Chapter 102 - Valkyries' Valour Part 3

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Nyx's proud smile froze and her eyes widened in fear when she saw Lazarus' epic fail. What was wrong with Laz? The famed Assassin had turned to fight another Imperial guard when his hunting knife had fallen from his hands. A stricken look crossed his handsome features before he crash landed unceremoniously onto the hulking orc. The next second, Lazarus was caught in a chokehold by the furious grey guard and slammed into the opposite wall.

Seeing her Chosen in trouble, Anya attacked Xaktol growling. Without breaking his stride, the battle experienced Captain of the Imperial guard swung his huge fists smashing the large wolf. Anya went down with a howl.

Nyx screamed in fear and rage. She was going to kill that orc!! How dare he throw her idol around like a rag doll. And Anya, poor, poor Anya!! He had hurt her. Laz, hold on, don't die on me. The female assassin attacked in fury.

Xaktol, distracted by Anya, did not have time to recover when he felt his body being pierced by several weapons simultaneously. He stood dumbly for a moment, looking surprised before falling heavily onto the ground. Two long twin knives, a spear and a wicked long sword stuck out from various parts of his brightening body. Nyx, Jinx and Valentine stood breathing heavily waiting for the orc's death. He did not disappoint them. Within seconds, Xaktol exploded magnificently whilst cursing profanities at the humans.

The injured white wolf crawled laboriously to her Chosen who was attempting to get himself off the floor but to no avail. His arms and body simply would not cooperate. He had nothing to show for his arduous efforts. Not only could he not control his body, the terrible lethargy was soon accompanied by the all too familiar suffocating constrictions in his chest. In a few moments, Lazarus was fighting for breath. Each time he inhaled felt like a thousand needles pricking his insides. Suddenly, he turned over grimacing to cough up dark blood. The constant numbing cold which had also suddenly intensified was not helping matters. His hands clutched feebly at his shirt, pressing onto his chest.


Anya finally reached Lazarus.

"Anya ..." the fallen Gatekeeper thought to his wolf.

"Chosen. I am here."

Lazarus, Health 23 per cent, Energy 5 per cent

The foul stench of the nauk dzi vras and impending death assaulted the wolf's sensitive nostrils. She snorted trying to cleanse her nose but the deadly magical miasma emanating from her Chosen would not fade. Carefully, strong jaws clamped down onto heavy cloth and leather as the familiar took hold of her incapacitated human. Painfully, she dragged the half-conscious Assassin slowly past fighting orcs across the floor to Constantine and Isis. The Priestess could save her Chosen. Right now, Isis was Anya's only hope.

"Uhh, Anya, be careful ..." Lazarus thought weakly to his wolf. "I don't want to be accidentally stepped on by any orc."

"I know, Chosen. Don't worry. I won't let you get squished."

Anya called Isis desperately when she neared the Priestess. "Vree and Kruk's Chosen! Help!!"

Isis immediately refocused her energies. She stopped her Offensive and scanned the Assassin, making her diagnosis in seconds. Keeping Constantine stable, she quickly infused Lazarus with some Energy. Next, she cast a powerful Healing spell on both the Gatekeeper and his Familiar. Warm white light enveloped the duo healing their injuries instantly.

Lazarus, Health 40 (max 40 per cent), Energy 100 Per cent

Anya, Health 100 per cent

"Ahhhhhh," Lazarus sighed in relief as the terrible pain and lethargy faded. Anya's stance also immediately improved as she righted her posture.

The Priestess could only do so much. Her own Health and Energies were depleting too. It took a lot to manipulate and control the basic avatar's life force; Health and Energy. It was worse when she healed Lazarus, his unique condition required extra from her. From her position, she had been constantly healing the others since she arrived in the orc realm. Her healing touch had reached the other Heroes from time to time, bright light flashing from her form to envelop the other human players briefly during their battles.

"Thanks Anya!!" He got up to hug his healed wolf tightly. She had pulled him to safety whilst she herself had been injured.

"Thank you Isis!!" the Assassin mouthed to the Priestess in gratitude. Thank the Gods for Isis. Without her high level Skills, he would still be uselessly writhing in agony on the floor. She smiled waving him back to the fight. Nodding, Lazarus bounded back to the centre of the hallway to reclaim his weapon and re-join what was left of the battle. "C'mon Anya!"

"Almost time!!" Isis called out to the other human girls. Their fifteen minutes of Valkyrie Valour was almost up. In one minute, they would soon be transported back to their own 'bodies'. Kirana, Nyx and Jinx nodded understanding. They were going to finish up and return together.

"Constantine, are you o'kay?"

"Yes, thank you for healing me. I got this now. I will not forget this, Isis." Then Red Warlock smiled sheepishly, "Please do not tell Kir how grateful I am."

Isis gave a small laugh, "Too late. I think she already knows. She was harping on the fact when she called us." She glanced at the miserable Warlock, "Good luck," she added mercilessly.

Constantine groaned mournfully. He would never hear the end of it from her now.

From inside the time shield, the Overlord had witnessed everything. He turned back to look fearfully at the jaav ukon, dread crushing his black heart. The human had been totally useless when suffering an episode. The only reason he had recovered so quickly and was even functional now was because his friend had healed him. Who knows how long an episode lasted at his late stage? If the female ghost lord had not been here, the pale one would probably still be spasming on the cold floor, weak and vulnerable. It was a position no orc could bear, especially not a prince destined to be the next Overlord. He had to be strong of body and mind to lead the rest. He must find a way to save his son.

Mallarg! The Overlord's eyes strayed to his former advisor. Mallarg must know something. He must be taken alive and interrogated.

Kalthu had moved in aggressively towards Mallarg before Xaktol had fully disintegrated. The dying Captain was helpless to save his master. The last thing he saw was the Warlord lifting his battle axe in a charge. He died thinking his master doomed, a terrible fate for the most steadfast loyal Imperial guard. He did not see Mallarg blocking Kalthu's attack with his stout magical staff saving himself.

The Necromancer's eyes narrowed and glowed an eerie red as he spat out incantations. A dark energy surged from his staff to blast Kalthu. The huge warrior recoiled, stumbling back as a sharp horrible burning smell filled the air in the vicinity. My beard!! He grunted in horrified dismay. The Warlord's beautifully tangled mess of facial hairs were singed and smoking. Hastily he beat at his face trying his best to minimise the damage. Sharn loved his big unruly bushy beard! He would not be as attractive without it!

Growling, Kalthu hefted his battle axe for another charge. Knowing what the Necromancer was capable off, he deliberately feinted low aiming for the spell caster's stomach. When Mallarg reacted to the bluff, Kalthu quickly shifted his stance to change the direction of his attack. His unexpected upswing caught Mallarg off guard, leaving a deep gaping gash on the Necromancer's chest. Mallarg had not been on the battle field for a long time, although his mind was sharp, his battle reflexes were rusty from disuse.

"Gaworrr!!" Mallarg howled in pain, the red glow fading from his eyes. Black ichor smeared his robes.

Seeing their Warlord triumph, orc warriors who were waiting in the side lines respectfully for their Warlord's one on one battle with the Necromancer, rushed in to ensure the traitor's capture.

The Holy Seer who had been supporting Kalthu and his warriors waved her hands and pointed a skinny finger at Mallarg. The Necromancer's staff fell from his hands as her magic took hold of him rendering the wounded orc helpless.

"Make sure he does not die. We need answers."

"Of courssse, My Lord," Thalasis replied, her reptilian eyes glittering with an unfathomable emotion. "He ssshall live."

"Give up Mallarg! You have lost." Kalthu placed the sharp edge of his weapon at the traitor's neck. "You are charged with treason against the throne. Your life is in the hands of the Overlord. What say you?"

Mallarg glared hatefully at the defenders. Grey warriors stood ready for any trouble. His Imperial guards in the hallway were all dead. Those outside would all surrender when they heard of his capture. He struggled half-heartedly knowing he had failed. The warrior prince's bloody axe was at his neck and his body unresponsive, held in check by one of the Seer's spell.

"I did what I had to do. The Overlord cares only for the jaav ukon and has neglected our people for far too long. He is not fit to be Overlord anymore."

Kalthu nicked Mallarg's neck so that ichor seeped out of a flesh wound. "Neither are you worthy, traitor. Your words are excuses. You have coveted the throne even before the poisoning of the little one."

Mallarg shrugged. "I would have been a better Overlord." Then he sneered in triumph, "He is dead anyway. There is no cure for the nauk dzi vras, the Witch said so."

Thalasis spoke up. "Perhapsss there isss no cure but sshe did ssay sssomething about overcoming it. There isss ssstill a way."

"You lie!! There is no cure!! NO CURE!!"

"Take him away," Kalthu commanded in disgust at the yelling Necromancer.

"You have not spoken to the Witch. No one knows where she is. No one can find her!! Not even I after that once." The Necromancer started laughing hysterically as he was being led away. "YOU LIE!! The jaav ukon is dead. HE IS DEAD!! THERE IS NO CURE!! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!!"

His maniac laughter and curses faded as the doors at the end of the hallway were thrown open and he was led away.

All turned to the Holy Seer. She smiled serenely and gestured, "Do not fret, my Lordsss. I have indeed found and ssspoken to the Witch. There isss a way. We will ssspeak of thisss later."

Kalthu quickly took things in hand. "Jarrakg, announce the capture of the traitor. Demand the Imperial guards' surrender and round them all up. Kill any who refuses."

"Sir!!" Jarrakg saluted smartly on his bloody chest and turned on his heels to carry out the order. He signalled to a few warriors who followed him out.

"Farewell everyone!! It was fun!" Kirana called out, attracting everyone's attention. She lifted her bloody spear and waved it. "Good fight!!"

Jarrakg paused to steal a glance at the fierce human Barbarian. He had noticed the leather and fur clad Gatekeeper fighting. She was merciless to the enemy, precise and decisive in her Kills. Her strength when she had pierced orc after orc with her wonderful spear was worthy of an orc. She yelled loud savage foreign sounding battle cries when she attacked.

"What a warrior! What a woman!" he muttered in appreciation. A warrior hit him on the back and whispered something urgently to him. Jarrakg threw Constantine a look and shrugged. She was the human spell caster's woman? Awww, what a waste. She needed a real warrior like him. Oh well, he would remember her, the ferocious pale one. He took one last look at her proud frame, grunted in disappointment and continued out. He had orders.

Isis tapped Constantine's shoulder. "I'm withdrawing."

"O'kay." Constantine adjusted his internal Energies. "Done."

Jinx blew Valentine a kiss. The handsome blond Gatekeeper grinned. He had regained his composure after hearing from Tania. She had re-spawn at home and was safe. His good spirits was further buoyed by fighting alongside Jinx. She had improved a lot and had been a great help.

Nyx's eyes were on Lazarus. She had experienced the fear and anguish of being able to do nothing when a loved one was in pain. The Assassin had felt so useless. She would thank Isis later for helping heal Laz. He was o'kay for now. "Bye!" she mouthed shyly to him. "Be well!"

Lazarus tilted his head and gave her a crooked smile in return. "Thank you. All of you." He gave her a thumbs-up. "Talk to you soon."

Then he unexpectedly winked cheekily at Nyx, making her blush.

The human girls held hands and faded out, their solid forms turning ghostly. Then they disappeared altogether leaving the orc realm.


"Oh my God! That was more than I expected!!" Kirana clasped her hands excitedly. She hugged Ginggar tightly glad that he was safe in this realm. She remembered how Tania had died and Anya wounded over and over whilst fighting the orcs. Ginggar, who had been waiting patiently for his Chosen to return, licked his pitch black nose and whuffed softly at her. Maybe now he could get his fish. His Chosen owed him a fish for passing on Xico's message.

"Yes it was!!" Jinx agreed. "And Valentine is still so handsome!!" she squealed. "Did you see the way he moved? He looks so damn hot in action!!" Then she sobered when she remembered his cold angry face when he was killing the orcs who had tortured and destroyed Tania. He could be scary too. She wouldn't want to be his enemy.


Isis opened her eyes and looked around. She was back in her chambers. The hanging key was gone and the meat treat jar was empty. The Priestess got up to look for her familiars. She found them curled up asleep in their basket. Gently, she covered her furry familiars with a small blanket.

"Sleep well. You both deserve it. Well done."


Nyx heard the curses before she opened her eyes.

"Stay back you horrible creatures! You are not getting anywhere near her understand? Not while I am still here!!"

Althea, Healer, Level 46. Health 45 per cent, Energy 37 per cent

Althea staggered back and threw a few small globes at the attacking NPCs. She was weakening. Althea had been killing goblins and had no time to replenish her Health or Energy. At least she had levelled up a level. There seemed no end to their numbers.

Althea!! She had left the Healer to fend off the goblin hordes whilst she was away. Apparently Althea had done so, successfully as she had not 'died' and re-spawned during the fight in Orcland. Nyx's eyes flew open to see a bloodied Althea fighting off five misshapen toothy goblins. Behind them, more of their brethren were approaching.

"I'm back!!" Nyx shouted as she charged the goblins swinging her double blades. "Thanks Althea!"

"Oh!!! Your back! Thank God!!" the Healer cried in relief.

Althea's violet eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Hurry, lets finish this dungeon so you can tell me what happened!!"

Nyx laughed. "The guys are more important than levelling?" she teased the Healer.

"Of course!!"

"Here, I'll hold them off for a bit. Top up your Health and Energy first!"

"Thanks!!" Quickly Althea gulped down two different coloured potions and stashed the vials back into her Inventory.

"Ready? Let's finish them!!"


Author's Note : Dear Readers, I will be taking a one month hiatus. I solemnly promise to be back in July 2019 to complete Orc Wars 2 after my Finals. Don't worry, I won't leave the story hanging. In the meantime take care and be well.

Sincere thanks to everyone for being so understanding.

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