Chapter 101 - Valkyries' Valour Part 2

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The four Heroes' spirits rose up to follow the mind link. Kirana led the way. They flew swiftly, their light ghostly bodies travelling through space. It was a scary but exhilarating experience. In no time, they arrived where the link ended, with Constantine, in the Stronghold, in the Orc realm. The four materialised and looked around. Everyone was fighting.

The Red Warlock was barely holding on. His head had dropped onto his bloody chest and he was swaying unsteadily.

Constantine, Health 41 per cent, Energy 32 per cent

Kirana took one look at the weakened warlock and called out urgently to Isis, "ISIS!! SAVE CONSTANTINE!!"

A bright healing light immediately shone onto the Warlock. Isis was staring directly at him, controlling her power which streamed from her open palms. Constantine's ugly wound stopped bleeding and started closing.

Constantine, Health 71 per cent (and climbing steadily), Energy 32 per cent

"Aaahhhhh!!" the Warlock moaned in relief from the pain.

"Do your energy transfer thingie!"

The blue healing light faded as the Priestess concentrated to redirect her mind for the next task. The complicated procedure firmly in her mind, she gathered her powers and Energy. Isis opened her mind guardedly. She was ready to be a conduit for Energy transfer and control.

"Ready?" Isis cued her Valkyrie sisters before drawing on their energy and flooded Constantine carefully. She was in her element. The Warlock jerked up suddenly alert.

Constantine, Health 95 per cent (still climbing), Energy 61 per cent (and increasing)

"Kir!! You made it ..." he gulped in relief, " ... and you brought the others."

"Yes, I made it just in time. Never, never, ever do that again. You scared me."

Jinx's eyes searched for Valentine. She heaved a sigh of relief when she found her Thief attacking a battle crazed orc with abandon. One just exploded beside him. The blond gatekeeper was icky with black ichor on his clothes. Blood ran down the side of his handsome face. He was snarling fiercely as he lifted his long sword to cut down the orc before him. Without stopping, he charged past an enemy to target another huge orc two bodies away. Valentine hefted his sword and attacked savagely.

Jinx's eyes widened. Why was Valentine choosing enemies? Shouldn't they all be the same?

"What's wrong with him? Why is he so mad?" Jinx asked quietly. She had never seen him so angry.

"They killed Tania minutes ago. Those three ... pulled her live body apart. They ripped her to pieces in front of him." Constantine said quietly through gritted teeth. He had witnessed the horrific event.

Nyx gulped. Kirana clenched her teeth in anger and Isis balled her fists.

"Oh. Poor Tania, poor Val." Jinx blinked back sudden tears, squared her shoulder and lifted her spear. She too could feel the rage building inside. "I will help him ... Kirana? Please evoke the battle code."

Kirana nodded. Since she had summoned them, she had to be the one to evoke the second part. She too wanted to punish those who put Constantine in that state. Evoking Valkyries Valour allowed them to travel as one mind. Now, they would fight together.

"Valkyries' Battle Code evoked!!"

The four beautiful Heroes were bathed in a golden light. They now had the infamous Valkyrie's' powers of super strength, agility, speed and a higher pain threshold ... at least for a full fifteen minutes. It should be enough time to help the guys. When the powerful glow faded, the furious battle ready Heroes hefted their various weapons.

Kirana and Jinx joined the war immediately, screaming battle cries on top of their lungs. A few orcs were startled at the high pitch yells but continued fighting when the new combatants attacked Mallarg's guards. The new crazy pale faces were on their side.

"Aaiiieeee!!" screamed Jinx.

An Imperial guard had caught Jinx from behind and was squeezing her whole trying to crush her spine. She was lifted bodily from the ground, legs kicking in the air. The Barbarian grimaced at the unexpected attack but held on. Thank God for the special temporary Valkyries' strength, without it she was not sure is she could withstand the pressure of the orc's steel like arms around her. His death grip loosened slightly when Kirana leapt onto his back to stab him with her long spear. Without waiting, Jinx took advantage of his distraction to slip out of his back bear hug. She landed lightly on her feet, turned swiftly and plunged her own spear into his grey flesh. The two Barbarians backed away as the Imperial guard exploded into bright pixels.

Isis stood guard next to Constantine and hurled spells at the enemy. All manner of colours, blasts, vapours and smoke came from her outstretched hands. Her beautiful angular face was a mask of concentration as she worked to clear immediate threats to the warlock. The Priestess ensured his Energy levels were sufficient as he worked to stabilise the Time shield. He would be o'kay on his own once he was fully healed in a few more seconds, until then she would protect him.

Nyx had spotted Lazarus. The Assassin was defending his injured familiar. Anya bared her sharp canine teeth at the orc facing her snarling fiercely but she was obviously in pain. The wolf was limping on three legs, white hide streaked with red blood and black ichor. Mallarg's Imperial guard was also wounded. Gooey ichor seeped from his shoulder and knees. He was having trouble staying upright.

The pair had him. As one, Lazarus and Anya attacked the orc. He went down with a crash as the gatekeeper jumped on him plunging his hunting knife deep into the guard's already injured shoulder. Anya ripped out one, then both his kneecaps and leapt away as the orc fell heavily howling in pain. The grey one combusted into tiny fragments just as Lazarus scooted off to crouch beside Anya. Chosen and familiar worked well together.

Nyx headed towards her mentor. She would help him. Twirling her sharp double blades expertly, she jumped up the nearest available foothold, which just happened to be an ally orc, to get leverage. The female assassin parkoured her way to Lazarus, slashing and inflicting random wounds as she passed. Orcs roared in her wake, some in surprised pain at the sudden mortal wounds they received and others at the irritating leaping lightweight human who was using them to move forward.

Lazarus sensed the newly arrived presence even as he continued his systematic killing spree. Quickly he gestured instructions to Nyx, he was not going to waste energy shouting above the din. Help Khaltu! Break the protective orc ring around Mallarg. Capturing the Necromancer was imperative. Once they caught Mallarg, the rebellion would be over. He was making his way there too.

The Necromancer was wreaking havoc from his 'safe' position. His grey lips never ceased their chanting, his busy hands gestured in intricate designs, calling forth energy and power. Lightning crackled to strike down several of the warlord's warriors.

A lone spear flew into the ring almost hitting the spell caster when an Imperial guard sacrificed his life for his master. Kirana's spear pierced through leather and thick hide to rupture his black heart. The huge guard exploded magnificently, adding to the random flares of dying NPCs. Mallarg did not cease his spell casting but his black beady eyes darted to the beautiful Barbarian marking her for death.

Kirana glared directly at him unafraid. She raised her hand and another intricately decorated spear appeared in it. This orc had hurt Constantine. He would pay for that. Sensing danger, Kirana somersaulted backwards gracefully. A spiked club swung at the space where she had just been. The grey guard grunted disgruntled at his miss. Turning from his momentum to attack the little pale one again, his face was kicked by her furry booted feet. The fierce Barbarian had pole vaulted using her sturdy spear to get leverage. The impact made the orc stumble backwards. Before he could regain his balance, Kirana had already landed lightly on her feet and impaled him. She smiled in satisfaction showing her white perfect teeth. At her high level Research and Skills, her Barbarian's strength and accuracy was already at its peak. Adding the Valkyrie's temporary powers to it, she was seriously over powered. She loved the awesome feeling. Kirana yanked out her sturdy weapon from the dying orc to select another target.

Whilst the Warlord's warriors were dealing with the Imperial guards, Kalthu, Jarrakg, Thalasis and the human ghost lords concentrated on breaking the Necromancer's protective ring. Unfortunately, the traitorous Imperial guards were loyal to Mallarg and willing to die for him ... and die they did. One after another exploded, dying at the hands of the defenders. Their numbers dwindled steadily. Kalthu was determined to take Mallarg down once and for all. He would ensure the revolt's failure.

Nyx smiled. It was awesome seeing her idol in action. She saw him briefly feeding Anya a healing potion before returning to the fight. Mallarg's ring of Imperial guards had thinned considerably. The defense would break through to the traitor anytime if not for one particularly stubborn battle scarred guard at the Necromancer's side. It was the infamous Captain of the Imperial guards, Xaktol. Lazarus signaled Valentine. Together they would bring him down allowing Kalthu and Thalasis to take Mallarg down.

The Gatekeepers attacked from both flanks. Lazarus and Valentine worked well together, taking turns harassing Xaktol. They darted in and out under his trunk-like arms inflicting wounds all over his body. Soon, black ichor dripped from several cuts. He bellowed in frustration. If only these pesky humans would stay still for a moment, he would bash both their heads together!

The two Ghost Lords did not go unscathed. Both were breathing hard and sporting several injuries of their own. The Captain of the Imperial guards was fast and battle experienced. Finally, Valentine found an opportunity.

"Laz!!" Valentine gestured. Lazarus understood the plan immediately and got ready.

The handsome blond Thief darted in, sliding on the slippery marbled floor under the orc's wicked mace to slash savagely at thick grey thighs. Sliding out behind the orc, Valentine rolled into a crouch ready to give a leg up to Lazarus. The waiting Assassin wasted no time. Quickly, he stepped lightly into the Thief waiting hands and was hurled into the air. Lazarus flew up like an acrobat, silver eyes trained onto the orc's exposed jugular. He angled his lithe body for maximum impact, enhanced hunting knife aimed for the killing blow.

Lazarus was about three feet away from his target when his hunting knife fell cluttering to the floor from nerveless fingers.

"No, no, no, NO!!! NOT NOW!!" Lazarus cried in frustration as energy left his body and severe lethargy set in. He couldn't believe his rotten luck. This was absolutely the worst time for the poison to act up. The Assassin lost control his limbs at the crucial time rendering him helpless.

Valentine, watching Lazarus in anticipation, sucked in his breath and gaped in trepidation. He couldn't believe his eyes as the Assassin's prized hunting knife fell from his loosened grip. Lazarus' precise killing pose slackened, his body's perfect form relaxed awkwardly in mid-air, ruining his Kill. The Thief grimaced as his friend flopped lifelessly onto Xaktol, hitting the impressive grey orc squarely on his muscled neck.

"Owrrraaarrr!!!" the orc Captain roared surprise, his black beady eyes rolling in his sockets to find the source of irritation. His legs were bleeding and on fire after being cut by that sneaky human and now this. Is this the human's way of fighting? What kind of strange ridicules tactic was this? In all his years of combat, he had never encountered such obviously useless fighting strategy. One simply does not throw himself bodily at the enemy in hopes of bringing him down. What was the human thinking?

The extra weight hanging on his shoulder was bearing down onto his wounded legs. Angrily, Xaktol picked up the limp human in a choke-hold and threw him forcefully across the room. The body crashed into a wall and fell to the floor. It did not move but neither did it explode. The miserable pale ones were tougher than they looked. He growled in irritation and turned back to more urgent business like killing off the other sneaky human. He would let someone else finish off that other pale one.

Against the far wall, Lazarus pushed himself up but fell back down heavily onto the polished floor as his arms gave way. Cursing silently, he tried again and again until the dreaded familiar constriction started squeezing his chest. The Gatekeeper began shaking violently. Ugh, what horrible timing, he thought helplessly as he fought against the sharp chest pains and intensifying cold in his veins.

The din of the intense fighting around him faded into the background as Lazarus focused desperately to stay conscious.

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