face. Tears rolled down my eyes looking at my painting being displayed. It was my favorite one out of all. In which, there is a happy family playing in the park. The father rocking the swing with a child and the mother showing the flowers to the other child. A happy family that I have always imagined.

I looked at Yoongi and he let out a soft smile. Only he knows how badly I want my artworks to be displayed in the art gallery. I wiped the tears streaming down my cheek and walked to the painting. I traced my fingers over it and let out a sincere smile.

"When did you do this?", I asked him. I didn't even look at the paintings in the living room while walking out so I guess I didn't notice its disappearance. He left out a soft smile and cupped my face.

"Don't cry Sun Bear. Tears won't suit you", he spoke and wiped my tears. I just hugged him in happiness and he hugged me back.

"I said you not to cry right? Ahh You are making my shirt wet", he whined and I chuckled at his words. I pulled out of the hug and looked at him who frowned looking at his wet shirt. I let out a giggle looking at his face.

"I called one of my members and asked if he knows anyone who could accept artworks to be displayed. And gladly, this art exhibition is opened today and he knows someone who could help me", he showed out his gummy smile and my heart fluttered at that. He looked really cute.

"So, I just picked it from your house and handed him while you were resting. I am sorry that I didn't ask your permission", he scratched his neck and grinned sheepishly. Why is he being sorry for making me so happy?

"I never thought my work would be displayed in an art gallery. I am so happy lil meow meow. I don't know how to thank you for this", I expressed my gratitude and controlled my urge to cry. I am the happiest being on the earth right now.

"Sun Bear, I didn't know you were so emotional. See those tears in your eyes. I think a lake could be formed with your tears", he teased me and I slapped his arm lightly.

"I was kidding. Now stop crying. I didn't bring you here to see you cry", he spoke showing out his gummy smile and I smiled back.

"Thank you so much", I thanked him again and he ruffled my hair. I felt being treated like a child when he did that.

"If you are so thankful to me, then do me a favor", he asked and I looked at him curiously. What is it now? I nodded and he forwarded his hand to reach mine.

"You will always take your medicines and try to be happy, no matter what. Even in my presence and my absence", he told me and my heart started beating fast. I thought he would ask me something for him but in return, he is asking me to take care of myself.

I never met someone like him after my family, asking me to take care of myself. My body felt a different feeling when he mouthed those words. It felt so happy as well as warm like finding comfort in his words.

But one thing which pains me is that he will be leaving soon. He would no longer be with me, have meals with me, and argue with me. I got so used to him in the few days he had spent with me. He was like a hurricane who changed my life in a snap. A close friend, or say more than that. I know I definitely feel more than that but I am not certain of them. He is the only guy to me who was so warm and gentle. Maybe, that was the reason I am feeling a bit different towards him.

"Promise me you will do that", I was snapped out of my thoughts by his voice and I looked at him waiting for my answer. I nodded with a smile and to my surprise, he hugged me. It made me feel so warm and so protected, just like how I wanted myself to be. Protected and warm.

I hugged him back and rested my head on his shoulder. I should just cherish the little time left for me before he goes away. Who knows he might get busy and not be able to contact me? Or who knows he might completely forget me? Life never goes as expected and I could never believe it to be positive towards me.

"Yoongi", I called him as we pulled out of the hug.

"Thank you for entering my life", I told him sincerely and he let out a genuine smile. He walked in closer and I could feel his lips on my forehead. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of his lips on my skin.

"I should thank you for that. For entering my life", he ruffled my hair and I smiled at that. I never thought we would be like this when we first met. I thought we would be the human version of Tom and Jerry.

• • •

"If your painting gets sold, you will get the money", he spoke as I got the miyeok guk to the table.

"Really?", I asked him with excitement and he nodded. I sat down beside him to start lunch.

"Yah! Did you forget Japchae? Aish! Seriously", he muttered and got up to get the dish. I mentally smacked myself for forgetting it. Today, we cooked together and it was one of the happiest and funniest experiences ever.

He kept whining and muttering curse words every time he drops things like an old man and I always laughed at how he mumbles words like a rap. No doubt, he is a rapper. The funniest part is I didn't use the onions which he had neatly diced and kept aside. For straight ten minutes, he kept ranting at me for forgetting his dear onions.

"What are you thinking and laughing to yourself like a buffoon?", he smacked my head and I scowled at him. How dare he call me a buffoon?

"Now eat", he served the rice in my bowl and I took it. We had lunch together and he kept appreciating his cooking as if he is some Master Chef. I shook my head in disbelief at his self-appraisal.

"I will clean the dishes. Just go and wash your hands. And have the medicines", he spoke and I nodded. He remembers the timing exactly. He was the one who woke me up in the morning and made me take the medicines. And he let me sleep later. He is really concerned about me.

I remember how he comforted me when I was so terrified hearing that I was having a tumor. I thought my life became even more cruel listening that but when he cheered that we can fight it together, I didn't lose my hopes. I am ready to fight against it, for myself and my sister, and with him. His support is like a boost to stand up for myself.

I took my medicines and informed him. He patted on my head muttering good girl, just like every time he does while I complete taking my medicines. He behaves like a protective father at times.

• • •

I picked up my clothes and got dressed to get back to my work. I dressed up simple and walked outside the room. I have already informed Sanghyun about my leave telling him that I was not feeling well. He insisted that he would visit me home but I convinced him that I was alright and that he need not trouble himself.

"I will also walk with you till the café", lil meow meow held my hand and I looked at him surprised.

"Why?", I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Just like that", he spoke and I agreed to him. I locked the door and he was standing outside with an orange lollipop in his mouth. I feel so happy that he quit smoking in my words. And he looks really cute with that orange candy in his mouth.

We walked talking random things. I talked about painting my sister's hair because she annoyed me a lot one day and he burst out of laughter hearing that. He even told me that I look so weak but I am so dangerous from what I appear. It's true though.

He talked about his dramatic younger members of the team, which they call the maknae line, and also the breaking habit of one of the members. It seems that guy even broke the door handle of the bathroom. I have mentally decided, I am not going to let him inside my already rummaged house even though there isn't the slightest chance of him visiting me.

He shot a glance at Sanghyun and waved me a bye. I smiled at him and entered the café.

"How are you now?", Sanghyun rushed to me as soon as he saw me.

"Ah, I am fine", I told him and he let out a sigh.

"I was so worried about you, you know? And next time, if anything like this happens to you, call me right away okay?", he spoke and I nodded. I feel guilty for worrying him.

"And who is he? Your boyfriend?", he asked me and I know who he is talking about. I wish to say that so he stops liking me but I don't want to lie. Honesty is one of my virtues.

"No, he is just a friend", I spoke and he took a sigh, probably in relief. I continued my work in the café and I could see him stealing glances at me which made me a bit uncomfortable. I don't know why but I don't want him to like me, because I can never return his feelings.

All the time I was working, I am looking at the time to go back home. I wanted to see lil meow meow and talk to him. Share some jokes and tease him. I want to irritate him too and let him ruffle my hair and mutter a good girl compliment when I take the pills.

The time got completed and I rushed to take my belongings in a hurry to get home. I don't have a cleaning job anymore. He warned me that he would break my legs if I do that job secretly. I laughed at that but I knew he was serious. I should not stress my body at this time.

"Hmm JinAe", Sanghyun called me and I turned to him, gesturing him to continue.

"I don't know how to ask you this. But will you go out with me this Friday?", he asked me and I was at a loss of words. What shall I say? That I am not interested? Hell no, he is my freaking boss and it would be really rude.

"Are you asking me on a date?", I asked him and he grinned sheepishly scratching his neck. Oh no!

"It's just a casual one though", he mouthed and I thought about. Just some time, a day off work, and free food. It sounds nice. And it's not really serious though. So, why not giving it a try. And if possible, I could just tell him that I am not interested in him

"I will"


Our cute Yoongi bear !!

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